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Everything posted by Katphood

  1. -Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness(would really like to know what good ol' @Mamoulian War thinks of this one ) -Prototype: Biohazard Bundle -Darksiders III All for the PS4.
  2. Man...I hate it when a new entry is VR. Just make an adventure game similar to season 1-3.
  3. Blair Witch Volume II: The Legend of Coffin Rock OST
  4. @Chilloutman Someone out there did read our minds.
  5. Not sure what to make of that. Bungie have been making Destiny 1 & 2 for the past decade. What are they going to develop now? Probably a new online shooter at some point. Maybe Sony should have bought Digital Extremes.
  6. This is how I feel every time one of my cats barfs on the carpet:
  7. I am going to send this to dad:
  8. I think it's from the director of the Silent Hill/Siren/Gravity Rush games. I doubt it. I place my bet on an Action Adventure/Horror title. Never knew Akira Yamaoka could play the electric guitar...
  9. This little lady is growing up to be a fine women: She puts her cheek bones next to my face and wraps her arms around my neck. I can feel it when she has a dream and her face twitches! Edit: Here we are:
  10. What is this, why doesn't Slitterhead get any love?
  11. Halo: Infinite multiplayer. It's free and it's delicious!
  12. Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is free on Steam until December 14th and you get to keep it. Highly recommend. It's better than RDR. Fight me!
  13. Ahhh, Austria... To me, heaven is basically Vienna in the 90's.
  14. Wow. Battlefield Portal seems to have stolen the spotlight from 2042:
  15. The GTA Trilogy Remastered is missing some 40+ songs from Vice City and San Andreas. Oh well, I guess I just stick to the older versions or just mod the PC version.
  16. I am posting this here because I want EA and DICE to go bankrupt:
  17. I think the shooting mechanics have changed and are much closer to GTA V now. If that's true then I'll be more than happy to try them out. Controls in the original games weren't the best.
  18. Let's be honest here, this looks way better than we expected.
  19. Tried Akiba's Trip. The fighting system leaves a whole lot to be desired honestly. This game seems to be more of a visual novel at heart, but we'll see.
  20. Merkel: 'Ok, now that I am done tidying up the office, it's finally time to start looking for that goddamn dog...SEBASTIAN! Where are you boy?!'
  21. Nier - Snow in Summer 'Welcome to Depression: The Game. We hope you regret your stay'
  22. The Eternal Cylinder is 30 bucks on the PSN. Hmm, that's quite a lot of money but damn, I have such a bad craving for a weird game like that right now.
  23. Man, what the hell is wrong with these guys? More mobile games?
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