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Everything posted by Katphood

  1. GTA IV: TLAD Trying to win all the gang wars before going for the endgame.
  2. That was a good read. I was planning on giving GTA: Online another go but not anymore. The first time I tried it felt pretty empty, not much has changed it seems. Only more content that is wasted on the godawful multiplayer mode.
  3. Maybe Sony should buy Valve?
  4. Say hello to WolfenTurok 3D!
  5. This is possibly one of greatest trailers I've seen: Yeah, I know: when the trailer ends being better than the actual game. EDIT: The trailer for SCORN is pretty sick! EDIT 2: The original Dishonored had an awesome trailer:
  6. Dang, my nostalgia meter is through the roof: Never know why people ended up hating this game so much, but this trailer is awesome: Ocarina of Time promo trailer: ^still have this babe on a VHS promo tape for the N64, took me some time to find it on YouTube though
  7. Both Amnesia games are free: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-01-25-amnesia-the-dark-descent-and-a-machine-for-pigs-are-currently-free-on-pc
  8. We bought a Commodor 64 back in 1989 and the rest is history as the say. One reason I'll never forget that Commodor 64 -and gaming in general- is because the years before that(particularly 1987) were the last years of the War_of_the_Cities and I lost count on how many times I crapped myself when the sirens went off. Good times...
  9. Back to Yakuza 0. Damn, these guys can make a quest about taxes and it still ends up being fun.
  10. Whenever Berlin rejoice rest of Europe shivers Ahahahaha! Dat comment!
  11. Well, here's some more!
  12. GOG!
  13. Man, I miss the 90's.
  14. Gotta say, I'm loving Xbox Game Pass.
  15. Never gets old!
  16. Best way to stop a horse carriage in AC: Origins: shoot one of the horses* with a sleeping dart! *no horses were harmed in the making of this comment.
  17. I play a little bit of Blood every now and then and damn...this game is still loads and loads of fun after all these years.
  18. What the hell is going on, Sony?!
  19. I would love to try that but my backlog is exploding: Yakuza 0, Fallout 4, AC: Origins...
  20. The bows in AC: Origins are fun as hell to experiment with. You have rapid firing bows, bows that change to first person view for accuracy, bows that take longer to shoot but have a strong impact, bows that fire 5 arrows at a time... This is one AC game where weapons are actually fun to use.
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