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Everything posted by Katphood

  1. Nevermind the trailer, Kojima has a great taste when it comes to music. Death Stranding OST - Asylum for the Feelings
  2. Hmmm, any V-Rally fans out there?
  3. Well, I understand William Gibson. He didn't mean that the trailer wasn't cyberpunk enough to him, he was turned off by the similarities between the games tone and the GTA games. Indeed, the trailer seems like a copy of the first GTA V trailer at times, like that part where they are beating some guy outside of a nightclub. That's sooooo early 2000 it makes you forget about anything cyberpunk. The game itself seems to be pretty big though, so we can safely assume that we have only seen a small part of what the game has to offer. My guess is that it will be a Deus Ex like game but with more story and less stealth. I enjoyed playing The Witcher 3 and once Cyberpunk 2077 is out, I think I'll be all over it. Buttom line: Video games are fun as hell! Don't believe me? Watch this: Hooray for Sony who bring great classics to our living room, and then go ahead to have those classics released on Steam so a bunch of PC elitists can stop whining so quietly. Dang, I need a new rig.
  4. Nope, I was surprised as well. I guess Gearbox Software is still busy with the development of the game. I want a new Borderlands as well but I guess I'll let Rage 2 scratch that itch.
  5. It's cool, don't mind the game being short. For old farts like myself, that is actually a good thing. The season pass is one helluva rip-off though. 50 bucks for a total of 6 hours of rehashed levels? You gotta be kidding me...
  6. Yeah, feels very similar to Deus Ex, based on the gameplay impressions. Trailer was just bad I guess.
  7. Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay impressions: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-06-13-we-watched-50-minutes-of-uncut-cyberpunk-2077-gameplay-and-interviewed-cd-projekt-about-it "You have an apartment and can have one-night stands with people. (We see V wake up from one of these just as her fleeting partner walks out of her apartment.)" So you DO play as Geralt afterall.
  8. I am growing old as well. I have fewer playing sessions and they usually don't last more than an hour. Gone are the days when I would sit there and play Red Alert 2 skirmishes all by myself. *weeps*
  9. Wolfenstein II It's still one of the better FPS games out there. The shooting is nice, the cinematics are great and it runs at a sweet 60fps on the base PS4. I also like the perk system, it enciurages different playstyles and rewards the player adequetly.
  10. https://youtu.be/FLIUIO8RCJ8 Looks AWESOME! PlayStation 4 haz no exclusives! That is great news though, more people need to play the Yakuza games.
  11. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus for the PS4. Decided to skip the season pass even though it is already on sale.
  12. The original game was clearly made with a sequel in mind. You probably would've noticed that if you ever finished the original game and watched the ending.
  13. Totally agree with you, SonicMage. Ghost of Tsushima's graphics are honestly the best I've seen so far. As for Fallout 76, it might not be a favorite but I am definitely interested in trying it at some point. While it certainly isn't going to be a good Fallout game, it might turn out to be a fun survival game. I also don't mind giving my money to Bethesda because in my honest opinion, they aren't evil in any kind of way like some other rotten studios out there such as Gearbox(Borderlands 3 missing in action anyone?) or EA. Let me know if you want to coop it with me. I have the xbox/ps4 and can play the game on either system. Also, I forgot to add one of the biggest surprises at this e3 to my favorites: Beyond Good & Evil 2! Just as I thought, Michel Ancel is a true genius and always manages to deliver...except for 'Wild' maybe.
  14. Favorite games: -Dying Light 2 -Ghost of Tsushima -Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice -Rage 2 -Resident Evil 2 Remake -Spider Man -Control <- new game by Remedy Entertainment -Dragon Quest XI -Metal Wolf Chaos Remaster -Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Disappointed: -Cyberpunk 2077: It's pretty obvious that it's trying to be like a GTA game. It will be fun no doubt but I wanted Cyberpunk 2077, not Ghettopunk 2019. -Death Stranding: sorry, Kojima. But at this point I expect to see something other than handprints appearing out of thin air for the 4th ****ing time in a trailer. -The Last of Us Part II: not a bad game by any means, I just find Ellie to be super annoying and unlikeable. That and her character doesn't seem to have 'matured' since the first game which also begs the question: 'How does she mow down a herd of armed robbers all by herself? Is she secretly Chuck Norris?!'
  15. Some people expected Death Stranding to be an action game so they are calling it 'bored-to-death Stranding' I think Death Stranding and Cyberpunk 2077 both turned out to be a little different than what people expected them to be.
  16. Ghost of Tsushima looks incredible. Spider Man and The Last of Us part II look great. Death Stranding feels like a spiritual successor to Silent Hill 2.
  17. Some people are posting #notmygrease and I totally agree, no grease is Grease without John Travolta.
  18. The main character in AC: Odyssey looks cute.
  19. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey is all about killing my fellow Persians.
  20. Beyond Good & Evil 2, babe!
  21. Dying Light 2 and Rage 2 are my picks so far. Rage 2 is trippy as hell and it delivers exactly what it is promissing: some good ol' shooting and driving. Dying Light 2 is basically Dying Light + Chris Avellone which is totally awesome. Will check out the Ubisoft and Sony conferances to see if they can surprise me with anything other than Death Stranding.
  22. Now that most of the trash is out of the way, the Sony conferance can begin.
  23. Dying light was a great game with an interesting world to explore. Totally excited for Dying Light 2 as I am sure Chris Avellone can expand that world in many meaningful ways. My only concern? Bugs and performance issues. Techland is know for that and Avellone will definitely make the game a whole lot more complex which isn't going to make Techland's job any easier. Btw, that Cyberpunk 2077 trailer looked like a mod for GTA 5.
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