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About Azrayel

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    So dark...
  1. Red blue and green in that last picture were so atop each-other it just sort of clashed for me, like at first glance I thought it was a splice together of three separate images. I'm sure the way it flows in game will be very different and I'm not aboard the Monochromatic train, so I shall reserve my judgement for now//but I'd just say the "modern" Glanfathan elf stuff seems to be very well-themed in pallet and texture.
  2. As someone with 159 friends on Steam; : Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is owned by 3 others I've talked to all of them and none of them actually played more than like the intro. : Thief: Deadly Shadows is owned by five other people, only one has played more than an hour of it. : Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD is owned by only me but Stronghold Crusader HD isn't; couldn't tell you which of the two I played (would've been in offline mode) but fun game.
  3. one extended sequence depicts characters getting anally probed by alien creatures Core content indeed, good sir, indeed!
  4. Have y'all considered a suite of randomized questions we should be able to figure out, like "Finish this phrase: Pillars of _______"? I know lots of people turn to that over Captcha but iGuess it runs the risk of someone really wanting into your system and finding out all the answers.
  5. iK,r? I'd say I've seen some pretty flat art in my day; lots of paintings at the US National Gallery, for instance still, I get what he's saying, even if it's simplistic and I wouldn't say you can disqualify anything as "art" so easily as it lacking a component one would prefer. It's like when people propogate the delusion of binary gender!
  6. The highlighted part is what makes me question you know what you're talking about. Chinese people? You mean the Han? They're basically the only people allowed to be in government or make money in a meaningful way, but there are Chinese Peoples. The brown, Muslim Uyghur who recently had a genocide conducted against them? They've grown to accept this? The Zhuang who grew out of Guangxi and speak mutually unintelligible dialects which resemble phonetically but are not Chinese? China is a multi-ethnic state teeming with unrest and surrounded by increasingly faulty attempts to censor the 'net. While "the Communist Party" is still effectively the only party, Beijing is starting to deal with other figureheads cropping up in other localities' Communist Parties. Top that off with all of the remaining states they border having anti-China pacts with not only one another but also the US, and you see a burgeoning blob straining to press out of its britches even as its organs seek to break loose from its blood-red seam. It isn't a place of complacancy because the midnight news hasn't been able to tell the Western World about the fine detail goings-on since Tiananmen, and we do the Chinese Peoples a disservice to insinuite from ignorance they are complacent in all of this.
  7. A great example of this is Yahtzee's new freeware, side-on survival Lovecraftian-horror game The Consuming Shadow. You've got 72 hours to save not-Britain from the encroaching terror by figuring out a 4-rune banishment ritual. Every random dungeon (it's a roguelike) contains more clues to the invading God's identity-- it's randomized each time and there are several-- and sometimes occult texts to teach you spells (that eat up your sanity). It gives you xp after every go round (EDIT: to specify, after each death your deeds are scored and it accumulates over play-throughs) and each level gives you a new bonus point to spend on game start in various factors. As safe towns turn into dungeons an you slowly begin to realize the patterns you're losing time even as you're making strides and getting game-changing equipment. Anyway, enough rant-- I highly recommend you try this if you're someone interested in flow as anxiety v control. http://www.fullyramblomatic.com/conshadow/ Also: Mihaly, never heard of him but the wikipedia article already has me hooked. Thanks for edutaining me, fellow formite.
  8. Better'n'uttin; Still trying to guess what el big updatio is though. Big newz or showing off lots of stuff I'yde guess, the vertikal slyce mayhaps.
  9. Can we hope to see glimpses of geography (i.e.: maps) beyond the Dyrwood and its immediate surroundings in P.E./the bonus materials? It's been pretty fascinating trying to figure this stuff out.
  10. I don't think one can describe second generation or third generation Englishers of being capable of deportation to anyone other than England. Although now I think of it, I suppose we could legally just send them to the Orkneys. They can try causing trouble up there. My dear Red Blooded Britain, this is what Australia was made for! Tally ho I say, tally ho.
  11. In a word: why? I understood the pitch as a personal journey rather than a "save teh world or **** it up trying" quest. It was a refreshing pitch, and if the world is apathetic unchanged uncaring towering above the player in cruel rigidity even as they spiral through personal cataclysm is that not narratively interesting in and of itself, so long as it doesn't come across as poor design?
  12. I generally see it as a collateral damage factor. Like if they get trapped in an AoE in a crowded room or they're prisoners and you're trying to free them or maybe they pick pocket you and you decide to be a l'il bit unreasonable about it... I mean, I can think of lots of scenarios in which the player kills the kid NPC-- but what about NPCs killing the kids!? In Skyrim if a dragon hoses down a child: nothing, nada, zilch. You don't watch in horror as you fail to save their young life. That makes them emotional deadweights good only for bitching and moaning and making people go make mods to let others kill them because they're so annoying. I say the game was funded by people who put their money where their mouth was about faith in these devs; is it too much more of a stretch to hope these people will only execute sensitive points in the game sensibly? Obviously we all have our own sensibilities, but ****, who's taking Les Mis down for kids getting killed? Nobody. It adds emotional impact the way games use the death of love interests, mentors, and companions-- the difference is games are much more trapped by the tropes that are permissible and it's become a creative padded room. If the fans cry boo before hearing Obby out I think it'll dampen the vibes of creativity; even if not very much, I really would hate to see that happen to PE. So whatever our view generally on the subject, pretty much all sides with at least a valid argument for theirs being represented in this very thread, can we at least come to a consensus that the guys making this game will handle it well however it turns out? Hopefully. Anywho. ~Azrayel
  13. "even distant Rauatai" And now I want to know more!
  14. A lovely update, though any update without Tim Cain photo-shopped to something silly and more video of him playing Arcanum feels like it could use a bit of animancy-- holy shazbot the wyrk he's doing on Strongholds sounds great! I can only imagine the potentially hilarious encounters; although, honestly, throwing a party and inviting your favorite NPCs could be even better than vagabonds and ghastly horrors assailing it. Which leads me to the question... How much money do you need for a Sid Meier's Pirates esque dancing miniGame? Think of the applications! Conflict resolution outside of skill checks for navigating high society!
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