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Everything posted by Gene3

  1. There you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sda6zjuyqnc7s62/01f6609f9f2844b3ba6481afbac3fa93%2014377019%20EndlessPathsofOdNuaLevel3.savegame?dl=0 Thanks Stillquest!
  2. Hi Stillquest I'm having the same problem, thanks for all your help! Edit; Also Pallegina seems to be too fast while my PC monk is slow. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dwjgwws6ooxhjtj/01f6609f9f2844b3ba6481afbac3fa93%2014377019%20EndlessPathsofOdNuaLevel3.savegame?dl=0
  3. Since the game is not turn based i'd rather they move away from D&D and build a system that works with real time combat. D&D needs turn based to shine, like the combat in Knights of the Chalice or Temple of Elemental Evil.
  4. You haven't played Torment? I hope you're planning to, great game.
  5. Borrowed from the Codex, sorry I just couldn't help myself
  6. I'm not really into the house idea in general, hopefully one of the stretch goals will be to upgrade this 'house' into a stronghold similar to NWN 2 replete with quests and a town type area with merchants, etc.
  7. Huge resource sink if we're talking modern cinematic cutscences, if they just want to do a voice over with some rolling text it's probably no biggie.
  8. Throwing knives Poison (Poisoned weapons, poisoned globes for throwing).
  9. Think of it as people playing people playing make believe with their video game, made worse because there's no real human interaction. Not sure what you want to call it... CLARPing (Computer Live Action Roleplaying)?
  10. PE is just inspired by the Infinity Ingine, Obsidian will be using Unity which has modern multiplatform support (same engine Wasteland 2 is using to make their game).
  11. Shapeshifter would be interesting, you'd never have to worry about in game xenophobia again.
  12. Trash Combat MMO mechanics & Cool downs Randomised items Level scaling Awesome button Quick Time Events Lack of meaningful choices & consequences Pandering Just about every character is bi-sexual and romanceable
  13. As long as they don't mistake 'mature' for 'grimdark', I suspect i'll be happy.
  14. I remember people who pledged for Wasteland 2 and were then trying to get changes made to make a it a totally different game, it doesn't make any sense but it happens.
  15. Have you ever actually done larp? Why would you assume I'm a hypocrite? ??? Larping is great, especially contact-LARP. LARPing is ok if it involves getting some.
  16. Death animations are fine, but finishing moves as I know them are just a tedious time sink and a waste of resources.
  17. Mod tools are a much better idea, solves the problem without dictating everyones' experience or pandering to one particular view. P.S. LARPing is bad, m'kay.
  18. I'd pay if the romance option involves a one night stand, the PC is then dumped, has their stuff stolen and is then left 'forever alone'.
  19. It's great to see all this enthusiasm, i signed up just so i could post in this thread. I can imagine that having more creative control, must get you closer to what most people starting out in your industry always talk about, making the games you want to make! Something Obsidian might not always get with the industries current structure. Your team must have some ideas brewing (ideas publishers knocked back?), I hope that the setting you pick is one Obsidian is excited about so it gets made with a lot of love, and has plenty of creative scope. Perhaps an original IP but definitely one with creative scope, maybe a Planescape like setting? A Hard Sci-Fi or World of Darkness style setting in the far future? Or zombie survival ALA Dead state (Brian Mitsoda)? Kickstarter might also be an opportunity to bring people like Brian Mitsoda back on board in time (though i don't know the circumstances of his leaving), perhaps one day you'll have an Obsidian Indie division working on kickstart projects on sub AAA funding, and it be low risk and profitable. I definitely have a preference in terms of the combat system, turn based in the tradition of Fallout Tactics, Age of Decadence Demo and Temple of Elemental evil (isometric or at least an NWN style view). But if you guys aren't excited by that i don't see the point. As long as the game has certain elements, you will find many AAA things aren't needed, like top of the line graphics, stacks of cinematics, full voice acting, etc, so your kick starter budget can be set accordingly. Whether or not you make the game i want to see made, i really hope you champion this model and that it's a big success, it might change the industry enough so some companies do make the games i want to see made. Also few quick bullet points that other people have mentioned. Toolset would be a great plus Tolkien Fantasy setting would be a minus Mature setting (this does not mean grimdark with boobies n romances)
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