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Everything posted by Gabrielle

  1. She's communing with the dead.
  2. This is bloody strange.
  3. Another reason why consoles suck. And yes I have a console, well my BF, but we have thge game in both formats. PC rules.
  4. Guess that would be slurred hand written words? I can walk a straight line still.
  5. Uh no I can hold my own thank you veryy much.
  6. Uhh don't know. I'm a wee bit tipsy right now. Coke and Rum tend to do that.
  7. But what is normal? Is the view of the world in my eyes normal? Or is it seen by others normal?
  8. What do they say about a woman scorned?
  9. Revan is a girl. Only a female could be so charismatic and manipulative.
  10. By the gods. I'm tempted to play Russian Roulette with all six chambers full when I keep seeing post like this.
  11. I fail to see the logic of this thread.
  12. I'll let he picture do the talking.
  13. I must have missed something some where. I thought JE already worked here. None of the less he better get his butt back here with the old crew.
  14. Doubtful I would like it. Revan is a female in my eyes.
  15. Blood Raven
  16. Like many good posts that go off track they gain the attention of the Mighty Green One who likes to close threads that wonder off the beaten track. We don't want that to happen.
  17. Never tried D20. I'm stuck with the good old AD&D system. And no I won't play 3rd ed either.
  18. This thread started out good but now it's:
  19. Not cannon there for no good.
  20. K2 One Game to Rule Them All
  21. Mazzy? LOL I found her attitude more holier than thou than Bastila. Hale is more sexy with Bastila. My question is why are the male romances so lame? Everything from their dialogues and voices.
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