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Everything posted by Gabrielle

  1. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
  2. That explains a lot. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmmm?
  3. I can. Every game has something cut from it. It's very normal. The game creators keep getting ideas that they can add to the game but because they have to release it sometime they get rid of the non essential stuff slap what's left together and sell it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Plus you get ansy publishers who throw fits about the release of the game. " We want it done now! We want it out Now Now!
  4. He said that when Atton was bent over picking up the soap from the floor.
  5. Nomi is sexy but not in the game.
  6. I caught Disciple hitting on Hanharr.
  7. HK-47 in both. I love his psychotic wit and humor.
  8. Why the hell is this post still open? Where's a mod when you need them?
  9. Remind me never to get on your bad side. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You're too cool for that.
  10. I just lost the urge to eat.
  11. Castration would be just clean fun.
  12. Like Calax? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> but the other pen name i go by is lucifer and i don't think many people would appriciate that... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Nah that's cool.
  13. Leavin Krie would kill the story if ya did.
  14. I voted Kotor, but where's Fallout? It's a classic.
  15. I think he asked Lucas if he could be in it, like a cameo role. But his role became bigger as we all can see.
  16. By the way Half life sucks. Now can we get back on topic?
  17. Ridicules that the bald headed man could have won. :ph34r:
  18. Have the wookies do a train on Disciple.
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