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Everything posted by Gabrielle

  1. The search button is your friend.
  2. Just reading the heading makes this a stupid idea. Next.
  3. Cool dude.
  4. This post sucks. I was looking for some insightful debate and intelligent conversation but I must have come to the wrong post or forum?
  5. I don't know if its been said and I don't feel like looking over 12 pages but release mod tools so you can make your own custom mods likes NWN.
  6. Sounds boring and dull. Actually it sounds like far to many reloads would be involved.
  7. Only after what LA says it can or can not fix though.
  8. Look here for fixes and other related issues in the future. The patch relies in LA hands not OE.
  9. You scored as Darth Vader. You are most like Darth Vader. You sacrificed everything in your life to save the lives of your wife and your unborn children; The Republic, The Jedi Order and your own peace. You fear lack of control above all else. You train your own variant of the lightsaber form Shien/Djem So in which taking advantage of your opponents strengths is trained. Chanelling defense into offense is key. You lived up to your title of The Chosen One when you sacrificed yourself to eradicate the empire and to restore the Republic. You finally achieved preservation of self after death. Darth Vader 93% Anakin Skywalker 93% Darth Maul 82% Mace Windu 79% Exar Kun 75% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pre Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 71% Darth Sidious 71% Luke Skywalker 71% Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus 64% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Post Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 64% Yoda 57% Qui-Gon Jinn 57% Bastila Shan 57% Darth Revan 57%
  10. G0T0 still sucks no matter how many polls that are dedicated to who is useless/sucks.
  11. Depends on their alignment for one thing. It also seems to be that the Exile was a top ranking member (general that is good in strategy) in Revan's inner circle. The Exile walked away from Revan which he/she may resent depending on their alignment. Something like this could cause conflict.
  12. Nope I've gotten them at other times. But killing Vrook is still a good idea.
  13. Diablo 2 rules online. I haven't played it online in a while but I think I'll start that up when I have free time.
  14. Desert Eagle 44 Mag.
  15. More planets the better. Use 'em.
  16. I hate Vrook and killed him in a couple of games and left the others alive. The nerve of the other masters turning on me. I was doing the Jedi Order a favor, killing Vrook.
  17. Should be a female Revan with Bastila.
  18. Downsized by the time the Clone Wars era happened. All massive superpowers will have to do that eventually otherwise they would backrupt their country/interstellar empire. "
  19. You do? Show me a couple? I used this one because it's my favorite of her. It comes from one of the Knights of the Old Republic comics.
  20. It was a name of a Van Hagger, I mean Van Halen album.
  21. Cool thanks. When I had this image uploaded it blurred it a little when it shrunk down.
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