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Everything posted by Moose

  1. And then there's leaks like this: clicky Not sure how publishing a list of facilities vital to U.S national security is really helping anyone out, other than a potential attacker. "A number of BAE Systems plants involved in joint weapons programmes with the Americans are listed, along with a marine engineering firm in Edinburgh which is said to be "critical" for nuclear powered submarines" - I mean come on, this is an obvious blatant attack on national security.
  2. Rationalise the situation in your head and you will conquer it.
  3. I guess we should bring back public hangings if that's the intent.
  4. Indeed. I think this is a good thing. What I'm far more annoyed about is the stupidly large increase in university fees for UK students. University should be free or heavily subsidised. Find other spending cuts to make you bastards, like this ship! Of course it should. Because universites don't cost anything do they? I mean, all those professors and lab intructors and campus staff, they work for free right? Capus facilities and equioment like research labs and the money to fund them, that just grows up from the ground right? The day college is free is the day a degree becomes worthless. I've seen you critisise others for having an uninformed outsiders opinion on the U.S - let me tell you your comment shows me you know nothing about our university system.
  5. Still, at least we still have the most powerful anti-air ship in the world: - Sadly the defences on this ship are not working "due to problems with the Aster missiles".
  6. Can't solve any environmental problems until we first admit population control is a necessity - on Earth at least. Doug Stanhope sums it up best, if a little crudely, "***king isn't going to suddenly go out of style". Although I've heard it rumoured the white population is now falling due to the general acceptance of contraceptives. China has its own 'solution' - I guess its just about the other nations catching up.
  7. You can do better than Wals. I meant the salary, not Ohio.
  8. The only thing I've learnt from all this is people generally disfavour whistle blowers unless they've got something genuinely interesting to say. Fascinating to see how governments will handle this.
  9. To the OP, they're known as gravitational waves. Gravity waves are something completely different.
  10. Moose


    Bows and arrows against the lightning.
  11. Moose


    Heck of a Freudian slip. Nah she's just dumb. A curse on anyone that votes for her.
  12. Moose


    I can't stay mad at North Korea. Every time I see this all is forgiven.
  13. Supposedly they did use a Abram's in the longshots. I imagine they decided using a real tank for the close ups would look better than a fake M1, and they were right.
  14. Moose


    I think we're losing perspective. North Korea has torpedoed and sunk a ship killing 104 people; openly threatened to use nuclear weapons; launched an artillery strike at a South Korean military base. What choice is there but to strike back when you're being attacked.
  15. Moose


    I think today is the last attack South Korea will be willing to take, but we'll see.
  16. Tbh, I think the Qing dynasty would have collapsed before the end of WW2 anyway - so regardless of the 19th century opium trades, the Soviets would have had their opportunity to crap up China.
  17. Okay, I agree with the point made by this thread, but can you please not spout out cliches like they mean something? It is not what we get. But who we become, what we contribute... that gives meaning to our lives.
  18. Raise of hand for those procrastinating
  19. Spain's GDP per capita is greater than Portugal's
  20. I remember reading an article by Charlie Brooker in the Guardian saying he would strangle every human in the country dead because of the guy that was prosecuted for posting that joke on twitter. That's another example of just how different we are. Our media is free and able to thoroughly mock government for its ludicrous decisions. @Boo - I don't know if there are more of these institutions running in the west, but I think the burden of proof lies with yourself to show that they do. I've seen China march prisoners into a courtyard without trial, have them kneel and shoot them all in the back of the head - I would rather think our politicians wouldn't be willing to risk the backlash if that sort of thing was found to be going on over here, because unlike China our politicians can be held to account. Now I'm pretty sure this woman and her fiance who originally mocked the protests aren't happy about having their wedding day destroyed, so yes I think the Chinese as a whole would welcome our system with open arms given the choice.
  21. Some people might think its good to send a woman to a labour camp for a year for using Twitter, but I'm not going to debate that with them.
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