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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. I had trouble with that my last time through as well. Ended up just going back and redoing the fight with Gromnir and she spawned the second time around.
  2. About the same here with the 64 bit I DLed. I like this OS so far. I really hope it lives up to the hype because I need to move past XP. My 64bit installation is around 12GB, half of which is taken up by the WinSXS folder.
  3. Me too!
  4. Have you ever read something that was so full of spelling and grammar mistakes that you start to see them where they don't exist? I just spent 5 minutes trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with the word we're. I also spelt mistakes as misteaks when I first typed up this post. Obviously these are clear signs that I need to get some sleep.
  5. You realize that this is all your fault right? If you hadn't said "And we're all wearing swim outfits." none of this would have happened.
  6. When they called you "ol' one shot," I didn't know that was how many it took to incap your allies. Oh sure, bring that name up again. Sounds real impressive until everyone learns the real reason behind the name. "One shot eh? You must be great with the hunting rifle. Headshotting smokers and hunters all over, eh?" Then they learn the background and the jokes start rolling in. Before I know it, I have to find another group... cause the old one is dead...
  7. It'll get easier, on Expert I was at the point (I've gotten rusty) where the biggest danger was my friends shotguns. How many times do I have to say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to incap you right in front of that tank. I was just shooting the tank and then someone ran in front of me and the next thing I know you're dead. It wasn't my fault!
  8. Thank you mkreku. Thank you very much for that lovely image. Sid and Syraxis though have no such luck. They shall be burned at the stake for quoting the above image.
  9. But then where would we get all of our Alpha Protocol news since Funcroc stopped posting it all?!
  10. Matthew Rorie started it and while I may not have anything with which to Alpha Protocol-ize your avatar, there are others that do. Thank you Deadly. :D
  11. They do seem to have taken over, every thread I go into there's about 6 of the gits. We can't let these monstrosities take over the forum people, we need to make a stand dammit! They're ruining everything If I had anything other than paint on this computer, this post would have an Alpha Protocol-ized version of your avatar in it.
  12. For awhile, I was also of this opinion, but after thinking on my personal habits and reading a few counterpoints from folks in the industry, I decided it isn't too bad. The fact that most folks take that trade-in money to turn around and buy new games is the big argument there. I personally probably wouldn't be able to buy as many full priced titles if I didn't turn in a few games here and there. How many people take the trade in money and buy new games as opposed to buying the cheaper used copy? If you intend on trading it in later anyway, why spend the extra money on a new copy? I read an article or two that made that claim. I understand it fully, many people want the latest and greatest software, including myself. Waiting for a price drop or used copies isn't something I am willing to do for the big releases. Gamestop also offers more money when you use a trade-in towards a new game purchase, so that is one way that they stimulate new software sales. Not being willing to wait for a price drop I understand. Console games take forever to drop in price, at least compared to the PC games I'm used to buying and even when they do drop, you get those ugly greatest hits covers. Waiting for a used copy on the other hand really seems to depend on the game. There have been a few games that I've seen that have had used copies appear on the shelves late in the evening on release day. I've only once had the urge to trade in a game, so I'm not sure just what the policies are. If they offer a large trade in towards new games that isn't so bad. The only deal that I ever remember are the "Trade 3 get ____ free/for $10" deals that pop up every now and then.
  13. For awhile, I was also of this opinion, but after thinking on my personal habits and reading a few counterpoints from folks in the industry, I decided it isn't too bad. The fact that most folks take that trade-in money to turn around and buy new games is the big argument there. I personally probably wouldn't be able to buy as many full priced titles if I didn't turn in a few games here and there. How many people take the trade in money and buy new games as opposed to buying the cheaper used copy? If you intend on trading it in later anyway, why spend the extra money on a new copy?
  14. I'm currently loading up Command and Conquer 3 again. I need to go through the campaign again with it fully patched. The last time I went through Mammoth tanks were still unstoppable super units that could take out enemy ground units in one or two hits and had better AA than the dedicated AA units. Need to see what's up with Croatia. That was before mammoths, but I still don't recall it being as tough as some people say it was.
  15. Which one? never mind, my brain was off. You mean you had me combing over that entire post for an incorrect sign for nothing?! Bah! All that time wasted! I could have gone to bed 40 minutes earlier! I shall get you for this. I don't know how, or when, but some day soon... Yes...
  16. Which one?
  17. Just finished what was probably the most "WTF" inducing round of Left 4 Dead I have ever played. I joined a public game of Dead Air with three other people. To protect the innocent I'll call them A, B and C. A is playing quite possibly his first game. I'm not sure just how much if any he had played, but he received "Hunter Punter" on the finale so I'm willing to bet that he hasn't been playing long. B and C apparently mostly play the game on normal, but were feeling adventurous and started up on advanced tonight. When I joined, I figured I'd get the usual crop of advanced players and we'd just totally breeze through the entire campaign in 40 minutes or something. I didn't bother to use my mic, but after a level and a half I started to realize that these guys needed the timely audio cues to "Run you idiot!" or "Get back here and grab the damn pills before I force them down your throat!". There were several occasions that we lost someone because the decided that the best place to get away from a tank was in a small office, or possibly the corner of a room. They were constantly getting pounced by hunters and dragged by smokers which lead to a great deal of both "WTF" and special infected kills for me. The final tally ended up with myself at >15 of each special infected with each of them at <6 except for player A who had 8 hunters. The two biggest "WTF are they doing?" moments came late in the campaign. In the terminal they decided to ride out the crescendo event behind the counter with a dozen molotovs and 4 pipe bombs. I went and hid in the closet. Part way through the event, player B gets caught by a smoker, but since B is behind the desk, they get stuck there within arms reach of the other two players. Player B is repeatedly typing out "A little help?", "Guys?", "HEY!" trying to get them to save him, but the other two just keep shooting the regular zombies. I'll admit that they were covered in boomer bile so couldn't see very well, but when you have someone go from >50 health to not just incapped, but dead, while within arms reach of you, that's pretty bad. A and C ended up going down and I had to break out of the closet, toss a pipe bomb and rescue their asses from the second wave of zombies. The second "WTF are they doing?" moment came during the finale. These guys were having enough trouble so I told them to head over to the hill and how to hold out there when the zombies start coming. Everything goes well enough, but none of them listened to instructions when to grab ammo. You go after the zombies, but before the tank spawns. We did managed to take out both tanks without any losses, but there were a couple incaps. As the second tank goes down, A and B gather behind the plane while C decides that now would be a good time to get some ammo. Instead he ends up dragged by a smoker and pounced by a hunter. I managed to kill the hunter and drive off the smoker, but when I turn around there is a huge swarm of zombies behind the plane around A and B. I toss a pipe bomb to clear them out and get onto the plane with them both and pick up A after he was incapped inside. I turn around expecting the level to end as the last guys jumps in, but no, he wasn't behind me. It turns out that he chased after that smoker half way across the map. He hobbles back to the fuel truck and stop for some reason. Then I see his outline change and he's healing. He's freakin' healing instead of just getting on the plane! I'm yelling "Don't heal! Just get on the plane!" while B is typing "run" over and over again. He didn't finish healing before the tank caught up to him. Final stats ended up somewhat like this: Deaths - Me 0, Them 5+ each Incaps - Me 0, Them 10+ each Regular Z kills - Me 550, A 450, B 250, C <200 Damage Taken - Me 260, Them >1500 each I don't think I've ever played with a group that was so obviously in over their heads before, but I do have to admit, it was much more entertaining than simply blowing through the level without some much as a single death for the 20th time.
  18. Thief. Return to the Haunted Cathedral. Hammer Haunts.
  19. I find the replacing only a few icons tends to work better. Most people I've tried this with tend to figure it out pretty quickly when none of the icons work, but when it's only a couple icons they tend to get tripped up much more. Takes longer before they get hit by it, but the delay is worth it.
  20. All the talk about MW4 above made me break out my copy of Mercs to give it another run. I've bumped up the difficulty a notch above regular this time because I recall absolutely dominating last time I played the campaign. I actually lost a couple missions this time! The early Steiner escort mission ended in stupid cheap failure three times before I managed to complete it. Having the enemy take out one of the convoy trucks from 800m on the first blast is just totally not fair. My Uziel can't run that fast! Ended up sending my three lancemates to guard the third checkpoint right off the bat to intercept the enemy when the arrive and that worked out this time while I dealt with everything before that. Battled through the Light and Medium circuits on Solaris but Heavy hasn't opened yet. My 5x Clan ER Medium Laser Wolfhound tore through everything in the light division and my 3x Clan UAC5 made short work of most of the medium division. Had a little trouble with the jungle getting started right next to someone with an AC20 that seemed to be able to home in on my center torso. Finally got fed up with him and just took off that arm before he got a second shot off and he was good as dead. Currently I've got an Awesome, a Black Knight, a Mauler and various medium mechs stomping around. I'd forgotten just how poorly that Mauler maneuvers. It's really tough keeping some of those lighter mechs in your sights. Had a Thanatos give me all sorts of trouble because I just couldn't turn fast enough. Had to keep zig zagging to shake him loose until I could get a couple shots off.
  21. Must not imagine, must not imagine, must not imagine. Too late.
  22. If I counted right we have 27 people with AP avatars in this thread and 10 that haven't joined the club yet, not counting those without avatars.
  23. Does Civilization with the Earth map count?
  24. my experience seems to diverge from your most shooters i played had either firemode selection or at least fullauto which let's the player control the burst length i.e fire just one bullet. now that ammo is no longer unlimited i thin it would make sense to allow the player to conserve ammo by firing only single shots. why would you want to fire a burst at the opponents head if the first shot is sufficient? maybe this can be modded later. I think you misunderstood what he was trying to say. Will wasn't implying that the weapons only fire in burst mode, but that the player was only holding down the trigger long enough for a short burst otherwise his accuracy would deteriorate and very few shots would hit. The assault rifles and SMGs are likely full auto while the other weapons (pistols, shotguns etc.) will be single shot.
  25. Yeah and only two of which weren't absolutely hideous. Go Jedi Jesus!
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