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Darth Ravok

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Everything posted by Darth Ravok

  1. I chose to use consular/sith lord twice through the game, my other play was guardian/weaponmaster, i didnt really like that. But con/sithlord is really fun. I dont think you actually need the consular force points though, midway through the game i never ran out of force points
  2. You're looking too much into this Vrook thing, he is a jedi not a sith. Fear may lead to the dark side, but he's not afraid, hes trying to "save" people.
  3. A while back in the ask the devs forums, i asked about new armor textures instead of just painting over the old ones, they said they couldnt. Ill try to look it up again.
  4. Ive played this game twice already on XBOX. DONT LISTEN TO ANYONE!!!!!!!! THIS GAME OWNZZZZ. dONT EVEN LISTEN TO ME. pLAY IT FOR YOURSELF
  5. My first play through was lvl 15 con/10 sith lord
  6. I used one silver single saber.... alliteration!!!
  7. Ummm, My char was ended at 15 con/10 sith lord...... finished the game exactly 22 hours and 12 minutes. I did a considerable amount of side quests. Got my lightsaber once I hit DANT (was my first planet). I thought the beginning of the game was kind of slow, but it starts to get a little bit better.
  8. At first, the 2nd game is kinda slow.... but once u hit korriban its starts getting fun..... REAL FUN!!!
  9. You guys are losers....... Just play the game and be happy with it, is a key-chain really gonna change your life? Just be happy its almost here
  10. OKay, now that Pc gmaers know the release date..... let them get off forums for a bit and play some other games. Ill meet you On gorath server on SWG, my name is Vimeed. Send me an email. If u dont play on Gorath.. make a char and message me and Ill meet you on TC-AHAZI to pvp
  11. I like scoundrel because they got sneak attack and scoundrel luck. Which helped out with my Jedi Consolur
  12. what about ff making 11 + games?
  13. Nerdy?? The old movies are the best ones..... and I really don't see how they are nerdy, not everyone dresses up like a star wars character and visits a star wars convention.
  14. I chose prestige classes cause they all sound uber just by their names
  15. copy that huge pic from gamespot into paste and stand up and look down on the masked sith's face its a creepy mans face
  16. I think they said that it was impossible for them to have the lightsaber or other weapons latch onto ur PC
  17. Great, thanks for the link... It's the first thing we've gotten in a while now.....
  18. I just used to the jedi knight robe you get from Nemo's corpse... then go to korriban first and go into cave and get robe then leave for a different star map
  19. I agree, u can obviously notice the color on that saber, the picture I first posted has no color at all in it
  20. masked sith is.... SION!!!
  21. heh, silver and white..... go get a box of crayola crayons and look at the silver crayon and the white crayon... there's ur difference.
  22. If I remember correctly the Death star wasn't completley destroyed...
  23. I'm sick of the star forge
  24. 1. I'm not sure if this has been answered but is armor going to look differnt? Because in KOTOR 1 the armor was just painted over with the same textures. 2. OXM stated that one of the party members on your journey will be an HK model droid, is this HK droid similar to Revans droid in functioning and class..... (Combat Droid)
  25. yea I just picked up the OXM today and they actually had some stuff I haven't read before, there's gonna be over 10 party members... however you can only get 10 in one game so playing DS or LS will have different PT members, It also mentioned that we're getting an HK model droid but most likely NOT revans HK model
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