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Darth Ravok

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Everything posted by Darth Ravok

  1. Has dominate mind been fixed...?? IN KOTOR force persuade didn't work that well on most NPC's which is odd because a lot of them werent jedi. Have you made this FP better?
  2. Hmmm.... they never actually said that Ajunta Pall NEVER actually had a lightsaber. We just assumed that his double bladed sword was his main weapon. He could have had a lightsaber but not used it. ............. O god... I'm talking like he's a real person.
  3. Darth thats the point I'm trying to make these dates are the same basically
  4. I believe February is Winter also.......
  5. Changed the first picture in post... It should now be the original picture, however chewy is still there Cheers
  6. Err I agree about the single saber but I don't like ur choices... also I think this has been mentioned numerous times in other threads.
  7. hmm... I think that the lightsaber in the walkthrough was the mantle of the force light blue color, I DO however think that the picture I posted was white
  8. I like this idea
  9. I like this idea
  10. errr Bastila wasnt that good of a party member
  12. I like this idea
  13. I like this idea
  14. I like this idea on DVD
  15. fun topic.... NOT
  16. I would love complete game saves... all the games I complete are always marked as DECK 2
  17. hmmm, I do not know if the rakata were the FIRST to use the force but they DID use it a long time ago in a galaxy far far away
  18. uhh prestige classes are gonna own
  19. umm this game is gonna own... and if it doesnt im going to say that it does neway cause I would never bash KOTOR
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