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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. I wish Bioshock was on that list. It seems to me like it's the type of game that could really benefit from enhanced physics.
  2. Pidesco

    X3... Xmen

    Famke Janssen looks great with red hair.
  3. Isn't she a blonde petite Malaysian boy?
  4. As far as I know there is no such game. Anyway, my suggestion is to make a game where the main storyline is more or less linear, but where you can affect other characters in the game in a meaningful way. for example, a story where a side character suffers some sort of personal tragedy and the way that character reacts to said tragedy is determined by your actions towards him/her. Perhaps such a game would be a bit less expensive to develop.
  5. I think that what's bothering you is that she's just plain ugly.
  6. Actually, that's one of my points of contention, nowadays, with adventures in general (the gameplay is almost inexistent) but perhaps I shouldn't go there. Anyway, I think the adventure genre could get a breath of fresh air if someone started implementing branching storylines into the games. For example, it would be cool if, in Fahrenheit, you could trick the police into following another suspect right at the beginning of the game, thus originating a wildly different story progression.
  7. But Deus Ex had actual complex gameplay that was part of the story. And you could play each level in many non-linear ways.
  8. Wasn't Fahrenheit completely linear? I thought it was just a movie rolling by with the simon says bits thrown in just so that the designers could say the game actually had gameplay.
  9. There should poll on which of Eddo's polls is the dumbest.
  10. Kaftan is indeed a bastard. @meta: the cat's a siamese. I've had one myself. I'll post a picture of my desk after pilfering my dad's digital camera.
  11. Actually I found the start fairly easy with unarmed chosen as a weapon skill. I don't think unarmed is any harder than small guns.
  12. Powerfists up to slayer perk. After that bare fists all the way. I'm in San Francisco and the wife is still alive. Woohoo!
  13. Portugal? We play good, attractive football; what's wrong with that?
  14. I saw All About Eve a few days ago. It's good but not great. Marilyn Monroe had a tiny part in it but still managed to be incredibly funny.
  15. Fallout 2. I've been having a pretty lousy week, so I felt I needed to go on an unarmed ass-kicking-spree in a campy environment to get my spirits back up.
  16. Tiago Monteiro for the win!
  17. I finished it! The flask will forever be mine! (w00t)
  18. I'm not saying that RotJ was a great movie, I'm just saying that it was better than RotS. The writing in RotS was as bad as in AotC and TPM. I think the movie only got better when everyone just stopped talking and the Jedi massacre began. Bottom line, I don't see how a movie that suffers from the same fundamental faults as AotC and TPM can be considered good by Star Wars fans.
  19. Anton Dvorak - The American
  20. How much are you paying for the graphics card alone? If possible, I'd trade the graphics card for something cheaper that's a better value for money and use the extra money to get a better mobo and processor.
  21. I'm waiting for someone to say that all this stuff proves the Stargate hypothesis.
  22. I voted for A New Hope. I can't believe so many people think ROTS is better than any of the original thre movies.
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