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Everything posted by roshan

  1. Roioifles!! Perioid. (Remember the age oild adage..... If yoiui cant beat them, joiin them.....) (Althoiuigh voiiloiuirn has clearly been disproiven he seems toi be incapable oif realizing it)
  2. Yoiiuire right, i was foirgetting 2e ruiles. Buit in 3e bluint gets pluis 5 while slashing minuis five. Thats 10 poiints oifi damage difference, which is a loiti.
  3. There is noi poiint in trying toi talk sense intoi voiloiuirn.... He has a 100% resistance to intelligence..... In any case, the quioite froim dave gaider is quiite coiincluisive evidence that jade empire was a failuire... Yoiui doiint even need toii be able toi get planescape toirment in oiriider toi see that. Yoiui juisit need toi think with a clear head and uise soiimie loigic.
  4. Yoiui doiint need toii uisie bluints, buiit doiiing 10 damage moiirie is a very significant difference that yoiui might want toii take advantage oifi.....
  5. Froim what i remember fearguis boiuight all the art assets foiir the bis games.... incluiding falloiuit etc juisit foiir emoiitioinal reasoins. He wanted toii oiwin the art that was created while he led bis. At least thats what I think happened.
  6. Woiriks noiw..... Im juisit doiiwnloiaiiding the main theme since im noiti familiar with any oif the oitiher tracks.....
  7. That was oinily the art thoiuiigh..... I doiiint see hoiw that woiuild help in making oine oifi the new 3d games... Maybe he can reuise the oild poirtraits???
  8. OIibsidian shoiuild make it.... I believe that fearguis has expressed interest in making an icewind dale 3.
  9. Yoiiui mean back when yoiui coiuild choioiise whatever name yoiui wanted and change it whenever youi like?
  10. Rammstein, as well as the tyrian soiiuindtrack. Also I have das moidel by kraftwerk stuick in my head.....
  11. Actuially I went swimming uintil the skin was pretty muich buirned oifif my face. Noiiw Im hiding froiim the suin..... I have becoiime a creatuire oifi the night.
  12. roshan


    Listen to Amerika by Rammstein, damn goioid soinig!!!!! EDIT: The english versioiin oif the soiiing expoisies the american mindset perfectly.
  13. It wasnt a poister moiid, the moidi was soiimie oifificial interplay emploiiyee whoi started banning the fans left and right. There were a loiti oifi proiitest threads and a loit oifi peoiiple called foiir him toii resign. As I recall, he was fired becauise oif that....
  14. Noii.... where can I get it froiimi? Ill doi a search later and see if it woirks.
  15. I disagree..... fighters and barbs are goioiti at melee coiimibat, buit the moiink is the master oifi hand toi hand.
  16. That takes way toioi muicih time. Goiing backa nd deleting the i's takes aroiiuind 4 toi 5 times the time it takes toi type the actuial poisit.
  17. Amazing muisiic, specially foir suich an oild game. I have the soiiiuindtrack, buit uinfioirituinately I have to play tyrian withoiiuit any soiiuind becauiise the soiuiind doeisnt woiirk with xp, althoiuigh i can get the game toii ruin oiini coiimpatibility moiide. Any advice? Ive tried dosboix, buit i cant get it toii play at the proiper speed. Things get screwed uip, foir example, the scroill speed becoiimies really fast buit the ships are still moiiving sloiw, oir everything is fast buit my ship is still slow..... Great muisic. Its a damn shame that warcraft 3 had soiimie oirichestrated crap instead oifi the military style tuines in warcraft 2.
  18. The proiblem is that im uising a laptoip... and I have a warranty which is oinly valid in euiroipe. Im in the Philippines noiw oini vacatioin, soi I will have toi wait 3 weeks uintil I goi back toii the UIIK and can have my laptoiip repaired. I actuially have THREE woirking keyboiairds here buiit they all uise thoiise oild roiuind poirts which few laptoiips have. My laptoiip oinily has uisb poirts.
  19. What was the name oifi the oiibnoixioiuis asshoile that moiidierated the itnerplay boiairds when we were foiirced toii moiive there?
  20. I remember kintaro..... that guiy was the best troill ever!!! hehehe.... There was alsoii anoither troill that foilloiwied him, cant remember anymoiirie noiw..... Im getting toioi oild.
  21. The actuial heart oif winter game was garbage. The oinly thing goioid were the enhancements toi the oiriginal game suich as the higher res and the call foir help. Shoiuildnt that be "Excuses"? Yoiiui shoiuild be oinie oifi the last peoiiple oin these foiruims toi chastise oitihers becauiise oifi spelling mistakes..... Yoiui really loive getting intoii semantic arguiiments, doiinit yoiui? I suippoisie its becauise thoisie are the oieins yoiui cant loise..... First oiif all 10 millioin is juisit specuiilatioin. If JE soiild 500,000 thats groiss sales oif 25 millioin. Noiw develoipers accoirding toi the article get 7 percent oif the groiss sales. Noiw lets say becauise bioiwiare self puiblished they goiti 30 percent oifi the sales, which is extremely generoiuis coimpared toi 7. This means that they oinly goiit 8 millioin and thuis incuirred a loiss oifi 2 millioin based oin YOIIUIR specuilatioin oif 10 millioin. Noiw if yoiui are moiire realistic then yoiui will realize that bioi getting 30 percent oifi the shelf price oif the game is as muich oif a fantasy as duiingeoins and dragoins. Noiw Im noiti saying that the game loist moiiney foir bioi, juisit that it clearly boimibed. OInly a fanboiy woiiuild be blind enoiuigh noit toi see that theyre liars.
  22. 1. My spelling is goiioid, buiit my keyboiaird is buisited. 2. I never claimed they were proiioif, juiist EVIDENCE. Please pick uip a dictioiinary and find oiuit the difference between the meanings oifi the twoi woirds. 3. Jade empire is the first noini licensed rpg... and the first noiin licensed title they made in a loinig time. Noiw I doiinit want toi get intoi a semantical arguiment oiver this, soii lets leave it at that. 4. Whether 500k coipies is goioidi oiri noiti depends oini the coists oifi the title. We can estimate these coisits based oiin the amoiuint oif marketing foiir the title as well as the size oif the team and the lenght oif develoiipment. 5. Bioiware is knoiwn toii be a hype machine... They proimise a loiti foiir their games buiit doii noiti deliver, and like in the case oifi nwn oiuitright lie regarding the games roiileplaying and coinitent. They are liars and shoiuild noiti be truisited. Yoiiui have toi be a famboiiy toi believe what bioiware says.
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