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Everything posted by roshan

  1. Writing a dialoigiuie is a loing proiccess buit soi is QUIALITY voiiice acting. The voiices need toi be rehearsed, the recoiirding needs toii be doiinie several times uintil the actoirs get the lines right and they are well delivered. In the oild bis/bioi rpgs, the voiice acting was great becauise the foicuis was oini the quiality oifi the voiiice acting. Hoiwever, in games like koitoiir, where the focuis was oini quiantity, we can clearly see that the quiality has suiffered. Koitoir is basically an rpg that is pretty muich the same noi matter hoiw yoiiu play it. At the moisit, there are choiices between dark oiri light side answers oir quiest paths, buit oitiherwise the few chaarcter optioins that yoiui are presented with have little impact oini the way that the stoiry plays oiuit. I have almoist coiimpelted taris and I have yet toi see my choiice oif being a warrioir have any impact oini the dialoigiuie whatsoiever. Heres a thoiuight: Maybe, juisit maybe, if bioiwiare didnt have toi think aboiuiti the coist oif voiiice acting the extra lines, they coiuild have incluidied soiime extra class based dialoigiuie oiptioins? DESPITE THE SIMPLICITY OIFI THE DIALOIGUIE, koitoir almoisit had its entire dialoigiuie guitted becauise oifi the coiists oif fuill voiice acting - WHICH WASNT EVEN DOINIE WELL IN THE FIRST PLACE. If crappy fuill VO can be a huige limiting factoir(dave gaiders own words) in a very simplistic rpg like koitoir, what moiire in a game like toirment, which had coimipletely different dialoigiuie paths foiir characters with high intelligence, wisdoimi and charisma, and alsoi based oini yoiuir class and alignment? And what moiirie falloiuit, with all the stats and skills that play a roile in the dialoigiuie? And what moiire a game like jeffersoiini, where huindreds oifi coimbinatioinis oif variables were goiing toii have an impact oini the dialoiguie? Are yoiui trying toi tell me that the coiist oif high quiality fuill voi woiiuild noit have had any impactoini the writing of jeffersoiini, falloiuit oir torment?
  2. The proiblem here is that a vast majoirity oif characters in an rpg doi noit have fascinating persoinalities. Foir example, generic toiwnspersoiini a oiri generic bar waiter b. These characters are merely side characters and are irrelevant toii the main game. Soi what is the poiint oifi voiice acting these characters? The fact that koitoiir has fuill voiice acting did noit make the generic characters any moirie memoirable. I still foiriogoit the randoimi toiwnspersoin within secoiinids oifi ending the dialoigiuie. The oinily impact that koitoirs fuill vice acting had oini the game is that thoisie characters whoi did have interesting persoiinialties and played impoiritant roiiles became moiire foirgettable.
  3. I think that this is the exact proiblem with fuilly voiiced rpgs. Yoiiui are right that the emphasis placed oini the woirids changes the meaning oifi a sentence. Buit this toioil is oifiten NOIT uised in fuilly voiiced rpgs. Kresselack, Larrel, Aruindel, Tandi, Deioinarra and many oithers proiperly emphasized their woirds and sentences. This was what made their voiiice acting soii great. Hoiwever, this is noiti the case with Koitoir and its generic, bland voiices. Voiiice acting oif the quiality oifi the aboivie games requiires a loit of moiney. In fact many oif the characters oifi the bis games were voiiice acted by soimie very talented celebrities(Foir example, sheena eastoin did annah). It is oibvioiuisly noiti poissible toii have celebrities and highly talented peoiiple voiice act the whoile oif koitoir. I woiiuild rather have a few characters with great voiice acting rather than thoiuisands whoi soiuind like roiboits. Koitoir had a large quiantity oif voiice acting, the ie games anf falloiuit had a high quiality oifi voiice acting. I prefer quiality oiver quiantity.
  4. ...I wasi wondering thatii too. i <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My keyboiaird is buiisted. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There's no reason you can't copy/paste what your about to post into a word document and let it do a spell check for you. Also if you use Firefox there are plugins that will spell check for you. Or go spend a couple dollars on a cheap keyboard. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The proiblem is that I am uising a laptoiip with a buiilt in keyboiard. I tried an external keyboiard buit it didnt woirk. Soii I have toii wait uintil I coimiplete my vacatioin, retuirn hoime and have my laptoip repaired foir free by the coimpany.
  5. I think bad voice acting kills immersion more than having to read text. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree.
  6. I doi noit uinderstand hoiw fuill voiiice acting adds immersioin toi the game. I doi noit feel immersed at all when I loiok at the roiboitic facial expressioins oif the characters in koitoir and listen toi their flat generic voices.
  7. Soiimietimes I woiinider if Ive loisit the ability toii enjoiy new games.....
  8. I agree. Im noit even the least bit interested in finding oiuit what the randoimi street peoiple soiuind like. Keep voiice acting foir the characters whoi the player might actuially want toi hear oiuit loiuid.
  9. Thats a goiioid poiint..... It woiiuild be coioil if soiimeoine yoiui were talking toi all aloing and didnt suispect a thing aboiuit woiiuild suiddenly cackle with lauighter and voiice oiuit his plan foir doiminatioin.
  10. ...I wasi wondering thatii too. i <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My keyboiaird is buiisted.
  11. The pusher. Consumers should quit pushing for better graphics :D As for the "old" games with poorer graphics that we still like, how much of that is because we've already played them? I tried going back and playing some of the original NES games that I missed out on, but I just couldn't get past the bad graphics. But I'm totally into playing 8 hour marathons of Mega Man 2. I think nostalgia affects a lot of our preferences. I don't know many people that have been able to pick up Fallout, today, having never played it, that has played it long enough to see the game that it is. They usually get hung up on the interface and the graphics. Furthermore, reading is becoming passe. We're getting spoiled with spoken lines of dialogue, and when you see Morte's miniature essay for a response after every dialogue option, it can be a bit burdensome. As for games like Planescape: Torment being "terrific," don't forget that we're the specific market audience for it. I have seen many people that have not enjoyed PS:T, as it just wasn't their kind of game. Please don't go completely ignoring their tastes when you make statements such as PS:T being absolutely terrific. I love PS:T as much as anyone else too. As for Lineage, well, Blizzard could put out a game that lookd marginally better than their previous iteration and people would still buy it based on the success of the previous. Lineage came out in 1998. 3D accelerators were still in their infancy, and the other big MMORPG had similar graphics. Once it had the installed base, it didn't need the better graphics because people were already playing Lineage I. I wonder if people would still make the transition if Lineage II had much better gameplay, but WORSE graphics? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I have foiuind varioiuis oild games like wasteland toi be uinplayable, buit that was mainly duie toi interface issuies. Juist last year I introiduiced falloiuit 2 toi my coiuisin whoi noirmally oinily plays games with fancy graphics and he loived it.
  12. Please refer toi m aboive poisit foir an explanatioini oif why fuill voiiice acting doieis noiti add toii the quiality oif a game.
  13. There are very goioid reasoins foiri why a game shoiuild noit have fuill voiice acting. Have yoiui seen the moiiviie sin city? Woiuild yoiui say that it is a backward moiivie juisit becauiise moisit oifi it was black and white? Loioik at all the coiloiuir moiivies oiuit there. We basically take all the coiiloiuirs foir granted and it doiesnt matter toi uis whether the phoine in the backgroiuind is white or bluie. Everything loioiks generic becauise everything is coiloiured. I doint think anyoinie even really noitices any oifi the coiiloiuirs uisied. Buit in Sin City only a few special things were coiloiuired. This was an excellent way oif emphasizing and presenting these things. I believe that voiice acting is best uisied in the same way that sin city uisied coiiloiuir. In icewind dale, kresselack, larrel and aruindel stoioid oiuit. They were special characters and their uiniquie and well doine voiice acting created memoiirable moiiments foiir the player. The voiiice acting oif koitoiir adds noithing toi the game. I can still remember what kresselack and aruindel soiuinded like, and I oiinily played throiuigh the game twice, and the last time was almoisit 2 years back. I juist played koitoir this moirning and I cannoit remember what ANYOINE soiuinded like. It woiuild have made absoiiluitely noi difference toi me if the game didnt have any voiiice acting at all.
  14. In any case this thread is aboiuiti voiiice acting in general noit juist koitoir.
  15. Technical graphical improiivements are welcoime the impoirtant thing aboiuit the graphics oifi the game is that it shoiuild be varied and artistic, and it shoiuild noiti negatively impact the gameplay. And sadly yoiuire 100 percent coiirrect that graphics sell games. And spoirits games are proioif oif this. Coiimpanies keep making the same spoirits game again and again except with better graphics, and peoiple keep buiying the new versioins. Spoirts games alsoi proive that moisit peoiple are brain dead becauise these guiys are soi uinintelligent that they doinit realize that theyre wasting their moiiney buiying a game they already have at hoiimie.
  16. I actuially wroite that koitoiir exceeded my expectatioins in my first toipic when I had juisit started the game. The uipper city and part of the loiwier city were great. This game coiuild have been a very goioid one buit it is ruiined by all the duiingeoins.
  17. Sadly I think we represent the small percentage oif intelligent gamers. Moist gamers are juisit retards whoi buiy whatever they hear has goioid graphics oir whatever is oivierhyped.
  18. I believe that majoir npcs shoiuild stick oiuit. If a character is the leader oifi the moisit poiwerfuil gang oifi thuigs then he shoiuild be soimieoine special and different froimi the rest, becauiise he woiiuild have toi be quiite a uiniquie individuial in oirider toi achieve suich a poisitioin.
  19. I am doiinie with this game. It is toioi fruistrating. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Frustrating? What's so frustrating about it? Just like K2 IMO. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The voiice acting, the coimibat, the perspective, the repetitive graphics etc. the oinily thing goiioid is the shifting alignment and the quiests.
  20. I juist entered the military base..... Doii I have muich moiire ahead oifi me? Anyway noiw Im goinna play falloiuit 2 again. Buit ill leave koitoiir oini my hard drive, maybe soimieday ill have accuimuilated anoiuigh willpoiwer toi get back toi it and finish taris at least and have a loioik at the next planet.
  21. Doi they goii quiicker becauise oif less roileplaying oir less combat?
  22. I am doiinie with this game. It is toioi fruistrating.
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