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Everything posted by XxTaLoNxX

  1. 3/10 huh? Wow, I guess we should all be glad that games aren't actually rated based on your scale.
  2. *facepalm* I never made that claim. And if you look to the left children you will see a grown man who claims things without the ability to prove them. When someone disturbs this creature by pointing out that they have no legitimate grounds to lay such a claim they throw fits and insults.
  3. The part where you claim it as pure fact has me a bit "space bound". See I have actually looked for a copy or DS1/DS2 for purchase and what I did find was games that cost $100+.... yet when I go to my local WalMart, guess what I find for $10? Fallout 1 and 2 double feature. See I can digitally purchase Fallout 1 and 2 to this day, go ahead and try to digitally purchase DS1 and DS2. You can't. It's in this realm of bargain bins and digital purchases where you can NOT claim this as pure fact, simply because any numbers you could show are years old and completely out of date. Whereas Fallout 1 & 2 have CONTINUED to sell for years, but you can't find a copy of the old DS games unless you want to fork over $100 dollars. I can claim that my cat is able to defy gravity and fly around the house as BatCat without any outside assistance. I can then go on to say that anyone who disputes this is "insert insulting term here". I can then say it is an undeniable and indisputable fact. But that doesn't make it so. At least not without proof. Which none has been provided.
  4. No need. And here is why. Box office number do not take into account Television showings which are paid licenses. How many times do you think Star Wars has been shown on TV? How many games have been made under the Star Wars license? Books? Toys? Again, I say that ID4 can never reach the acclaim or success of the Star Wars franchise. It's actually impossible at this point.
  5. So? Most BioWare games are masterpieces. That doesn't excuse what happened with DA2. Most Bethesda games are mediocre at best but now they give us Skyrim and it looks like a great game. Most Obsidian games are nearly unplayable at launch due to bugs, but now they give us DS3 and I can't seem to find any bugs at all while playing. CoD is still CoD and every new CoD is just a mod. Gearbox gave us Borderlands and then turn around and give us DNF which frankly was not worth the 10 year wait. What is your point? Are you just hatin'?
  6. There is almost no noticable difference in how the game runs or looks on 360 or PC. I tested the demo for both platforms and only went for the console version because the PC controls were awkward. I completely disagree with this. There is a difference, at least that I can notice. In fact it's a huge difference. But maybe that's because you used the demo for your benchmark.
  7. I get the feeling that nothing is ever good enough in your opinion. I get this vibe that you will always have something to complain about.
  8. This entire thread has spun off into disputable and off-topic waters. Volourn claims facts that can't be proven, Hurlshot is throwing false movie data (sorry but ID4 is not/will not/ and cannot be more successful than Star Wars). What the heck is wrong with you people?
  9. Ok, let me handle this. 1) The only thing that is not PC friendly is that there is no Keymapping. Other than that the game runs better on PC than on consoles.... Unless you have a **** comp. 2) It's pretty much known now that multiplayer is a bit messed up because of the camera issues. We have no official word on a fix or improvement. BUT you can still enjoy the game as a single player game. But here's the good news the devs had said over and over again that they are listening and that they are working on improving the game. Hell we are getting our first patch already and guess what.. it's Keymapping! YAY! So take a chill pill. Relax and play the game. It's actually a good game once you give it a chance.
  10. I actually found 4 that respawn in the Foundry without needing to reload a save. Where you first get to the rotating platform with a switch just beyond a save point there is a room beyond it that has fire jackels in cages. Get those, go hit the switch on that side of the room, then go back and hit the switch on the other side to go back towards the save point... walk past it to the room with fire traps and a Cyclops and a bunch of gobs... now go back across the moving platform. TADA! 4 respawning chests that respawn when you change the rooms. You have to hit the switches though.
  11. Have you ever heard of a game called Sins of a Solar Empire? One of the first patches for that game was a camera fix.
  12. What platform are you playing on? I haven't noticed any odd soft line in the background. I have noticed distance blur, but that seems more like something that was intended. As far as a game engine goes. Yes it is very stable, but bugs can be generated by sloppy programming for the individual game. So kudos to Obsidian for being thorough and competent while programming the game as well as developing a top-notch engine. Now the only thing they need to do with the engine in my eyes is to reduce the excessive system load when handling shadows. Then the engine would be 10/10.
  13. Lol wut? Seriously, I tried to follow... but your horrid sentence structure made it near impossible. 4-5GB patch? Lol that will never happen with ANY multiplatform game that includes XBOX360. First - The game is 5.16 GB on PC already. And it's not a small game by any means. So wanting another 4-5GB patch is just... I don't even know how to say it without being banned. Second - Fixing the camera + adding NG+ would only amount to MAYBE 500MB. And that is probably an overestimate. Third - Over half of the games I have EVER played have only 3 difficulty options. Fourth - Loot options? I've heard this argument already and here is my in depth rebuttal below. If little whiny sh*** would stop calling the game a bad game and would actually enjoy the game and spread the word that it's a good game, the game would sell more. More sales equals DLC possibilities. As it is now, I am starting to get the feeling that because DS3 is getting unfair "hate" by cynical a-holes who are telling everyone not to bother with the game... well we may not actually get any DLC for a game that has endless DLC possibilities. And with DLC comes more loot. Also for PC players, IF the fan-base was big enough and in constant demand of a toolkit, we might get one. Because I have seen developers tell fans they won't get one and then after about a year of persistent demanding/pleading from a highly dedicated fan-base... they cave. So in summery, sthu and just enjoy playing video games. This industry is becoming a f***ing barren landscape filled with cynical little sh**s who bitch, whine and complain until they are blue in the face and persuade other people from buying games. This leads to less money for awesome developers to make better games, and then we sit back and have to watch as they go bankrupt and disappear. Then the market gets flooded with CoD and b.s. games like Brink and DA2. SO STHU!
  14. War in the North is a dungeon crawler. Also I was mentioning all those other games because they happen to be games that will draw RPG fans, and in context with my earlier statement means that people's focus will NOT be on Dungeon Siege 3. Last time I checked XBL quite a few of my friends were playing DS3... I have close to 200 XBL friends too. So when I say most, of those 200 there were around 80 which is close to half of my friends. And I don't even own the game on Xbox. I'm a PC gamer and the only few games I play on XBL are shooters like Borderlands, CoD, and Halo.
  15. Lol. And see this is kinda a good point. And I think I made a similar point to begin with... "Who was ever the target audience?" That and the game hasn't really been out that long, people need to learn that week 1 sales are not the end all tale of success and failure. SquareEnix and Obsidian obviously had a sales goal, but they aren't full of themselves either. They knew the target audience was small, and once they permeate that audience the rest of the sales are all secondary audience sales. The game was never meant to be a blockbuster. It was meant to test a new engine, put that info out there to the industry that it's a good engine and capable of a lot without too many bugs, and to get some sales from the game. As far as I can tell it's a success, it's sold well enough in week 1 that by week 10 they should meet their sales goals. Then it becomes a bargain-bin game and they sell some more. Also, WE DON'T HAVE THE REAL NUMBERS. There are digital sales and non-reported physical sales they are preventing us from getting the grand scope. I just wish all the "Chicken Littles" would just shut-up and stop crying out that the sky is falling.
  16. I agree Also, Katarina is sooooo OP once you get her 3rd rifle skill. Stack all AGI+Doom and nothing lasts very long... even on HC
  17. I'm proud of my cynicism and find it insulting that you list that person as one of us. Take it back! *shakefist* Lulz
  18. Greylord, I like you as person, you and I share many opinions I have found. That, and you're intelligent. But here is where I disagree with you as a hardcore gamer since 1984 ( I was 5 when I got my first video game system.. guess what it was) I have played more games than I could even begin to quantify. I always start off on Normal or Medium or what-have-you. And then move onto Hard/Hardcore/Nightmare/etc, but the one thing I have noticed on XBL is that almost all people I meet attempt to gain as many achievements as possible including the ones for beating the game on harder difficulties. Attempt is the keyword and I have noticed that some people ask for help from friends if they can get the cheevos from co-op play as well. I also disagree that DS3 is hard on casual, I honestly found Normal (my first playthrough) to be challenging yet still easy. The only time I died was when I was fighting Rajani and I hadn't yet mastered the combat system, she was a massive scale-up in difficulty compared to previous bosses. WHICH I LOVED! I am actually so proud of Obsidian for this game, even if others can't see what I see in this game. I still stand that as is this game is just two things away from perfect single player. Keymapping and New Game+ and I am getting one of those here soon. Here's to hoping for NG+ in the future. Hell, I would buy it as a stand-alone DLC mode. That's how much I want NG+ right now.
  19. In a way you're wrong, but in a good way. See, you perceive the skewed numbers of VGchartz as an interpretation of facts which leads to a summarized opinion. While that is partially correct, you are wrong as well. But I hate the word "wrong" because it is so black and white as a word. Instead of "wrong" it is just a possible misinterpretation of numbers. Which isn't a bad thing. The real issue here is that you are 100% correct that the numbers posted to VGchartz are not actual sales, they are shipments of units. The thing Volourn can't seem to grasp is that units SHIPPED != SOLD units. (!= means "not equal" in programming languages btw) And for the record... DA2 may have sold enough units to not be an economic failure, but as a game, it failed on all fronts where gaming is concerned. Hell it doesn't even have multiplayer... which means it "should have had" an extraordinary single player experience but alas that is not the case... it just plain sucks.
  20. I wish it was possible to agree more than just 100% because I would if I could.
  21. Seriously? I've never played any other Obsidian game other than Fallout: NV for two hours (had to turn it off because of how terrible it was)... Considering how bad DS3 is I can barely imagine how bad previous Obsidian titles are... =/ You're suffering from an acute medical condition. It's called, "Being a Cynical A-hole". Just thought I would let you know.
  22. Quick question... where are you coming up with these numbers? 800%? That is almost 4 times the Casual damage modifier....
  23. It's actually not easy. I can admit that. First, there is the Microsoft memory limits on patches, and thus a patch even for a camera issue has to fit. Second, a complete rewrite of code and another code to nullify the original code. It's not easy, there is a significant amount of work involved. But it is far from impossible... however the main issue is the decisions to weigh what is most important. A patch to fix a camera issue means less space for DLC and future patches (eff you Microsoft) and since Obsidian is a most fair developer there is almost no chance that they would work out a separate patch for PC and PS3. This isn't meant to discourage people but I am just trying to shed some light on patch situations in the current market strictly because of Microsoft and their failings with the Xbox platform's "small print" that limits developer support for games. For more information you can easily find this information by Googling "Xbox DLC and patch limitations".
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