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Everything posted by Nonek

  1. On point 1, one does not have to abandon integrity and objectivity to chase an audience, that is simply a fallacy. One merely presents a balanced view from all sides of the chosen subject. It is not an either or situation. On point 2 I utterly agree, it is time that the few loud public voices that have condemned millions of gamers as dead time and again, and propogated a coordinated harassment and slandering of the public they should be serving, realise that they are wrong and that their corruption, bias and relationship with their subject matter has to change or else they will simply be abandoned and cease to exist. They can continue declaring all gamers as dead, but they will die long before gamers do, and no statistic or factual evidence supports their lies. Edit: I doubt however that self reflection is in their nature, like all self righteous groups the SJF's will never admit they are wrong. This would be giving in to the millions who they despise and feel free to insult at will, as well as admitting their rampant corruption, and they would finally have to admit that their childish preaching and criticsism was hypocritical and two faced.
  2. I would love for the western press to reform and pursue long term objectives again, there is a rich heritage of serving the people and inhabiting a valued role as a watchman, serving the public good and protecting the average man or woman. The press could so easily be a respected institution again, but they seem to be focused on the easy path of ratings and up to the minute reportage, at the cost of their integrity. I am immensely saddened by this, as we are losing a valuable part of society, and one I personally believe still has a part to play. When I open a newspaper and am confronted with the same cheap easy stories once again, of the danger of immigrants, of crazy European rulings, of the unemployed sucking England dry I am appalled. Especially when I know that we are lucky to have hard working European friends who are beneficial to our economy, that the European rulings have never been implemented and that the bill for benefits is a tiny splash in the ocean of our economy. We have an industry that I would personally support without hesitation if it put its house in order, and dared to focus on the troubling, nuanced aspects of reporting that are cost and time intensive. With hopefully an independent watchdog to ensure that the watchmen are watched. I begin to doubt however that this shall ever happen, and that to me is a pity, as I see us not missing this industry until it is gone. Ah well enough doom and gloom, i'll save that for work in the morning, goodnight all.
  3. I don't see any relation to conspiracy theories in my writing Bruce, nor do I think i'm capable of telling what people will think. The drive for sensationalism in news reporting is hardly outlandish or unknown in any editorial pit, nor is a growing amount of bias and lack of objective counter points being raised, this is not unduly negative or pandering simply a factual acknowledgement of a disturbing trend. Edit: Clarification.
  4. The problem is that the bias shown in the Balkan campaign and the desperate chase for currently relevant and sensational stories that will grab the latest fickle audience are symptomatic of larger problems in the press, problems that are on the whole not being addressed or challenged. Bias, objectivity, ethics and integrity, there are actually people who do not see these as relevant in modern reporting, as amazing as that seems. They state that because one cannot be totally objective, then one should not be objective at all and not even bother investigating or doing ones job. This utterly boggles my mind, and makes a mockery of ethics and reporting itself. This kind of journalism, which we're seeing disturbingly more of, is rendering the profession unfit for purpose and moreover untrustworthy. Thus when we see one sided debates, ethics only applied where they benefit one viewpoint or clearly spurious arguments raised, then we are no longer surprised that print media is increasingly becoming irrelevant. Edit: Sorry for the use of the royal "we," makes one sound like the Queen or Gromnir.
  5. I agree with you, globally the press has gone to ****, but it gals me when people here hold up the Western press as the beacon of truth and objectivity. Usually they've not travelled or seen much of the world, or can't see it because of their bias or lack of intelligence. Most experienced journalists are also despairing at the state of the press, and the lazy reporting, investigation (if any) and sensationalism that drives them to pick and choose the most outrageous, effectively easy and accepted story rather than the nuanced and difficult subject matter. In your example the Serbs had been accepted as the villains of the piece, and so no dissenting opinion was raised, as it would go against the established view and was probably not held to be interesting to their viewership. The truth here is the first victim of ignorance and idleness. Edit: It's a pity because their lack of integrity is simply hastening their slide into obsolescence, in a few years much of the press will simply be gone, it's already happened and is happening as any industry insider can tell you.
  6. In my opinion the press has been unfit for purpose for quite a while, focusing on sensationalism and what will attract the largest share of their diminishing audience. Personally i'd argue that the press should go back to experts reporting and investigating objectively, rather than the focusing on up to the minute opinion pieces and over dramatisation. However most of the public seemingly do not want that, they want easy answers, easy villains and politically correct statements rather than the nuanced reality. A few British generals have been ostracised for holding much the same opinion, their memoirs are usually somewhat constrained by the OSA however.
  7. Hmmm reading these articles, replete with the same lies and bias, and the same messages that the gaming press are standing up for games and gamers, despite condemning millions of gamers and developers as sexist, misogynist, yadda, yadda, blah, blah. One thing becomes apparent, that they are simply unfit for purpose. They're corrupt uncontestably, their criticsim of games is pathetically infantile to the point where they condemn interactivity, their taste in games peaks at non interactive graphical picture books, they have no professional grasp of ethics that do not suit their purposes and that of their cronies, they do not hold their jobs to be important in any way despite the size of the market, they are entirely self interested, they rely on lies and intellectually bankrupt excuses to maintain their position, and they will never once answer any criticism or acknowledge any wrongdoing because in their self righteous minds they are correct, and the usual pathetic deflections will be used against the audience they despise. These are the people whom some want to dictate how games should change, stupid, corrupt and tasteless hatemongers? Sorry but as a moderate i'm totally with gamergate on this, and against the SJF's. There can be no dialogue with such people while apologies are not made to all gamers, while their doxxing, censorship, hatemongering, death threats, attempts at firing and harassment continue. Until such time personally I will continue my boycott and urging of sponsors to withdraw support from these hate groups. As a neutral moderate that is not part of any cultiure, let alone Twitter or Facebook, I believe that this is the only way to end their vicious campaign against the innocent consumer, and stop these toxic people gaining any influence over a much enjoyed passtime that they also despise. And of course I shall have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit, secure in my patriarchal magnificence, and watch their repetitious tirades against all recreational gamers continue. As their simple one track minds makes for some extremely humorous quotes.
  8. Don't be sending her to England, we've allready been infested with Madonna!
  9. Probably quite a lot I would think, as well as insane amounts of ego and self belief, one merely has to behold what the Pharoah's left behind to see that sometimes art can come from extremely strange origins. Edit: I beleive there was an architectural theory on the standing stones, dolmen, henges and menhirs of Europe and beyond, postulating that they were raised merely to state that this was the land of the builders, and that the remains so often found buried around them were further claims upon ownership of the land. Our dead lie here, sleeping and honoured, this is our land, indisputably kind of thing.
  10. So does anybody know if Leigh Alexander the protagonists shooting is automated, because presumably one still has to press a button to shoot or not, making the choice of whether to go on a shooting spree, what targets to choose etcetera, purely the players. The same as every other game. I remember in Ultima 4&5 self righteously slaying the demonic Balrons and their demonlings, great battles against fearsome opponents, then I played Ultima 6, found out they were a thinking, talking and relatable species and not subhuman scum. I had stormed into their holiest shrine, stolen a great relic and their homeworld was being destroyed by my actions. Ha, great games. Edit: There was a part of my Avatar that just liked the accomplishment and the trial of reactions and decisions that combat in the earlier Ultima's was.
  11. The Punisher, an old game but quite good, extremely violent of course but Thomas Jane provides a fantastic voice over and the plot is actually quite decent. Better than all three of the films. On par with Dirty Laundry i'd say.
  12. Could be worse, there could be romances. Pre-ordered, with the early backer "killing SJF's" bonus pack, you also recieve a free pack of coughing nails with every purchase and a copy of "What Gun." Tremendous value for money, I highly recommend it.
  13. Scraping barrels is quite hard work i'd imagine, and we all know that Ms Sarkeesian and co. don't have to use facts or experience to criticise, they just spout their scripture and expect the brainless filth to follow without any thought or complaint. And of course if we filth don't then we are treated to condemnation as...lower forms of filth?
  14. Striking, it gives one a certain sense of pride to note what ones fellow man can build, especially in times that we nowadays lazily condemn as backwards. This is one of the reason I am always somewhat uncomfortable with the conspiracy movement that argues aliens made any striking feature on Earth, it devalues us and takes no account of our sometimes ingenious, gifted and hardworking nature.
  15. Never mind all the violence, the protagonist is a smoker, and thus must be shunned and driven forth.
  16. I'm all for political discussion, so long as there is more than one side being discussed, and it is discussion not preaching at an audience from a pulpit of condemnation and self righteousness. While behind that pulpits lies the corruption and two faced arrogance of those whom feel they are qualified to preach, at a public they should be serving. Gamergate has asked for discussion, and been a movement that specifically debated many issues. The SJF's have and continue to censor, mock and demonise millions. Whom is being a jerk, and whom is looking for discussion in that scenario, the answer is simple. Nobody is sending death threats to EA because they are a company and profit is their business, however game journalists function is to serve the public and represent them, by ethically and objectively judging games, instead they serve as mouthpieces and are hand in glove with them. This no one can argue, and has been complained about vociferously for ages. Journalists starring in games, moving into employment with publishers directly, issuing companies press statements without any comment, writing hype pieces etcetera. Finally the situation has reached boiling point, which is where gamergate emerges from in my opinion.
  17. Condemn and distance yourself from abuse and harassment as prominent figures from gamergate have done and stated repeatedly, yet SJF's have not even once. So advising millions of people on financial decisions that reach into the billions shouldn't be covered by any form of ethics or integrity. This is just ridiculous, instead you champion those who engage in corruption, nepotism and all manner of unethical behaviour, including insulting millions of their audience, and still think them fit for the purpose of serving the public? I'm utterly gobsmacked! I'm sorry Bruce but if those are your sentiments I see no reason in arguing with you, as that is utterly moronic, i'll join TN and ignore you from now on.
  18. You sick and tired yet the sexism, harassment and threats continue from certain people So we have to continue to point out this unacceptable social behaviour And the SJF's continue to indulge in it while pointing it out, and doing far worse than making alleged threats.
  19. 1) I'm fairly sure that the amount of hateful misogynist reactions to criticism was consistent with every other topic on the internet, and there was a lot of automatically dismissed good factual criticism of the criticism. 2) Yes the game industry and media have been in bed for far too long, and people have been complaining about it consistently. 3) I'm not sure anybody knew Quinn or Wu before they became professional victims. Leigh Alexander gave as much as she recieved, and more importantly from a position of power where her voice can be heard far more loudly. 4) When Ms Quinn's multiple adulteries were revealed it brought far more ridicule and rightful outrage over Mr Grayson's unethical behaviour. 5) The SJF's launched a mass crusade against all gamers, denouncing them all as dead, whatever their race, sex, creed even if they had never been anywhere near Twitter or Facebook. 6) Somewhat annoyed many innocent recreational gamers, who were then furthermore declared to be subhuman and worse than ISIS. Tired of being preached at by a corrupt and unfit for purpose (see point 2) medium, gamers grew somewhat irritated. Started fighting back and asking for any threats and harassment from their side to stop as it did more harm than good. Naturally balked at the SJF's idea of good, ethical games which are non interactive picture books, interspersed with clumsy moralising that any preacher would ridicule as blatant and of poor quality. 7) Gamergate arises from Mr Baldwin having a laugh at SJF's, the stupid threaten and harass, the inquisitive investigate those whom attacked them and the fascists start using their connections to doxx, censor free speech, get innocent people fired from their jobs and continue to portray all gamers as subhuman misogynists, racists, etcetera from their positions of power as published mouthpieces. 8 ) 4chan caves in to the fascists need for censorship, even though the majority of the content there was not abusive, threatening or harassing. My perspective, hope this helps. Edit: Ugh a smiley, I deeply apologise for this condescending and horrible emote, edited out immediately.
  20. It's taking itself seriously? With the over the top voice acting and ultraviolence I assumed that it was a satire, like Robocop or something, sorry my mistake. Edit: Or that it was Leigh Alexander's autobiography.
  21. Don't all shooting game protagonists have a bag of holding sewn into their armpit?
  22. Ooh I can allready hear the Weenies starting to squeal. Edit: Day one purchase.
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