I have to say, I just picked it up on Friday last week and burned my whole weekend just to finish it right on Sunday midnight.
My god. Despite the technical issues and INI tweaking I had to go through to make the game tolerable (The minigame controls are slightly horrid and unacceptable for a PC version), there's a gem underneath it all.
It's a pity. Weapon quick-switching isn't there, even power switching paused the game despite hacking, lockpicking mini games did not pause the game in one bit, adding further to the tension. I felt the combat did not feel fluid because of that. C'mon, there's number 1 to 0 on my keyboard, I'm sure I can setup some hotkeys and make the experience more palatable.
It's underrated but have genuine faults. It's the sad reality when crap like Dragon Age II had so many apologists from the journalists, Alpha Protocol didn't even get much mention.