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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. I read they were announcing it in Korea at some gaming event. Given that Koreans like their Starcraft very much, I hope it is Starcraft 2. I wouldn't mind a Diablo either, but come on, I need Starcraft 2!
  2. Yay! Though the name Skylar immediately puts that guy from Southpark in my head... Congratulations!
  3. That was pretty scary. In her other videos she looks nice enough...not that I really looked or anything.
  4. Can I have your 8800GTXs when you upgrade!?
  5. I get the feeling thats exactly what happened. I think they should finish the Revan/Exile/True Sith story arc first and then set whatever MMORPG they make in the chaos that follows.
  6. I borrowed a copy of Halo 2 from a friend and am playing it using the controller. At first I was shooting mostly at the floor and ceiling and walls. Then I slowly got used to it and my shots flew in the general direction of the enemy. A few hours later and my accuracy had improved. I was able to hit close enough to the enemy to make it past the first mission. Though my favorite weapon is the energy sword since I don't really have to aim. Just run/evade close enough for that one hit kill. The trick seemed to be taking a slower, more deliberate approach to aiming. I was used to having the mouse move quickly from one target to another but slowing down, taking my shots carefully seemed to help.
  7. I mainly used three weapons. Dragon Sword for most enemies that are launchable, red dinos and most bosses. Dabilahro(Big huge Sword) for the ogres and laser crab demons Vigoorian Flail against the Berserkers and Skeletons/Zombies. Also loved the flying neck breaking throw. Good for those tight situations.
  8. It was hard the first time, before you develop effective moves against her.
  9. It will get harder...especially a particular boss that will be sure to piss you off.
  10. I once fell asleep after a hour on the treadmill. I was hot, sweaty and tired. It had been a long day at work and I just stretched myself out on a mat to do some crunches. Next thing I know a guy is shaking me asking me if I was ok. I had fallen asleep but he thought I had fainted from exhaustion. I had slept for about 10 minutes, but it really refreshed me.
  11. I concur. The NOLF games are pretty good...and funny.
  12. I like swimming, but not in a pool. I like the ocean...with the girls in bikinis. Unless the pool has a slide. GLEE! I like to alternate between jogging one day, doing the stationary bike the another day and near killing myself on the stairmaster occasionally. Working out on machines is pretty dull, but I tend to look at it as an exercise in patience as well as the physical.
  13. Uhm.. shouldn't it be the other way around? I'm guessing that after I get drunk I'll be unable to stand. Damn, I wish I was 21 again.
  14. Looks like I played the wrong version of Halo
  15. Yes, I think it was story elements that kept me going rather than the gameplay.
  16. I didn't mean to imply that it was a bad game. I just don't understand why the mass media seems so enamored with it.
  17. I'm sure this has been discussed before, but what exactly makes Halo so popular? I've played through the PC version and while it was good enough for me to play all the way through, I wasn't blown away by any particular portion. A lot of the levels were repetitive, similar looking corridors with the same enemies. I did have fun in the open areas but they weren't anything special. Is it popular because it was one of the first major console FPS games, or is there some gameplay that I missed? I admit I'm not the greatest FPS fan, but I have played most major FPS titles on the PC.
  18. Good job~ How better are your pants fitting? Thats the true measure of hpw much weight you're losing.
  19. Gamespy is doing a article about video game movies and cutscenes, top 25. So what were some of your favorite game cinematics or cutscenes? My first thought was back to the original Ninja Gaiden opening. Two ninjas facing off, a clash of swords and one ninja falling. I knew then that the game would be something special and I wasn't dissapointed. The opera scene in FF6 very heartwarming as well. I miss Celes and Locke. The scene in FF8 where Rinoa and Squall fall into each others arms...I really liked that one. In Metal Gear Solid 2, when Snake and Otacon grip hands with each other while the MGS theme plays in the background. I was moved. The ending cinematic for Planescape Torment. It just seemed so fitting. Tell us some of yours
  20. I didn't like the way Dr. Doom was portrayed in the F4 movie. He seemed too petty. Doom always gave me the impression that he was working for the benefit all through his total domination...because he thought himself most qualified for the job.
  21. He actually doesn't look half bad....
  22. I was confused. I kept on reading Fury as Furry in my head and thought that was the lamest super-hero name ever. David Hasslehoff once played Nick Fury? We're talking about the commander of SHIELD right? I only him from the 90s Spider-man cartoon. One of the best cartoon series ever. Did Peter ever get re-united with MJ in that one? I remember her falling into some dimensional hole or something then coming back once as a clone/android/robot...
  23. So it begins...
  24. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years...7071vtech1.html They posted one of Cho Seung Hui's plays. I read through it, and with the clarity of hindsight and the surrounding events, I found it disturbing. However, given normal circumstances I think I would have found the play a little funny. Okok...I admit I chuckled once while reading it. It was when the mother seems to grab a chainsaw out of nowhere. And when Richard says, "Honey-poo"
  25. Spider-man 3 and Transformers are the two movies I'll see in theaters. I'm pretty sure that Spider-man will be great, but Transformers just fills me with a sense of trepidation.
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