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Everything posted by MonkeyLungs

  1. I was more aiming that comment at the kind gentleman MechanicalLemon. ARG's kind of are just "The Deep Roads" style gameplay (hack and slay) for basically the whole game. I thought the Deep Roads weren't long enough to be honest and you couldn't really get lost which sucked. I hope the story is really great BTW and hope that each character has some differences in the story.
  2. PC version costs only 31-40 euros in Europe shopto.net has it for
  3. It's not a GD UPDATE! Its a digression ... less features, no persistent character. Stances aren't really all that strategic. They are cool but its not any different than switching your weapon. For Lucas it literally is just switch out your weapon.
  4. I wasn't talking about banking input. I was talking about attacking twice, then attacking a thrid time when maybe you might have wanted to dodgoe or soemthing and now you have to wait for that attack to finish. Its no different than holding the button down for slightly too long andf initiating the third attack in the combo. Either way its a mistake and either way you have to wait for the attack to finish to do your next move. My character can be doing the fighting while I hold down the button instead of button smash. I stillhave to dodge, block, use special etc. If there is a deeper gameplay system to the button pressing like Ninja Gaiden then it can be fun. If it's just an ARPG with weak fighting animations and very simplistic fighting gameplay then pressing buttons over and over is really not needed. Further continuous input and button smashing could co-exist and people who like button smashing can smash up them buttons and people who don't could use contiuous input.
  5. I don't think it's very proper to mention Champions of Norath and DS3 in the same light. The Norath game are so much more feature rich than this title it really IS NOT FUNNY. PS2 games that are WAY more feature rich than this title. DS3 should be a half-price release. I'll wait until its $30 regardless.
  6. ARPG's basically ARE filler. They are combat heavy and have big dungeons. Are you expecting DS3 to really be that story heavy and have tons of reactivity and C&C?
  7. Well it will probably be in the bargain bin pretty quick so I'll just wait. $30 sounds like a good price for the game. I'll wait until I can get it for that.
  8. I don't really like button mashing ... is kind of my reasoning. Maybe other people don't feel the same but I would much rather have continuous input. Continuous input is not auto attack. You can accidentally press the button 3 times when you meant to press twice also and make the same 'problem' you described happen as well.
  9. Because the game uses combo system. Your third and fourth attack is not the same as your first and second. That isn't an insurmountable design task. Holding the button for specified time activates next attack in combo. Either button smash or hold down button to continue all attacks in the chain. Keeping track of the time continuity of the button press/mouse press is no harder than keeping track of which number button smash or click you are on. Holding down input contiuously should attack at maximum available attack speed so determining necessary button press mouse click time is easy.
  10. @ Tigranes: Fair enough ... I can understand that though its not my perspective. I mainly just play my current/old games over and over because so few titles come out that I want. I actually think that playing through as each character and seeing the differences in not just gameplay but hopefully story/dialogues is one of the strengths of this title. Since every character is highly predetermined it makes for a stronger chance for real differences in each playthrough
  11. Why no continuous input for attack? Why make us click/button smash to attack each time? Maybe would be better to allow for just holding down the attack button? Clicking/button smashing over and over and over not so fun.
  12. Wait what? You serious? Yeah I would never buy this game if I didn't want to play through with each character. If i don't feel like the game will be good enough for at least those 4 playthroughs I won't be picking it up.
  13. I find demos to be largely representative of the final product. When there is a large negative reaction to a demo people say you can't trust the demo. People said that about the DA2 demo but that was very representaitve of the final product.
  14. For people that only want to play as one character I fail to see the appeal here. Wouldn't you just rent this title? There is no persistent character building so if you just play as Lucas for example your experience will be very limited and over once the credits roll ... do people buy games to only get that limited of an experience from them? People can just gamefly or rent some other way for that. $60 for single slog through the (potentially limited) story with one character seems like you won't be getting a very good deal for your money.
  15. Norrath games also had story based co-op with predetermined characters and seemed to be able to handle this while also allowing for persistent saves. These games were on the PS2 and were more in depth. Heck Phantasy Star Portable 2 is so much more feature rich than DS3 it is mind boggling. This is a PSP game that I'm talking about folks. And I'm not getting into subjectives I'm talking about straight up comparisons of gameplay options and features.
  16. As far as feedback goes the controller support for rumbling for feedback is very weak and poorly implemented. Using the rumble effect of a controller properly can really enhance a game. Failure to do so in an action focussed game of any kind is a misstep.
  17. It won't be cool if the game is really short. There aren't many options of gameplay modes so if the only gameplay mode is really short ... well not so good I think. Hopefully it isn't short. I don't like to skip 'optional' content though nor do I rush through games so I always take a bit longer than most gamers.
  18. All the blatant hostility and insults from the OP towards anyone with criticism tells its own story. On the plus side: Obsidian Defense Squad is rising! Those who rise together eat curly fries together.
  19. I'm glad that Obsidian made New Vegas. They made some great improvements in their version of the new s*** fallout. Hardcore mode was sweet and the faction gameplay was very welcome. I would have greatly preferred a fully modern isometric turn based experience that just took the original Fallout gameplay and REFINED it instead of REBOOTING it. It seems like a cheap tactic to me though overall ... to just take an old idea and not really stay true to it but adapt it for the NewFans. Why not just make up something original if you aren't going to honor the gameplay of the originals? Are people really that tapped for ideas? Don't you get paid to think? To be fair this may be slightly out of the developers hands but it still seems strange.
  20. It's great that you came. You almost made it too late but luckily just in time as well. They need all the brave defenders they can get, stand your ground young soldier!
  21. if they werent going to do it right it shouldnt have been added at all..any developer with half a brain knows in this type of game thats what drives the co-op..its pretty much pointless now..theres a huge amount of potential customers now that are going to pass on this game for that simple reason..i know for a fact my friends are not buying it..i hope when its all said and done obsidian has to explain it was this decision that cost so many sales of the game to square.. You sir have serious entitlement issues. It's not your thing, ok, it's not about doing it "right" or not, it's simply not the genre for it. It's like complaining that Portal doesn't have guns that actually shoot bullets, it's not the same genre and for good reason. Diablo 3 was already going to do it, and would do it better thanks to higher budget and staff that are more experienced in these kinds of things. And it's incredibly arrogant to talk about loss of sales, for every sale they lose off people who want multiplayer lootem grindfests they can just as easily gain a sale for people who want a fun qstorybased arpg to play with some friends. ShadowScythe, You really have no idea what you are talking about. The TRUTH WILL OUT when this game releases. You can have great story based co-op AND free roam co-op AND PVP AND Item trading all in the same package. Technical difficulties, time, budget, and a lack of desire to make a legendary title are what held back the multiplayer. You can believe all the PR speak you want but I know game developers are not allowed to speak honestly with the public. The story and a solid single player experience can make this game be fun but NOTHING will change the fact that the multiplayer is gimped.
  22. Didn't champions of Norath and Champions: Return to Arms have 4 player Co-op? Those were last gen games. You also had to have some peripheral to allow for 4 player. It was like a PS2 link or something. Return to Arms was awesome.
  23. The save file is tied to story as are the characters for that file. You cannot have YOUR character. It is just the character you choose to start with and then whomever joins you may pick one of the three other characters. The items you find during this playthrough are saved just like any other game but they are a part of the save file for that game.
  24. I will have to play a maxed out character to make a real comment on the character system. If the skills are well balanced and there are actually different types of builds it should be alright.
  25. Alpha Protocol is awesome bugs and all ... just sayin. If the story for Dungeon Siege turns out even half as good as AP it will be a fun game (with gimped multiplayer ... sorry I couldn't resist).
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