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Everything posted by Renevent

  1. Funny that you mention that and that's actually a really good point. The one sub-genre of RPG I've never been able to stand (hack-and-slash) they've managed to wow me with (Dungeon Siege III). They're an insanely gifted developer. However, while I enjoyed all of those games, some of them felt sot of... half-baked. As though they wanted to do more but settled for "okay." I feel the opposite...hack and slash is one of my favorite genre's and personally I don't think DS3 stacks up. Between the linear corridor level design, less open/deep character /skill customization, simple item system, and couch co-op multiplayer with no new game+ it's terribly disappointing. The action is good though, and it's still fun I guess, but DS3 to me represents the dumbing down of a genre that was already not the most complicated out there. I don't mind a higher focus on story but I think they "streamlined" far too much for this to be a great game for me. Don't mind console/multiplatform games either, I own a 360 and play it often. Just I think the influence in gameplay has really taken away from more traditional games I have enjoyed in the past. I really don't blame it on the consoles per-say either...it's more of a game design that most big time publishers/developers have taken in order to appeal to more people who would not generally enjoy a RPG. Good for publishers, bad for dinosaurs like me.
  2. I just replayed it maybe a year or two ago...I thought it was fine and didn't run into any obvious bugs. Though not discounting any recent experience you may have had with the game, it sure was buggy
  3. It was released pretty damn buggy...but with the latest patches and with an unofficial patch by Circle of Eight community group it works pretty much perfect. If you ever enjoyed turn based D&D games you owe it to yourself to pick it up. GOG.com has it I think for $9.99
  4. Temple of Elemental Evil is one of my favorite games...man...they just don't make them like they used to More and more games these days are getting what is commonly referred to as "consolized". Linear design, less complex game systems, more action focused...and all in the name of making them more cinematic and story based. I don't mind story and dialog, but when the game cuts all the meat off the bone just to tell a story well that sucks in my book. The vast majority of C&C in games is an illusion of depth anyways...you got the good, the bad, and the snarky answer and that's about it. Either way the results from any given decision amounts to very little and only effects small pieces of the game. The ones that do effect a larger part of the game world really never materialize...rather they are just reflected in some end of game slide show. Sigh...what I wouldn't give for a deep and tactical game like Temple of Elemental Evil brought to the modern age. The only games recently like it is Eschalon Book II and Avadon Black Fortress. Already played Eschalon and probably will pick up Avadon soon. Even though they are fun games, I still really wish a big time developer (with real resources) would take a chance and make a game like ToEE. I think I'll be waiting a long time though lol...so it's off to the corridors and corny dialog cutscenes for me!
  5. Yup, the Divinity series is great and that's the reason it resonates so well with players. It's not even from a mainstream developer so that whole "overrated" nonsense doesn't apply. Considering that person loves DS3, we can just assume Divinity was too complicated for them and that's why the think it sucks :D
  6. They are selling better AND they are higher rated...so if they are crap what does that make DS3?
  7. There's always sales on steam. The point is, it was # whatever and it's now quickly falling down just 2 days after release. Also, not sure if everyone knows or not the "top sellers" list is not by units sold but rather by dollar amount total.
  8. ? Theres only Witcher 2 (If we talk about Steam)? And thats a immensly popular title. Other than that its sales and low prices. Edit: And FEAR3. But that got out on on the 24th and is a shooter. Fear 3 Divinity 2 Homefront James Bond: Blood Stone Terraria The Witcher 2 Magic the Gather Expansion Dungeon Siege III who cares? People. The ones who will forget about it? I believe you are taking my comments too literal
  9. The issue is most of the games ahead of it have been out for far longer than a few days. Really it's only been two days...sales should be strong still. The game will probably end be successful financially, but to me it seems the negative reactions to the game are clearly having an effect.
  10. It is impossible to quantify...but looking at all the forums around the web I would say these two things have generated an enormous amount of negativity. Word of mouth is a powerful things and can bring a game great sales, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, really hurt it too.
  11. And I will bet the complete opposite. In fact with time it will gain popularity. Considering it's already slipping off both sales and gameplay charts, I doubt it. Then again I don't have a crystal ball so maybe flat out saying it will be forgotten was a bit strong...so let's just say early indicators aren't very favorable.
  12. Nothing special...meanwhile both games are rated higher (both professional and gamer averages) and had nice online communities that lasted quite a long time plus tons of great mods supported by a pretty large modding community. I don't think DS3 is a terrible game or anything, but it's feature set (from the originals) have been paired down and it's multiplayer is just whack (yes, whack lol). I don't mind gameplay has been changed, but I would expect all the the things they cut to be replaced with something of equal weight...didn't happen though. If there was ever a game series that defines 'consolitus' this is it. DS3 will be forgotten by years end.
  13. It's the same thing every time...he does these videos unable to even comprehend the simplest of concepts, fight with the people who will fight with him, ignore the answers people give him, and then at the very end he will basically implode on himself and make another video as a "message to the forum" which will basically be some diatribe about how dumb everyone else is. I've seen it now like 3-4 times...it's funny to watch I just hope nobody gets sucked into his nonsense
  14. I'll just warn everyone once...this guy is nothing but a troll and I have seen him do this exact same schtick on many RPG forums. He'll make a video, and no matter how hard everyone tries, nobody will be able to educate him. Most recently I saw him on the Two Worlds 2 forum as well as Sacred 2. Sacred 2: http://forum.sacred2.com/showthread.php?t=...ighlight=tx3000 http://forum.sacred2.com/showthread.php?t=...ighlight=tx3000 http://forum.sacred2.com/showthread.php?t=...ighlight=tx3000 Two Worlds 2: http://board.zuxxez.com/showthread.php?t=39303 http://board.zuxxez.com/showthread.php?t=39361 http://board.zuxxez.com/showthread.php?t=39313 And there's much more. His youtube account (in some cases) is "IPWNNOOBS" and he changes his forum handle from time to time, but it's the SAME GUY with the exact same "I don't understand/it wasn't explained" nonsense. You can tell by the dorky voice in the videos and the posts themselves. Look at the rest of the videos on this particular youtibe account...there ALL "I can't figure it out/not explained" videos. He goes from forum to forum doing the same exact thing. You will argue with him forever as he is either a hardcore troll or he is just an idiot...either way you WILL waste your time and your breath. Most of you know I'm not much of a fan of DS3 so I don't care about what he says, just wanted to give you all fair warning as he's just looking to get a reaction and waste your time.
  15. I believe Blizzard all but confirmed Diablo 3 on the consoles, so that would be really cool. Agreed though, I really do not know why console developers are so adverse to bringing really in depth and robust systems (items/leveling/ect) to the consoles. I think it's kind of insulting too towards console players...are they not smart enough to hand the possibility of making a poor choice? I think there's a lot of console gamers who would really love to play a game like that.
  16. I've watched several play through's...the item system is not as deep or complex as the PC arpg variants, neither is the skill system. Even without that it was pretty obvious from the demo. Most of the stats were heavily repeated as well. With that said I do agree that doesn't mean it's a bad system or the game can't be fun...I'm going to pick the game up and I am pretty sure I will have a good time and the item system will definitely be a part of driving force.
  17. Most of what he says is true, though. Ok not sure about the butt comment, but you are plainly ignorant to the differences between the item system in Diablo II vs Dungeon Siege III. Just as a taste...here is the affix system in Diablo II: http://www.diablowiki.com/Affixes_%28Diablo_II%29 What I saw in DS3 was nothing even close to just the basic affixes/prefixes available in Diablo 2...forget about even bringing in the sheer amount of combinations, sets, uniques, gems, and rune words that all add into a pretty substantial and deep item system. Or look at Titan Quest...and lets forget the fact it has THOUSANDS of regular items, but consider this: http://www.gamebanshee.com/cgi-bin/search/...function=search Over 1700 set items alone...thats over 1700 items that all are absolutely unique both in looks and in stats. Every item you put on in has a different look and the entire items system has a whole litany of different possible stats and combinations. Again, this is just the special gear, Titan Quest has a deep and robust random item system as well who know how many individual item art and stats. If you can't see the difference, that's only because you are either unable to (never really played) or just stubbornly refuse to. Regarding how many people play Diablo II, to this very day (10 years later) is still played by THOUSANDS of people online every single day. The fact you don't know anyone who plays doesn't mean this isn't true.
  18. The intellectual dishonesty that goes on in this forum is unbelievable. Ninja Gaiden...really?
  19. Lite version I think is the best way to describe everything about Dungeon Siege 3. The combat is a lite version of other beat-em-ups. The leveling system is a lite version. The world design. The item system. Pretty much everything...it's the lite version. Together it's probably pretty good and the game isn't bad...but this is definitely the "lite version" of a A-RPG's of the past and made for the console generation.
  20. As has been said a few million times, DS3 is a co-op game. Of course it won't last as long as Diablo 2 - which is, you know, geared toward MP. Everyone who's paying attention knows that. No sir, incorrect. There is more builds, more skills, a the item system is more in-depth and has more modifiers, there's more content, it has randomized content, rune words that extend item system even further, full trading, persistent characters with tons of levels, three different difficulty levels, great multiplayer...I could go on but the fact is it's just a deeper more in depth game with a lot more to offer which is why people continue to play to this day. You character is never done because there is so many options to explore. It's addicting because there's so much to try out and you always find new stuff. Dungeon Siege 3, while maybe not a bad game, is nowhere even in the vicinity of offering what Diablo offers in terms of gameplay and depth.
  21. I watched all the Diablo 3 videos, Barbarian will certainly be an extremely primitive click fest, way inferior to Lucas. As for others the only thing that will be better is that you won't be forced to play a gender you don't want to play, for example I don't want to play any of the female characters in DS3 because it's immersion breaking. Can't really see how Diablo 3 could be better except for crafting system and the game will probably be a lot bigger. Seriously, Dungeon Siege 3 is far better than Torchlight, Diablo 2 and Titan Quest in every way. If that's not enough for people I don't know what is. Dungeon Siege 3 doesn't hold a candle to Diablo 2, Titan Quest, or inevitably Diablo 3 as far as depth goes...and that's what people really enjoy about them. Tens of thousands of people still play Diablo 2 to this day because of this...and in all likelihood this will be the same for Diablo 3...honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the online portion for DS3 is dead inside a year.
  22. Yeah I got to pretty much agree with this. I don't think the combat/gameplay is bad or anything, but it's not the best ever. Even beyond that these types of games what's just important as how the game actually plays, is how you build your characters and how that actually translates in to gameplay. I think DS3 lacks here in a few major ways. And did you really say this game will be better than Diablo 3?
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