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Everything posted by Renevent

  1. I understand your frustration kevin, I'm not exactly thrilled at the direction Obsidian took Dungeon Siege in. It is what it is though...I think Obsidian is just lucky I have a lot of money and no games to buy that week lol.
  2. You know what they say about people who pretend to be idiots...
  3. do you use your name as your forum ID ??? if it is, i have no question. but we dont I didn't mean any insult, just you did use a name not a moniker. I guess you used a fake name though, which answers my question
  4. Do the Chinese name their kids Kevin these days?
  5. You --------------------------------------------------------------- Point
  6. no? that's not the point? if you have to make it private to enjoy the game, doesn't it mean that you're wrong and I'm right? the bottom line: having the possibility to join any game regardless of your character's level just for the sake of having it is a bad move, you don't agree, that's fine, keep living in your imaginary world. instead of making a whole system to filter who can and cannot play with you online Obsidian decided to not have it at all. you're saying it's very bad and will ruin the game for everyone, when in fact it's not bad, it's a viable solution and will only ruin the game for you. Of course that's the point! You are ignorant about it yet talking like you know something. Did you even read what I wrote? You did NOT have to make it private...you could set the level range and anyone meeting that level range could join you. You can ALSO make private games so you can play with only friends too. These are called OPTIONS...so those who (like you) want to only play with people of similar level easily can, and those who like a different online experience can do so as well. You are the one living in an imaginary world...you literally have no f'ing clue about anything.
  7. Have you actually played Diablo II online? At all? You realize you can set the +/- level range for co-op games...which is 10 years old now? You could even make them private and play with only friends you know.
  8. Nope it's not. Yup, it is, for all the reasons I listed. Though you can continue to just say "nuh uh!" if you want. You and that sorophx person argue very similar lol. *edit* Oh and thanks Subliminal...forgot about background stories too
  9. Even if your not a Obsidian fanboy, what I said regarding the demo (as it relates to the original statement that was made) still stands.
  10. Believe...or don't believe...the reality of the situation is the same.
  11. there's a world of difference, but you wouldn't know it even if it hit you on the head sure you have, don't strain yourself Believe me, proving you wrong isn't causing any strain at all lol. You literally have no valid arguments and nothing you say is backed up by evidence or sound logic.
  12. Well you were replying to me but ok...either way that really doesn't address what I am saying.
  13. Controls were just fine for me, and I never said I wanted DS 1.5 so there goes that one. The FACT is the demo had story elements, dialog, showed the dialog wheel, and the dialog involved in quests. It had cutscenes and voice work as well. While you can't judge if the entire story will be good/bad, you certainly can get an idea of the general quality of the previously stated elements. The statement the demo was for "graphics and gameplay only" is absolutely incorrect.
  14. metacritic shows only 29, and a lot of them are 100/100 which explains the high average score, but reeks of "arrangements" And gamespot show 59...what's the difference? You have no legs to stand on...you are literally talking out of your ass. You are wrong and I have proven it, it's time to deal with reality now and stop being such a fanboy (or fangirl).
  15. don't know about the first part, but the "reviewed well" bit... 100/100 score, that explains a lot Out of 59 reviews (averaged) it has a 8.6 and out of almost 4000 player reviews is holds a 8.3 average. That's a very solid score rating from both players and reviewers alike. Now, is it possible for you to actually say something relevant or do you always just post inane babble? http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/dungeonsiege/index.html *edit* It also won many awards from a multitude of gaming sites/magazines when it was released: http://www.microsoft.com/games/dungeonsiege/9a.aspx Tell me...do you think DS3 will be as warmly received?
  16. Not my fault you can't appraise something readily in front of you. The reality is it's simply fanboyism blinding you though and this has really nothing to do with the demo. The statement the demo "is for gameplay and graphics only" is patently wrong.
  17. Well, I have 'heard' about Dungeon Siege, but apart from the very basics I couldn't tell you much about it! Party-based, fantasy, and no limits on the distance at which characters can exchange items. The facts are, GPG abandoned the franchise when Chris Taylor went back to strategy games, Space Siege tainted the whole franchise for a lot of people and the franchise wasn't 'big' to begin with. You admittingly not knowing much about the franchise excludes you from telling anyone what the facts are surrounding the game. It sold well, reviewed well, and is a very well known franchise. Everything else you said is just your perception based on not knowing much about it.
  18. There's something very strange going on in this forum...it's like the twilight zone lol.
  19. I can see that...you seem to have a hard time with lots of things lol The fact is the demo showed some basic plot points, the general quality of the writing, and how quests are integrated into the dialog and the dialog wheels. You CAN make some basic judgements regarding the dialog and initial presentation of the story from the demo. If you can't, that's your problem not ours.
  20. I don't know how much that says...Sacred 2 was released in 09 (though in 08 on the PC) and is an open world game. I personally think Sacred 2 has more detail...but it is very close.
  21. Not for story, demos are there to showcase graphics and gameplay nothing more. Most games only start to get ineresting after the prologue, which is basically when DS3 demo finished. If the demo was to just show "graphics and gameplay nothing more" then the story elements wouldn't be in the demo....the fact they are proves you wrong.
  22. case closed Yeah, your case certainly is closed. In fact, it never was even opened. Next time try adding something relevant to the conversation.
  23. I know about Uwe Boll...that has nothing to do with anything.
  24. Again, cute jokes but they are far from the truth. Although you inadvertently added to my point with it...yeah a game IP that only 3 people liked somehow also got a movie made out of it (terrible as it was). It's ok if you didn't like the originals, but what you are trying to get across simply is something you would like to believe due to obsidian fanboyism, instead of something that actually is based on reality.
  25. what, all 3 and a half players? we already know that, they're all here No, the games sold pretty well (about 1.7 million which was pretty dang good for a PC only game). I already posted the statistics regarding it's reception anyways so your little jokes are empty and hold no truth. Baloney, you go on any popular gaming forum and ask people if they have heard of Dungeon Siege and the vast majority will say yes. Not saying everyone will say they thought it was a good game or anything, but what you are saying is without merit.
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