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Everything posted by Renevent

  1. There's a difference between the game having some controversial design decisions and being "nothing alike". I know people like you would rather flail your arms and use hyperbole, but the things you are pushing are simply based on emotion rather than reality.
  2. The problem with that analogy is people don't want the exact same thing, but they do want similar things to what they like about their previous car. It would be like loving your F-150 truck and going to buy the new F-150 but finding out it not even a truck anymore...it's now a economy sized hatchback and everything you liked about your old truck isn't there anymore...it's a F-150 in name only. To make it more clear, I personally wouldn't just want Dungeon Siege 2.5 and I don't mind if there are significant changes. But there is a core to what I consider Dungeon Siege and pretty much everything isn't present in the new game. Only the name and some of the lore remains.
  3. Claiming DS1 is "nothing like" DS2 is flat out ridiculous. There are some differences, but the core of the game is very much the same.
  4. "DS2 only had it so that you could have multiple people in a party" Say what? They both had multiple people in a party...it was a party based game. And yes, DS2 ADDED skill trees but it also retained the open form "use to level" stats...as well and the spell system. World design was practically the same. Controls were the same. They used the same core engine. The inventory screens were very similar (sans a few ui updates and a few added screens). Hilarious you claiming the "entire gameplay was different"...they have way more in common they have differences. You may live on earth, but something is wrong with your perception.
  5. Ah well that answers that question...lol.
  6. Where is it releasing on Friday? Steam for instance says the 21st (next Tuesday).
  7. "DS2 was NOTHING like DS1" What planet are you living on? There's were a few changes that were controversial, but the two games are extremely alike.
  8. I didn't say they all hated it, just the it's much more negative than positive....and it is. I do understand the Codex as well, and I also understand the English language and can clearly read what people write.
  9. The vast majority beeing Obsidian haters aka: Skyway + Friends? Also the codex isn't really the right place to look for opinions other than the few people you can agree on/are similiar to you. I was just looking through the threads at all the individual posts on what the general consensus was...it wasn't positive. I didn't bring up the Codex either, someone else did so I went and checked it out.
  10. Compared to DS3, the first two are deeper. Mechanics wise, more open world design, party size, online was richer and had more options, greater variety of loot (looks and attributes), skill system had more options, and there seemed like there was much more to do and find in the originals. About the only place DS3 is deeper is the narrative and dialog option.
  11. I just took a look over at the codex...it seems the vast majority of people there hated it. Oh, and lots of people there too claiming it's only 10-14 hours long. I don't want this game to be bad or anything, but the teeth gnashing from the hammer legion is hilarious.
  12. ther first one i ever played was bards tale on the spectrum. didnt like it really. was more into games like knight lore and other stuff back then. tinkered around with a few others like lords of midnight and stuff (didnt have a clue what was going on in that game) first rpg i ever truly loved was dungeon master on the atari st, quickly superceded by the amiga version of the same game. and then my passion for rpgs took off, and ive been buying everyone of them ever since. missed some though which sucks. but have got the originals of DS1 & 2 plus classic collections which include the expansions with the originals bundled in. my passion for rpgs was only rivalled at one point by my passion for point & click adventures which started with monkey island when someone told me to try it out. wait.... you werent talking to me?? Well, question is open for everyone I guess :D My first RPG was Pool of Radiance (SSI)...I miss those D&D turn based games! Anyways personally I've played so many RPG's I don't even care to count them all. I'm not one of those PC only elitists either, loved Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star, Shadow Run, ect all the same. Although I will say console RPG's these days are loosing a lot of what I love about RPG's and replacing it with much more linear but story driven cinematic experiences. I can see why people like that sorta stuff, though for me it's the pits.
  13. I liked the first Sacred better...but yes...that map is just sick.
  14. It plays a lot like it sans the number and orders...the action is the very similar. It has the character advancement, you control their loot...it's very similar. A lot of people I talk to all make the same comparison too...so saying "nothing like DA2" is just not correct. There's a lot of similarity and the general design feels very similar. It's not like a DA2 clone or anything, though my personal opinion is DS3 shares more in common with DA2 than any of the older DS games.
  15. Regardless of what you think, they've played it (and finished it) and you haven't. It is true they can lie, misrepresent their play style, and all other manner of inconsistencies...but I've seen at least 10 different accounts and they all are saying generally the same thing. I've seen anywhere from 8 to 15 hours as the amount of time taken, with most around 10-12. They claim they did most/all the side stuff as well. Could they be lying? Could they have all simply blasted through the game? Of course...but it's certainly a trend and it's more than one person. "Besides, I don't value someone's opinion who can't remember the name of the char they played with for hours. rolleyes.gif" Who would that be?
  16. Only one guy and you don't have control of her/his actions. A game with a party, for me, is something akin to BG/NWN2/DA with total control of the companions' advancement, equipment and actions in combat. No, there's 4 heroes in a party. And you do control their equipment and their advancement.
  17. I didn't ask anyone to take my word, nor did I say it was a fact. I just said what I've read from multiple accounts of people who actually played the game. You guys seem to blindly believe what people tell you, though
  18. Have you played the game dude? There is a party in DS3...
  19. The person (well a few different people) claimed to have done everything they could find in the game...still only 10 hours.
  20. I agree, the game is more like Dragon Age than Dungeon Siege. That doesn't mean it's automatically a bad game though...
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