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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Arcanum was more of a last hurrah for 2d rpgs. That and it was like the only steampunk game in like 15 years. It had crappy graphics and combat, but I liked the universe and atmosphere. I liked that things you did one one place affected what happened in another. If that kind of thing could be adapted to a game with good graphics and combat, that would be sweet.
  2. 13. Is it legal for civilians to buy Body Armor? In general, yes - for law-abiding folks. A felony conviction makes possession of Body Armor illegal under federal law and in many states. We have had civilian clients with many different civilian needs for Body Armor so we understand the need for vests for civilians. Our policy is to only sell to law-abiding adults who have a lawful purpose for Body Armor. (A parent or guardian may buy for a minor with a legitimate need.) Residents of Connecticut are prohibited from buying Body Armor unless the sale is face to face (or unless the buyer is a police officer, Police Department, or military). We cannot ship to residents of Connecticut who are not police or military. Some states are considering new legislation to prohibit or restrict sales of Body Armor to civilians, e.g., New York. If you are in a state that passes such a law, you would be well advised to make your Body Armor purchase now before it becomes much more expensive and inconvenient, if not prohibited altogether Again... how does that make any sense? Body Armor doesn't hurt anyone. Guns kill people, body armor is being banned. MAKES NO SENSE
  3. Oerwinde


    Listening to the radio guys for the Canucks games is fun. Complaining about how boring the games are then they hit the 3rd and they're screaming like madmen.
  4. So you think the avengers movie would be more like Ultimate Alliance? I think it will be a mix of standard avengers and ultimates. I think they'd likely go with Asian Wasp and Black Fury just so everyone isn't white in the film, but I don't think they'll end up fighting aliens. At least not in the first one. Maybe the Masters of Evil. Only they would almost certainly call them something else. And y'know... I just thought that Fury might not even be in it... seeing as he's part of the whole Ultimate avengers thing. I do think the whole government sponsored superhero team makes more sense than a bunch of superheroes banding together though.
  5. No mention on whether he was american or not, only that he was asian.
  6. Two fish are in a tank. One fish says to the other "I'll man the guns, you drive" Also... I hate flood control.
  7. 50 years ago it was perfectly acceptable to beat your kids if they got out of line. Children today are growing up in an age where there are no consequences for your actions. Do something wrong, most a parent can do is take away their playstation. If they try anything more serious, one call to the police by the kid can put the parent in jail. Theres no accountability anymore. Its always someone elses fault blah blah blah. Anyway. Short opinion on the event: Guy was a psycho, he is to blame, not the media/video games/music. Gun control would have either prevented or lessened the extent of the event. Opinion on gun control: Handguns and semi-auto/automatic weapons should be banned as their only use is to kill humans. Hunting rifles are a-ok. People who say gun control doesn't do anything is ignoring the fact that places with no or light gun control have far lower rates of gun violence. Yes if someone is very serious about killing a lot of people, and plans it out for weeks/months ahead of time, he will find a gun, but limiting the amount of guns that are easily available will prevent the ones who just break from stress and bring their dad's gun to school.
  8. Iron Man and Bruce Banner are already cast, I like the Michael Madsen as Nick Fury though, I wonder if they would go with standard Fury or Ultimate. Ultimate Fury is obviously Sam Jackson. I could see Matt Damon as Cap, but is he tall enough?(hrmm, only 4 inches difference, would work fine on screen I spose.) I just say Sean Bean as thor because his Boromir looks just like Ultimate Thor, and I really don't think they'll do standard winged helmet/red cape Thor.
  9. US can't ban guns without a constitutional ammendment. Hence the highest rate of gun violence in the industrialized world.
  10. I don't find it hard to create items. It was the first thing I figured out how to do. Been using custom equipment on my secondary playthrough characters. I found it very easy. NPCs is a little tougher though.
  11. After some research... the problems weren't that it was a 32 bit system and the PS1 and 64 weren't, it was that it had no dev tools, so devs had to write in assembly to get games to run smoothly, and that it was designed to render quadrilaterals, while all the devs were set up to develop using triangles.
  12. Wow... that would make no sense. Body armor illegal... yet guns widely available.
  13. I dunno, I think it has a bigger chance to succeed than the Saturn. The "must have" exclusives aren't out yet, and I'm sure Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII are going to push some systems. Also, the Saturn wasn't very technically advanced. Sure it had a CD drive, but they just stuck that in there because the Playstation was going CD. It was still a 32 bit system while the PS1 and N64 were 64 bit. What Sony needs to do is rip off Sega's marketing and bust out a Segata Sanshiro character. Greatest. Mascot. Ever.
  14. First: This is the Obsidian forums, not the Epic forums. Second, from who I've talked to, formal training isn't all that important as long as you can do the work, and do it under pressure. So theres nothing wrong with being self taught, as long as you can do the work, in a reasonable amount of time, under pressure.
  15. Unless they use chemosynthesis, or some photosynthesis-substitute, they ain't going to live long. People don't tend to be able to disgest chemosynthic plants for a long time. I think there's too much nitrites there or something akin. Magic is a more probable option. Always stick with magic. Oerwinde, while your premise doesn't sound that interesting, because it feels a bit like that Void-trilogy with the ram-riding dwarves and agoraphopic elves(striving too much to be different) Weis and Hickman did yon year ago, I do think that half-desert half-night world has something decidedly darksunian and even Moorcockian in it. That books good with me. Are you going to set this in some particular location, like those temperate areas you talked about, or spread the adventure to see more of your world? I'd dig a bazaar-like feel of a nether city between an alien wasteland a nocturnal paradise. Could be like a trade region between the two wastly different zones. Unless you won't give the desert area any life. Of course, almost nothing could strive there, not to mention survive, in reality, but going with only half of the playground feels like slacking on potential. I responded to this this morning but it didn't seem to have posted it... Anyway, its set in Reimar, the easternmost nation of the northern continent on the light side, which borders the elven nation, which I haven't named yet. The desert actually is part of the largest and most powerful nation in my world. Before the Great Unmaking many of the nations were actually somewhat high tech. Much of this technology is buried in the sands of the desert, and has been rediscovered. I have some major low tech areas, and others are more steampunkish. The Terran Empire encompasses most of the central continent of the light side, including the desert, and I picture it something like Egypt, only steampunk. They enslaved the desert nomads and such to build railroads to key points in the empire, and also have huge steam powered hovercraft. The Daran Republic on the northern continent is the only nation powerful enough to stand up to them. They have a lower tech level, but much higher population, as well as many allies. They are whats left of the Daran Empire, which was the empire that enslaved the elves. The elves blame humans though, not the nations they were a part of. The Dark side before the Great Unmaking was the New World type thing. So it has more of a frontier feel to it as well as the whole eternal night type thing. Its where the meteor actually hit, and the resulting magical backlash mutated a lot of the population creating Giants, Ogres, Goblins, Orcs, Darklings(drow), and Halflings. Before then, there were only Dwarves, Elves, and Humans. So the majority of all those races are on the dark side, though some Darklings and Halflings have gone through the Duskborder to the light side. The Duskborder is a huge mountain range that sprung up around the circumference of the world, as a result of the impact and magical backlash, with only one known channel through, where a rather large port has sprung up to manage the shipping traffic through. Because of all the fallout of the great unmaking the Order of the Red Hand was formed to police magical activity. No one outside the order may use magic, and one of the three houses of the order is trained specifically to hunt rogue mages. Sorcerors, those with the innate ability to use magic, are required to join the order.
  16. Those times sound good to me. I should be up by then (I close at work so I tend to go to bed at like 5am and get up around 1-2pm which carries over onto the weekend)
  17. I figured since we had a thread for movies we've seen, how about a thread to discuss the happenings in film and such. Seeing as whenever someone discovers a new movie they see coming out they start a new thread for it, it gets to 2 pages, then dies most of the time. I figured one thread would be better. Anyway, they just cast Edward Norton in The Incredible Hulk. No its not a sequel to Ang Lee's Hulk. They say its not really a sequel, but not really a reboot either. They're skipping the origin, and just going straight into Banner on the run. Its going to be the next film from Marvel Pictures after Iron Man, and the idea is to sign each actor for multiple films, and once all the solo movies are out of the way, make an Avengers film with the leads from each movie. So that would mean Ed Norton as Hulk, Robert Downy Jr for Iron Man, plus whoever plays Thor and Cap America in their films. Likely Giant Man and such would be introduced in the actual Avengers film, since he's really not that interesting by himself. We can use this thread for casting calls too. Who do you think would be good to play the major roles in an Avengers movie that haven't been cast yet? Cap: Dunno Giant/Ant Man/Yellowjacket: Aaron Eckhart Wasp: Dunno, someone Asian american Thor: Sean Bean
  18. Oerwinde


    I hate to say it though, but Dallas deserves to win. They're outplaying us most of the time. When Luongo went down me and my roommates were like "Oh god... if he's out, we're done..." He's really the only thing keeping us alive. Nah. Dallas had you outplayed for the first half of the game, but Vancouver picked up speed in the second half. They dominated the third period. The shots on goal for the third were something like 15-4 for Vancouver. The had us outplayed in game one and two as well though.
  19. If you liked that, you'll enjoy porn. I dunno what kind of porn you watch that has pink blood.
  20. Are decapitations and dismemberments appropriate entertainment for 12 year old kiddies? (There was some minor nudity too but "strangely" enough I find it more appropriate for minors than gore and violence...) I'm pretty sure you are thinking of the modern 300. I'm asking about the 1962 movie that Meta mentioned. In Canada its rated PG. It was pretty tame standard old school historical epic. Pink blood, overacting, everyone smiling all the time, same piece of music plays over and over. I liked it.
  21. Oerwinde


    I hate to say it though, but Dallas deserves to win. They're outplaying us most of the time. When Luongo went down me and my roommates were like "Oh god... if he's out, we're done..." He's really the only thing keeping us alive.
  22. Sure. I don't know how well my multiplayer skills are though, since even in MMORPGs I tend to Solo. I tend to not get up on weekends till at least 1, but then I'm up until like 5 am. Pacific Time.
  23. About half of it, yes. The center part, the north and south tend to be more temperate though.
  24. I didn't mind Lionheart. I actually thought for the first half of the game it was quite fun. Then it turned into a boring hackfest for the 2nd half and I stopped playing.
  25. Either Children of Man or Lords of Magic.
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