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About AutomaticMeat

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    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Interesting subject matter at least.
  2. An update on this. It appears that the achievement doesn't like using the shortcut keys (4-6) in conjunction with shift for the empowered defensive abilities. It only unlocked for me when I pressed shift+space+1. Hope this helps someone.
  3. Helping hand seems to bugged on PC. I tried using several different empowered, defensive abilities and it wouldn't unlock.
  4. A 40K RPG would be fantastic. One done by Bioware? Not so much. I can already picture the sexually promiscuous space marine conquering the galaxy while sleeping with a procession of orks, tyranids and tau...
  5. I'm going to have to do the unthinkable and agree with Volourn. Arcanum is a fantastic game. Admittedly the combat is a pile of balls, but with a decent charisma score you can get party members who destroy everything for you.
  6. I unlocked tasteful rape within seconds, managed to get lost in a corridor and yet I cannot enjoy Dragon Age 2. Life is a mystery.
  7. I know several people here are fans of the Gothic series, so as a heads up the fan patch for the horribly bugged 'Forgotten Gods' has been released.
  8. This pretty much sums up my opinion of the game. I think 2.5 is probably a bit too low, but the majority of his criticisms I would agree with. I'm really struggling with how little I like this game. Usually with Bioware I'm guaranteed at least an averagely enjoyable game, but this has managed to consistently bore/irritate me all the way through. Which I suppose is impressive in itself.
  9. Well, I have the CE edition sat on my desk, I can't play it until our steam overlords allow it however. The CE items are of much higher quality than the crap that came with Fallout 3.
  10. I don't know about the corporation part but this covers the zombie angle. And the almighty Mitsoda is working on it.
  11. Can't say that I'm ecstatic, having been unfortunate enough to play the first two Dungeon Sieges. That being said, I'm willing to give Obsidian the benefit of the doubt after being pleasantly surprised with Alpha Protocol. But still...Dungeon Siege.
  12. This is happening to me as well. Oddly enough it only started to happen on my second runthrough.
  13. Currently working my way through the series. Still on the first one though, so maybe in about six years time?
  14. Or maybe they thought it would be a worthy successor to System Shock 2 and then learnt their lesson the second time?
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