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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. Okay so you also didnt finish it and you right about the overall experience . The best way to describe it is its like bubblegum, its fun and funky but I feel I can stop playing it and not feel like I let anyone down. I will make a decision tomorrow When you say 2-3 games do you play the same genre and what would you typically play ? I do have a online game, RDR2 , which I logon and play 4-5 week. I still really enjoy its and its nice to play an MMO or online game outside my primary game
  2. Yes but now you are seeing my point, the Muslim ban was not all Muslims. It was certain countries, this is what Gromnir is not understanding and when you look at the list below they are not even all Muslim countries that have any kinds of Islamic extremism. So its important to understand the list of countries and also I can give you valid reasons why these countries should be on US watch list or definitely not allowed to fly to the USA because they very hostile to the USA. So the actual ban that was framed as an extremist decision you can position this decision as one about state security. If you look at the list below Chad shouldn't on then list but the others you can see the risk. Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria,Yemen,Chad,North Korea, Venezuela And I am not saying this ban made sense, of course it didnt but to suggest it was a Muslim ban also cannot be true. Several countries on this list aren't even Muslim !!!
  3. @pidesco @gorth are either of you guys available for maybe 20 minutes so I can try to explain something about the Muslim ban in the USA. Of course I would also need you to be interactive and if you dont agree just let me know like usual. And if you dont agree then I wont go back to Gromnir with the updated story Its a really interesting story if you want to know Trumps ME policies but I also understand if you not keen or we can do it tomorrow ?
  4. Gromnir you are sounding a little annoyed. Its not my fault you are not seeing my point but I am also failing to explain my point which could be the reason you are not agreeing with what am I am trying to explain This is an important point so I am going to try to explain my point to someone else and if they understand it then I will come back to you.
  5. I may be misunderstanding your concern but their is a huge difference between someone demanding I prove I am white which I would be offended about unless they can explain why its necessary ? But taking the vaccine is about your health and you do your part to stop the vaccine and reduce the spread.....I am envious.....you fortunate
  6. Would you suggest to Shady that he should donate one of his kidney to science ....they pay good money and Shady is in good shape normally so it should be no issues
  7. Sorry to hear, that can create some uncomfortable body temperature changes. But I reckon after 24 hours your body temperature will be fine and then you will feel much better. I cant sleep if my body temperature is too high ....but I normally shower before sleeping
  8. Yes and Gorthfuscious I am glad you have noticed how certain US companies are mandating vaccines to return to work. The CEO of JPMorgan is 100% correct in his new requirement . He said basically said " if people can go to restaurants they can come back to work " And I also feel some people have been taking advantage of the lack of oversight and normal weekly update meetings. Its just not realistic to have people sitting at home and getting paid for less productivity Anyway I am more than ready to return to work after my second vaccine, 15 September
  9. Thanks for the advice , keep giving me tips as you remember them. I have no idea why I decided to start installing DS but I really think I will start playing tomorrow . We have a public holiday tomorrow so its a good day to start my journey But I need to tell you something so if I am delayed at playing DS you will know the reason. I am still busy with Kingdoms of Amalur and I am about 27 hours in. I have a very strict gaming policy that basically says " I cant just start playing a game if I am still busy with another game " I am enjoying Amalur but its not deeping compelling but it is fun. I am finding the combat so easy....its fun killing everything but I dont feel challenged. So I am thinking its okay if I want to stop tomorrow, I feel I dont need to finish it because you can argue I have spent 30 hours playing it and thats fine right ?
  10. , you make me laugh But on a serious note it shouldn't matter what people think if you support Trump, it is your choice and only you can decide. But can you share why you support Trump, their are many different reasons but they can differ from person to person ? Trumps presidency did have several successful policies but you cant ignore how he handled the pandemic. But I am well aware how he connects with people And another important point is Trump could be the next Republican presidential candidate....its not what I want but it has nothing to do with me.
  11. Would you support that as a solution but I assume you mean arresting people who refuse to take vaccines ? You and I must on the same page because that is one of the solutions that cannot be ignored....but you dont want to have to use the rule of law and order But yes it can be considered if we cannot achieve citizens being compliant and ignoring how the virus spreads
  12. I might be playing DS1 from tomorrow, do you think I should ....I dont think I have ever played this type of JRPG before? And I will definitely use a controller
  13. Oh I forgot to ask you something, who do identify with ethically in Sweden ? Are you Swedish or Portuguese, it must be exciting to integrate into a country The reason I am asking do you have any interest in the history of the end of the Portuguese colonies in Africa and how SA was able to absorb thousands of Portuguese immigrants fleeing from Mozambique Its a good historical story but if you not really into that part of history than that is also fine because I dont mind posting what happened but only if you want to read it? I dont want to waste my own time because their is no critical reason you should be interested
  14. Holy smoke that is one detailed link, I will go through it in detail later I never thought that would be a valid reason for black people supporting Trump , I have never seen that in SA and I like to think I have all types of racism and strange reasons for people just being offensive. I am not saying you wrong because I dont know. The only concern I have is I cant think of why you would see that in RL especially when its well known about Trumps bigotry? And as you know that most of the African American community was loyal to the Democrats and many of them did say Trump was racist Because the other reason that some black people were Trump supporters was mentioned by some people and I was surprised but end of the day every person in any Democracy can vote for anyone they want. So the reasons I remember in different interviews were The Democrats have not done anything to change the lives of African Americans in much of the USA. So its time for a change Trump offers a better understanding of the economy and will improve the lives of black people Democrats have taken advantage of the support of the African American communities and we feel used and not taken seriously Trump is not racist, its the media creating a false narrative and always playing the race card I know how annoying this must come across....but it will interesting if you can respond because sometimes I have no answers myself to certain questions and realities. But its a few things that I avoid
  15. I appreciate you commenting on this issue because I dont have an answer on something else about Trump. I also understand your views on what racism is will be based on normal definitions that most of us understand and its easy to call out racism But neither of us is black so sometimes I have come across people that I think are racist but some of my black friends dont.... so sometimes its not straight forward when something is bigotry For example what would be your reasons for saying Trump has always been a racist, I just want to understand your point. And then if you right why would some African Americans support and even defend him....because I can promise you black people dont support real racists, I see this in SA at times
  16. Yes, Mamie was saying the same thing even and though I havent played DS it does look like that design ....I am currently downloading Mods for DS 1. I am considering playing it after Reckoning :Amalur
  17. Please continue this discussion because its important and if you dont comment then I am not going to get closure I do understand your view because you have been consistent but you are not understanding my point because I am not explaining it properly. But before I go into more detail I just want to know if you are interested in understanding some of reasons Trump had support from certain countries and people. Its fine if you feel its not relevant because then it would be unnecessary for me to make a longer post. So what I am asking is are you happy with a view that Trump was always a bigot and this Muslim ban just confirmed it more openly? And if you are happy with your view then dont you think his friendship and reciprocated support from the Gulf States is a contradiction to this view of Trump So in summary, a known white racist is not going to be seen as a open friend of African American celebrities in a country like USA. Wouldnt you find that incongruous if he really was a racist, I would and I would want to know why they friends ?
  18. I dont mean to be captious but their are a couple of points you making that arent part of what you would consider is Trumps true nature of supporting US extremism...is that a real thing? I know you guys dont want to hear what people liked about Trump but I had to learn because irrespective if I agreed its why he was popular. And sometimes I still wasnt getting the connection but at least I understood it and that was important. I learnt ages ago if you need to create a relationship with people that you have no real affinity with you can still engage with them by pretending to understand their concerns, and this is fine because I am just talking about an initial connection Anyway back to your point, the Muslim ban wasnt an example of extremism because as we discussed previously it cant be a Muslim ban if only some Muslim countries are banned. I know you dont think this matters but it is relevant because you are saying Trump revealed Islamophobia by the Muslim ban and it would have been that if it was consistent. But it was more about appeasing his base and wanting to be seen to be tough and not afraid of certain decisions But the first country Trump visited was Saudi Arabia and he continued to support them. Now that means he had a agenda for the Muslim ban but it wasnt because he didnt like Muslims Another interesting trait Trump had was that he refused to pander to certain comments that were expected from him...and he stood his ground which surprised me. For example at the Charlottesville violence he simply rejected the characterization from prominent CNN journalists that he should criticize the entire right wing protestors ....remember he made the point " their were some fine people on both sides " . Now this was true because some of the groups on the right were alt-right and not actual racists who believed that the statue of Lee mattered and that was more about history But CNN never forgot that and Jake Trapper never directly said Trump was anti-semitic because how could anyone really say that when he has Jewish son in law and was very popular in Israel. But personally I do think he is comfortable with people that espouse racial superiority but he knows when he must condemn them And by not condemning all the protestors as racist or evil he was seen as a champion and supporter of right wing base ...he always considered how to increase his supporters, he knew how to read certain people Its important to try to understand Trumps appeal with many Americans because what if he decides to run in the next election? We cant think that its because he is an extremist but he has support due to things like his consistency with "being candid and people getting his views " Now I think his support is because he has convinced people he understands and cares about their fears ....but he is really a master performer and operates best in a world of populism and grandstanding
  19. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1245620/ELDEN_RING/ Guys good news, Elden Ring is now on steam. Take a look at the video.....this game looks excellent
  20. https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/385710/Opinion_Ass_Effect__Whats_really_behind_the_Miranda_Lawson_freakout.php I had to post this after our last discussion about the normal admiration for Mirandas voluptuous figure So its a really objective discussion about this question. Its also written by a lady which is important, I dont think keeping Miranda in the same way is about objectification. Since when did admiring someone become a negative ....but we all have our own views But here is what another person wrote, it sounds clever but I am not sure I understand what point she is making? Philosopher Martha Nussbaum argues quite persuasively that real objectification lies in what she calls fungibility--a kind of interchangability. The objectified body is not necessarily sexy, but deindivudated, and therefore fungible with any other body or body-part. Individuality and identity are lost.
  21. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/some-college-students-are-buying-fake-vaccination-cards-to-bypass-covid-testing/ar-AAMWt62 @Amentep, you were right....people are bypassing the vaccine passport system. But what is the next step? Should people be arrested to send a message
  22. This is a good debate and one that I have had with others and its about what should people be charged with that is reasonable considering the myriad of different people who participated in the violence or were sometimes just spectators It doesn't seem like an accurate framing to say it was an example of insurrection, this is the definition of insurrection "An insurrection is violent action that is taken by a large group of people against the rulers of their country, usually in order to remove them from office" Most of the protestors seemed to believe spurious conspiracy theories or were very uninformed about how the election had been proven to be valid. So that means you would be trying to prove these people wanted to stop something that was already over ….surly we must consider the actual state of mind of some of the protestors? If you had to question them to understand intent the fact most of them thought they were doing the right moral and patriotic action makes it hard to call this insurrection? You must charge them with violence to people and property and damage to property and other similar crimes. If we use the charge of insurrection I feel that would undermine real insurrection which does have a plan that is about real control of any government ….you don’t want to give this mob agency or recognition for something they didn’t really have a understanding of ?
  23. Pfizer, I was just joking about taking Sinopharm vaccines. We are getting them in SA but they havent arrived yet
  24. 100 % true, QFT Also their is no real private sector in China because one of the truisms and foundations of the free market is the private sector is made up of different companies and listed companies is always one of the primary measurements of the strength of any economy. Which is why any stock market is so important But in the China the CCP can force any listed Chinese company to do what they instruct, this is not how the independence and sustainability of the private sector and public sector works For example when the CCP forced Chinese investment banks to buy shares on the main Chinese SE in 2015 when the Chinese stock markets were crashing and preventing investors from selling shares...they froze their SE. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/09/china-bans-major-shareholders-from-selling-their-stakes-for-next-six-months
  25. Yeah, its the overall efficacy of the Chinese vaccines I question. They work and they wont kill you but much less efficacy. Maybe 50-65 % compared to Western vaccines of 70-90 % generally with both jabs Western vaccines will always be my first choice, I took Pfizer now. I will only take the Russian and Chinese vaccines if I had no choice
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