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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. I can understand how all Ukrainians must be feeling but their are several things NATO cant do and this keeps getting asked in the media and its makes NATO uncomfortable They cant enforce a no fly zone because this may lead to direct confrontation with Russia. What about the Ukrainians surrendering to avoid further bloodshed ? Let the sanctions do their job I realize it sound like a cowardly choice but you can get the country back later, the West is behind Ukraine and they will be supported ?
  2. Gorthfuscious I had a feeling you were going to call me out on that...I was really expecting it But what I mean is I dont support politicians who lie around corruption or self-interest at the expense of the country but this was a harmless lie about people in Downing Street who all had to work together the whole time of the pandemic while the rest of us sat safely at home. Many people in his team got sick and Im sure some died because this was before vaccines in 2020 So let them have a party together, why do other people care unless you were also forced to work and can you tell me that no one from that group ever broke the rules ? The UK media is always very harsh and critical of their politicians if things go even slightly wrong and you presented with an opportunity to attack the current PM. Its the same as most of the media support around UK sports teams, if they lose 1-2 games in a cricket, rugby or football match the targeted team suddenly comes vilified and criticized from all sides
  3. Yes I trust him on most things but not when he says " we didnt have parties during Covid " But he played a huge and constructive role in getting the UK out of the EU and the Conservatives won that vote overwhelmingly that made BREXIT easier so clearly many people in the UK use to trust him as well To be fair to Boris Johnson I think he gets unfairly criticized on certain things like the parties
  4. I am glad you posted this because I agree with almost everything they say and the reality of Russias technical default is guaranteed. I must apologize and take back what I said when I suggested " zerohedge cant be trusted " because these articles confirm they can with certain views and predictions Tyler makes I would disagree that the oil price is definitely going to get to $150-$200 but its possible but we cant say its certain I hope you accept my apology and I hope we still getting married when I come to Poland for a visit
  5. I thought it seemed incomplete because you should realistically also remove Venezuela and Iran from that list until their current political reality change And now that you mentioned this they also ignoring the US. Thanks for the important feedback, I was sent this and I was sharing it so I need to let people know its incomplete
  6. @Elerond and others Here is an interesting image of where the EU can source new energy from once it starts removing itself from dependency of Russian gas and or other energy
  7. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-ukraine-ruble-sanctions/ https://www.cnbc.com/2022/03/01/russia-stock-etfs-continue-plunge-with-stock-market-closed.html I have decided to not update this thread on a daily basis with another reality of the damage done to the Russian economy because its too much data. I will do it on a weekly basis But latest news is the Ruble is now worth less than 1 cent to the $ and the Russian stock exchange was closed for another day yesterday to prevent the mass selling we will see once it reopens
  8. They also have a military presence in several African countries where they currently propping up the government of Mali which was involved in coup. This coup in Mali has been criticized by African leadership but nothing has really been done about. Its easier for the AU to condemn racism on the borders of Poland and Hungary than to deal with the actual problems on the continent that lead to the citizens of about 10-12 Africans countries living in failed states and having no future....but at least these countries dont have racism http://saharareporters.com/2022/02/04/russian-mercenaries-supporting-mali’s-military-government-they’ll-worsen-situation-–-us
  9. https://www.bloombergquint.com/markets/russia-bonds-now-junk-set-to-reel-from-central-bank-sanctions And this financial article says the war chest is $1 Trillion and $300 billion is stored in foreign exchanges So we dont know for certain its true size and how much is in $ But we do know for sure the Russian economy is crashing and the $ sanctions on the Russian central bank means it cant trade in $ which has additional unprecedented and deep long term consequence. To quote from the link He estimated that about $300 billion is held in foreign-exchange swaps and deposits in foreign banks, and could be potentially trapped by sanctions. That may further restrict the country’s ability to access funds. Sanctioning central bank reserves can turn a surplus agent into a deficit agent overnight,” Pozsar wrote in a separate note Sunday. “The Bank of Russia has neither Treasuries to repo with the new FIMA repo facility, nor dollar swap lines with the Fed, and if its assets are frozen, it can’t raise dollars to provide for its domestic banks.”
  10. I wish the Russians were still like that and cared about the deaths of civilians, I wonder why they changed like how they killed brown people in Syria?
  11. Thanks, so I was wrong. We have still been killing each other since WW2, my mistake
  12. Yes Bosnia and Kosovo count, you right But Im not saying millions of dead Africans and Asians dont count. Those are separate wars to this Ukraine invasion
  13. Really, when was the last war between Europeans ?
  14. No their is a split and people who arent sycophants of Trump
  15. Dont take him seriously, Zora is just repeating some exaggerated false narrative that has nothing to do with most peoples concern about this invasion Their were maybe 3 reporters who made stupid comments like " I cant handle seeing white people with blue eyes killing each other " .....WFT ?? Thats one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of and its historically inaccurate. We have been killing each other for the last 2000 years and only just stopped after WW2 I have watched literally dozens of journalists covering this invasion and no one has said anything even remotely like that because this is not about that. The reaction is about Putin and how he has gone too far and thats what this is about...its not about " white people getting bombed instead of brown people "
  16. Yes, sanctions will hurt the world because of the disruption of commodities from both Russia and Ukraine. But its a price we have to accept because its either that or the West must let Putin dictate how the world works and thats much worse than the temporary pain from necessary sanctions Democracy cannot be dictated to by autocracy
  17. Look I understand you bitter but its not our fault that Putin miscalculated and now the reality of who he really is has been revealed to all. Yes Zora, Putin is liar and a warmonger and he has destroyed his legacy and Russia's economy and most of us will continue to support Ukraine and nothing is going to change that even once Russia "wins " it victory with this invasion And playing the race card I would have thought is below you but nice try
  18. Dont feel too bad, we have all been their before How long were you together for?
  19. Can you answer an important question, Zelenskyy is Jewish and he won the election in 2019 overwhelmingly Why would Neo-Nazis vote for a Jew? Remember they hate people like gypsies and Jews
  20. But Comrade remember the Russian economy is self-sufficient and can use the Fish and Chips banking payment system and can trade in gold so we dont have to worry about the sanctions
  21. Absolutely, the real impact from sanctions will be seen in the next 3-6 months and Russia will see no way out but to reverse Putins War...thats the only way to end the sanctions
  22. Russia can reverse its impending economic collapse, it wont take decades. I would say a friendly Russia can get its economy back in 4-6 years Because some of the sanctions that have hurt it the hardest can literally be reversed overnight like the US sanctions on the $ on the Russian central bank. If the US just ends that then Russia can access most of its $650 Billion sovereign fund which is mostly in $
  23. Welcome back, things are still great here What happened in your relationship, we love news and gossip
  24. I am always so moved by your sensitivity and empathy, you inspire me hoonding...you really do
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