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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. it's been released, so come on! do you like it? is it worth getting?
  2. don't we have a thread for Hunted somewhere?
  3. what a surprise you're digging too deep
  4. I'm with you on this one. I actually liked it more than MotB but I never finished MotB, so it isn't saying much. that's what Gamefaqs.com is for
  5. no. let's just do it, because that's what Bio deserves
  6. what about that interview with F.Urquhart? he did mention Atari and Icewind Dale 3 EDIT: oh, and isn't there another co-op D&D game in development?
  7. show us what's inside
  8. who cares about the picture, we want Tigranes style commentary
  9. there's one particular fight, that I'm interested in hearing about from you guys, supposedly it's the hardest fight in the game. Chapter 3, in the sewers
  10. so it's better than Risen? but not better than Obsidian's games, right?
  11. he's cheating. I read on somethingawful that you can either use the same steroids and even it out or kick his ass in a fist fight and make him wrestle you fair
  12. content probably will be added with DLCs and maybe an expansion. hard to believe this is the end result of 5 years of work
  13. oh, and apparently it has the ever lovely Ironman mode (dubbed Insane here). it's the same as Hard but if you die, all your saves go to hell. so, yeah. waiting for somebody (Tig? ) to start a Let's Play
  14. I keep hearing this game is very C&C heavy. like, to see everything this game has to offer you have to play through it at least three times (?) seriously? some quests lock you out of other quests depending on your choices. apparently, there's a whole chapter you'll "miss" no matter what you do, for example... anyone beat it twice yet?
  15. kudos to you, Tale
  16. thanks, that I could manage if I deleted all these free-to-play online disasters
  17. so, how much space does it need? I'm afraid I don't have partitions larger than 24 GB, and those are packed with pictures and music... I wouldn't want to format half of my HDD just to install some game when I get it
  18. since I can't play the game, I have only one thing to say. Tig changed his avatar!
  19. so tempting to download just to receive that letter
  20. we need a new word for them, something close in its meaning to "masochist"
  21. I'm implying that the word "fans" doesn't describe those people. I hate this word, to tell you the truth
  22. I have a feeling it's going to be better than DA2 and Two Worlds 2 combined. and Gothic "fans" will love it
  23. who cares about the story. I still don't know what the hell IWD was about, I skipped all the dialogue. but the combat in ToEE... man, it's good, I don't remember how the encounters played out in IWD, but ToEE's are as good if not better than IWD 2's
  24. it's flippin' amazing. if you liked Icewind Dale, you'll love ToEE. the beginning is a bit slow, but once your party levels up a couple of times, you won't stop until the game's over. you do need community patches. google "Circle of 8" or "Co8". it fixes a lot of issues, making the game a bit harder in the process. they're not mandatory, but a lot of people have issues with the game without them, so to be on the safe side install them
  25. if this game doesn't sell twice as much copies as DA2 did, there's no hope for the CRPG.
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