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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. yeah, it will be a death sentence for Obsidian
  2. I can't recall anything made by Interplay since Black Isle's dissolution.
  3. Volo protecting Fallout Online? how horrible. anyway, no need to bash the whole series because of one bad game
  4. he's also an astronaut
  5. Fallout Online is trash, I hope Bethesda buries Interplay eventually
  6. not exactly like Demon Stone. you can't switch characters on the go, only at specified locations. and there's a cover system
  7. I liked what I saw, will get back to you when I've played the full version
  8. what's so good about Interplay anyway? (oh and according to wiki, Titus were the ones to have driven Interplay into the ground)
  9. hah, you're right. looks like it
  10. Champions of Norrath was ok, but I doubt they can do better than The Return of the King
  11. effectively turning DS3 into an oldschool RTS
  12. not really, more like 1/5
  13. it's so nice, that games in Russia cost 1/3 of what they do in Europe/NA
  14. not at all, a lot of games are doing it. Legions, Tribes, Section 8, to name a few. it's a new trend
  15. well, that was a design decision it seems, to build up atmosphere or w/e, and you can use the torch to kill mobs (although only the warrior can pick it up), and new weapons are scattered everywhere. so you just pick up the torch, go through a tunnel, then swap it for a weapon. like I said, it doesn't seem like loot is important, there's no inventory, armor or enchanted items to pick up I enjoyed Gears of War, and it had been definitely built with co-op in mind, same here I guess. you can breeze through it on the lowest difficulty to get the hang of things, or try to beat it alone as a challenge. Resident Evil 5 is another good example. I beat it in co-op with my friend. but to tell you the truth he can be worse than an AI companion at times, still I don't think it would be as fun. so you might have a point there
  16. so, I've seen a couple of reviews and talked with a couple of people. and it seems that reviewers once again hadn't even bothered to play the game past the tutorial level. the negative reviews point out "flaws" that are actually features, like for example the thing when you can't have more than one weapon on you, so if you need a torch (which counts a a weapon), you have to drop you uber sword. funny thing is, new slots open up once you reach certain requirements (like kill a 100 enemies or something). anyway, I hear it's basically "gears of war with swords". definitely not an RPG (as I had expected). I'm actually thinking of getting it in a month or so, I like this type of games (hack n slash, a la LOTR Return of the King)
  17. what about Stranger's Wrath? it qualifies, somewhat, I think
  18. man, this game looks sweet... if it plays like a fantasy version of Alpha Protocol but with a combat that makes sense, I'm sold
  19. that's BS, and if you don't realize it, you're hopeless
  20. I don't think we understand each other. you don't like the "concept", not the system itself, because you haven't seen how any of the choices affects gameplay. Diablo 2 had a pretty linear system, a skill tree and stats, it was simple but effective, and allowed for a lot of variety. which people didn't know about until they actually played the game and figured out ways to make certain character builds for different situations. seriously, I feel like I'm talking to a six year old
  21. heh, check this out I'm beginning to envy xbox/ps kids, they get all the cool co-op stuff
  22. I didn't know you were an aspiring game designer. must be cool to be able to tell exactly how a skill system works by just looking at it. I'm really sorry to have wasted your time, mister professional
  23. so maybe you should start expressing your thoughts in a more clear way. because saying that a demo version's leveling system is weak, and bringing up character screen as example of that doesn't say much.
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