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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. I don't know, I wasn't around here after FO3 had come out. it's a bad game anyway.
  2. you poor thing, you want a hug?
  3. no, it really doesn't. besides, there's a lot of similarities, other than not having a huge party following me and a different combat system, it feels very much like DS. which is everything I could have hoped for. so, you don't like to press buttons to play your characters, that's ok, you made your point. now what?
  4. is it written somewhere (some sequel making code of honor or something) that sequels have to be exact copies but with different content? just chill. a lot more people didn't like the first DS, than did. so it's a welcome change. you've been heard, great, still doesn't mean your opinion is the only right one, why enforce it here?
  5. the game tells you what it does as soon as you master your first ability. it gives you access to a more powerful version. you trigger it by holding the "super" (RT on the pad) button and pressing the ability's key. it uses Power instead of Focus. for example Heartseeker launches 5 homing projectiles instead of 1
  6. well naturally, duh
  7. actually, you have to hold it
  8. it does. it's dead though
  9. when he tries to find a new job and lists LA Noir as his previous project, if his new employers check it, they might think he lied.
  10. tell that to the Elder Scrolls fans
  11. because in the States the average salary in the industry is 90k/year, which is a lot even by NA standards
  12. clearly, he can't even understand how to combine his different pieces of equipment to make a certain build. what a retard the most important part of DS was its multi-player, as we've been instructed here
  13. btw, what's the purpose of influence points? determines which end-game slide will your companion get?
  14. I bet it doesn't matter if you destroy it after speaking to her, otherwise sounds like a broken script
  15. I don't think this is the right forum for this. anyway, go and fight the boss (he's in the next room), once you've killed it, the quest giver will spawn at the entrance (I think), and she will comment on your decision (destroyed/didn't destroy). afaik, the boss fight is harder if you don't destroy it, I'm not sure.
  16. man, you don't have a clue... there were no "niches" 15 years ago. "in the past", hah, that's a good one
  17. huh, wait, what do you mean? Apeface pulls some strings to get funding for the new "anti-terrorist" unit, which Motoko is a part of. every volume is a different case, obviously, though there are a few stories that unite them (the Puppeteer being the most important). I'm not sure what's with the "movie is better", since it follows the manga to the letter, omitting some points due to time restrictions. and I find her character pretty well thought out. maybe if you gave some examples, I could see your reason for hating it, but seriously Shirow is a great sci-fi writer. and GITS has been cited numerous times in cinema and video games...
  18. you're crazy. the 1995 movie is nowhere near as good as the manga. Oshii's flick is that good only because the source material was perfect to begin with. I guess you mean you can't stand the art style. still, GITS isn't your everyday manga, but even if you don't like the pictures, you should still read it. it's up there with the Watchmen and the like.
  19. he was watching the old stuff or the ****ty series?
  20. you mean Icewind Dale 3
  21. the ALT key is your friend
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