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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Its how it SOULD be played, after midnight with all lights turn off.
  2. We need to keep T&A in STar WArs. Besides if I am going to stare at some pixel women I sould at least be looking at some hot looking one, with a real women I really dont have need for T&A ...
  3. The female should look like this.
  4. Well I hope is that even if The Munchkin Lords have a lv30 cap the game aims to the player reach lv15-18 at the end. Having a character that could beat Yoda and dont even get XP for it is kinda ... insane. And its true that prestigue classes are pretty much useless if we keep with the same limited skill numbers of the previous title, a rework of the skill system to include more skills sould have been done but ...
  5. I still have the urge to beat the daylights out of who come up with "No Bastila dont fall into the dark side" ...
  6. Because a blaster bolt is energy, in fact its gas turned into energy. By the simple fact you can see a blaster travel in naked eye as you cannot do the same with a bullet. Also just because "its fantasy" is no excuse to ignore basic physic law and to ignore kinetic energy mean ignoring Newton
  7. Actually the Nazis had some strong support ... not enough to win elections but they were supported. The SA were acting as security for Nazi political rallies (with was needed since communist and even anarchist tend to disrupt those rallies) with was the closest to a militia but not really one. And Gorth you are thinking of Crommwell but a better example would be Napoleon that managed to turn the French Republic in to the French Empire with him as emperor.
  8. Not odd, Vader title is Dark Lord of the Sith but as many things on Star Wars it mean nothing, it was just Darth Vader title. Did Lucas did anything to Alderan besides the lines that Leia speaks on Ep. IV? or the Bothan in Ep. VI? the Correlian ships that Han mention on Ep IV? Sith was a word, the connection to the Sith as we taken is from the EU, Lucas did nothing except giving that word to Vader title as "Dark Lord of the". The Sith as descrived on the EU predates the prequels, in fact EU simply adapted to the prequels and used Palpatine actor slight error and created a huge battle 1000 years before Ep I to explain the rule-of-two, they even adapted Jedi Knight series Valley of the Jedi as the place were such battle taken place. EU is aproved by Lucas companies so George Lucas knew of the Sith as proposed in the "Tales of the Jedi" series and that was allowed, Lucas also used many things on EU, such as Corruscant that is a complete EU creation (he did not even named the planet).
  9. I dont think so, projectiles have such kinetic energy behind then that force push would require a miracle (read blowing up a force point for that) to be able to stop then in flight. Granades, yes ... rockets and bullets no. Also as a blaster is basic energy a projectile is basicly mass, a lightsaber could melt it but as seen in the movies the blaster is slower (since we can stop it travel from one point to another as you cannot do it with bullets) and so its would be nearly impossible to position the lightsaber to melt the bullet that would still have kinetic energy moving then forward and in the case of rockets ... well it would detonate the payload right in their face.
  10. Well limbs are a pain, I modded SW:KotOR and the meshes are not segmentated (such as Morrowind for example) and there is one head mesh and one body mesh. How when putting armor on the .2da that govers how the character looks simply loads a new body mesh and looks for what texture is applied. I am not saying limbs are impossible but the amount of work required for making textures, meshes and make sure the 2da entry is a subtancial amount of work and not the effort ... unless of course its to implement my sugestion.
  11. No, its the same basic design. SW:KotOR swoop bikes look a lot like F1 cars that anything else.
  12. If I am playing a female character I want a robotic limb but a detachable one to be used with the lesbian romance. Lightsabers are a bit too dangerous for that ...
  13. Thats crap, since at least FF VI there have been romances in RPGs. Point is as FF simply thrown a pre generated character and since we simply play it they could include more meaninful romances in the game because the player was stuck with doing the romance since the character motivation was already done, a example of that is Squall/Rinoa romance in FF VIII that became the drive of the game. However when they make open character generation they cannot simply make it too deep since the player might decide to just ignore the romance option, that is the problem in open character generation since they have to present motivations for the character to do things instead of "being in the script". Romances in RPGs been around for quite some time, in fact FF XII so far appears to be moving away from a direct romance because that was done present in VIII,IX,X and X-2.
  14. I have far more trouble with leaving the old Mithril Blades group that with not going to BioWare forums.
  15. Because "romantic literature" also have trash, such as those romance novels aimed at middle age house wives and is that kind of stuff we usually see in video games and movies ... Clich
  16. Japonese schoolgirl outfit > british accent.
  17. Canderous was supposed to be the gay romance but was taken out, that is why that line says "him" ... same thing happens with the lesbian furry that says a line to male characters were it sould only say it to female characters.
  18. RPGs struggle to maintain class balance ... neither Jedi or Sith are to be "end all" in relation to power. RPGs however do not struggle to maintain level balance, a lv 10 character will wipe the floor of a lv 1 character reguadless of that character having force powers or not. Problem is SW:KotOR simply did not balanced the classes and the fact the force classes were better was because they were not balanced. Also we have the fact if the RPG is a party game then the class choice is irrelevent because they are supposed to act as a team, that was a big issue in SW:KotOR since not only there was no class balance but also there was no level balance (enemies were simply too easy beaten after a point) with Malak becaming a too high challance since we were set alone with then and had no backup from other menbers. A Star Wars RPG were players have a choice to play a jedi or not is possible expecialy in a party system when its easy to just bring along a force user party member to help deal with opposing force users, having "the final dual" is not only a the same clich
  19. The Vorg shown the force users are not the end all they are supposed to be. A non force user can beat a force user, Boba Fett in Jedi Academy serves as a example of that. The only problem is that a non force user have to use some special gear against a force user, expecialy if such force user uses a lightsaber but stuff as slug thowers, flame throwers and rocket launchers work quite welll, its a bit exotic to be common used but it can be found. Nothing says a force user is better, they simply have the force as their ally and a powerful ally it is but Luke was getting to be shoot on the back by Boba Fett, perhaps the force guided Solo ... perhaps Solo is strong on the force but then again maybe non force users can hold their own against force users and we have the area battle as a example of that, force users are mortals and make errors, Malak is really not so strong and in fact many stategies to beat involve energy shields, granades and mine laying,.
  20. Oh I remenber that one ... of course Mafia is a M rated game ...
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