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Everything posted by Draganta

  1. The magic in DS1 wasn't clearly divided into elements anyway. There were spells like Lightning and stuff, but there were no groups. In DS2, there were groups like death magic, and fire magic, but you couldn't see on the spell in which group it belonged, which sucked. I don't mind how they will call the groups (elements, or something else), but dividing spells into groups can add more tactics to the magic combat system.
  2. WTH is Morgoth doing there, standing in front of the screen, i thought he hated the game, yet he is there for the first impression!
  3. ... And only half as powerful as a character that had gone pure melee, or pure archery. Nope, that is the case in DS2, but not in DS1. If I was gone pure melee, I was maybe 8 lvls higher (dont feel like extracting the exp values with the siege editor right now for exact numbers). But now I can shoot from range, and when they get close, my sword, shield and plate armor comes in action. True, the damage is lower, but I have more survivability = more up time = more damage over time. DS2 has skill points, and when you go 2 classes, you need to spread the skill points into the two trees to make them both effective, so you won't be able to reach the high end skills. That's an admirable defence of the system, but I don't buy it (not when even the devs advise against multiclassing in-game because it weakens your char), nor do I notice any difference between experience+skill the system across DS1 and 2? If anything, DS2's implementation of powers allows for slightly more powerful multi-classes than DS1. Titan Quest's system WAS pretty fun, but I doubt we'll see it used. In DS1, they encouraged multiclassing. In DS2, they advised against it. The reason why DS2 multiclass isnt good is what I said before: you will lack the higher skill points, like increased damage, more armor percentage and the kick ass melee powers, when going dual. In DS1, you didn't have skill points. In DS1, you even had bows that increase strength and melee damage, or swords that increased ranged damage and armor.
  4. Nice. So players can join in and control your party members anytime, online? That would really kick ass. Too bad there are no leaked out images or movies. I was expecting more info.
  5. ... And only half as powerful as a character that had gone pure melee, or pure archery. Nope, that is the case in DS2, but not in DS1. If I was gone pure melee, I was maybe 8 lvls higher (dont feel like extracting the exp values with the siege editor right now for exact numbers). But now I can shoot from range, and when they get close, my sword, shield and plate armor comes in action. True, the damage is lower, but I have more survivability = more up time = more damage over time. DS2 has skill points, and when you go 2 classes, you need to spread the skill points into the two trees to make them both effective, so you won't be able to reach the high end skills.
  6. Guess what, two days after that news, it turned out people didn't understand what Chris Taylor said, because he sent a communique to say that Dungeon Siege 3 wasn't in development Yep, he was interviewed again, and he said that DS3 wasn't in development. Im too lazy to google it, but I'm sure it is out there.
  7. The thing that Chris said, doesn't apply for DS3. Back then, there was no DS3 under development.
  8. I agree with the PvP part, don't focus too much on it. It was fun in DS1 I admit, but it was not balanced. I dont blaim the devs though, because the game-concept of DS1 is way too complicated to balance for PvP. I want to see a huge SP world, and offcourse co-op (which is already announced).
  9. I hope they keep the original class system. You should try out DS1, one of the best action-rpgs on the market. There aren't reall classes, you have 4 types of weaponry which you can train. You can make your own classes by combining them. For example: level 40 melee fighting + level 40 archery was a Crusader in DS1.
  10. I am interested, but do you have veteran chars? Otherwise I might have one for you, i got a spare warrior/ranger lvl 53/50 and a fighter/combat mage 40/52
  11. I know it is up to Square Enix, but please, at leats show us 1 in-game screenshot, or a trailer with some, in-game footage. The concept art we have right now is ok, but we need more! Can't wait for the E3 live videos...
  12. The chicken level was awesome. The best part though, was the collection of the townstones. Every town on the map had a stone, and a questline to obtain it. I loved the townstone hunt on the LAN. I would love to see something like that in DS3. The secret level of DS2 was disappointing.
  13. Maybe you should play DS, and then you will see that it is not a diablo clone. I liked Dungeon Siege, but I don't think you'll get very far arguing that it WASN'T a dungeon crawl (Diablo clone). Read my sig, I'm here for a few hours, and I already had enough discussing that LOL. Why do you guys consider hack & slash RPGs controlled with the mouse diablo clones? Dungeon Siege is unique in many ways.
  14. Yup, I remember you too hehe, I have also seen you on other forums. We are the last of the true Dungeon Siege fans still alive. Still playing DS1?
  15. Maybe you should play DS, and then you will see that it is not a diablo clone.
  16. You never played DS? Those crates were awesome. You never knew when they would pop up, and the best thing is: they were usually 5 to 10 lvls higher than your party. Edit: nevermind, I like the sarcasm of your post hehe.
  17. Wearing armor in DS was awesome, heck, it could be a stand-alone mini-game on it's own. Everytime I reached a shop, I was checking out the gear for an hour. Other people on the LAN were always annoyed by me. You don't just buy equipment, but you compare all pieces, and you make up a few sets for every possible solution. I always had a set with armor and strength for my mages, in case we got bashed alot by melee mobs, and a intelligence/magic skill lvl set for pure damage. You always had to work for the perfect set of gear, and after 2 levels, you had to replace most of the pieces again. This is really something I want to see back in DS3.
  18. I might join in to add something too. But I'm too busy with my new DS website. I hope to launch it before the E3 news next week. DS3 has a booth on the E3 aswell.
  19. Ah, another DS1 fan here, didn't expect that, alot of hate here . I completely agree with the side request. Quick commands would be very nice when you have a very mixed party, with different roles. That was still missing in DS2 (even with the autocast slots). And the dialogues should be much less than Dragon Age. Even though I liked the story in DA, Dungeon Siege is an action-rpg. Instead of dialogues, we could use some in-game cutscenes (like when entering Stonebridge in DS1, awesome!).
  20. Never heard of that, but the way you describe it, it's worth checking out. Thanks for the suggestion.
  21. Ah true indeed, but IMO that isn't really a huge difference. Well except for the quest part. I don't really mind, both are OK. As long as they keep the four fighting skills, so we are free to develop our characters the way we want it, instead of pre-defined classes. I'm done with that.
  22. Isnt that with almost all RPGs? What other alternative EXP systems do you know?
  23. My best tunnel-fighting is from Dungeon Siege 1. In the snowy area (between Fallraen and Meren in MP map), you have a hidden dungeon, a very narrow entrance in the ground. The dungeon is a small maze, but it has very narrow corridors. Alot of tactics was needed there to clear it. I really enjoyed that on many LAN games.
  24. The class system of Dungeon Siege 1 was the best. In 2, it was useless to go multiclass, because your skill points would develop very slowly. I hope the class system will remain the same, it is what makes it Dungeon Siege. I don't want to play with pre-defined classes, that concept is old now. I like the free class system like in DS1, even Dragon Age went a little bit that direction.
  25. Allright, what a way to make a first topic on a forum, but I have no other choice... I see people here are disgracing Dungeon Siege's name with false information. People are calling it a diablo rip off and stuff. Sounds like nobody here has ever played Dungeon Siege. Where have you all been back in 2002? Dungeon Siege was fire back then. It was the most anticipated RPG of that time. And when it was released, nobody was disappointed. 1. Dungeon Siege is not a diablo clone. I don't mean to sound rude, but people who think this, probably either never played DS, or really need glasses. Dungeon Siege is different in a million ways. I enjoyed DS much more than Diablo. Diablo didn't have balanced multicharacter parties. Diablo didn't have the brilliant combat/leveling system. Diablo is lame, you just pick a class, and you keep doing the same thing for the rest of the game. In Dungeon Siege, your imagination is your class. You want a plate wearing healer? No problem. You want a curse-casting archer? No problem! Everything is possible. You decide how you play, not the developer with their pre-defined classes. That concept is extremely outdated and boring. The multiclass combat systems of Dungeon Siege and Dragon Age is the next thing. 2. Dungeon Siege did indeed have a shallow story (if it even had a story), but the developers never claimed that it would have an epic LOTR-ripoff story, like other RPGs. Its a hack & slash for god's sake. Diablo didn't have much story either. Heck, Dungeon Siege even has more dialogs than Diablo 2. 3. Dungeon Siege containd a huge multiplayer map. You could also play the single-player map online. The replayability is really INSANE. I play DS since the release now (I still play it weekly), and I still find new items and spell in game. I have never seen this in any other game ever before. I can't describe how much fun I had with a few mates on the LAN. Dungeon Siege 2 wasn't a bad game, but it was disappointing. Well, that is what usually happens if your first game is a bomb. It's hard to improve an almost perfect game. Dungeon Siege 3 is developed by Obsidian. This is very exciting, because they can do whatever they want. I am expecting alot of new fresh things, and I believe that this game has the potential to be as succesful and good as the first DS. Just my 2 cents Feel free to comment.
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