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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. So do I on my PC, my first result is https://www.billbaileys.com/, the second is IMDB for the porn star, the second is the comedian - though all the first 10 images are for the comedian. I'll be honest, I assume that 99.999% of people google stuff, even though I use duckduckgo for everything myself.
  2. Ohh, I forgot about Age of Conan, I couldn't get my friends away from WoW so I never bothered playing it myself.
  3. Conan Exiles comes to mind aswell. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-05-05-cd-projekt-teases-more-cyberpunk-2077-news-coming-in-june I'd love some kind of podcast or stream, it might hold me over until release. I'm getting quite impatient for something new about that isn't related to crunch.
  4. To be honest I think that says more about your... proclivities, than Bill Baileys fame, googling with my workphone shows the comedian.
  5. I'd rather go full Bill Bailey!
  6. May the Fourth be with you
  7. Boogaloo is getting nearer...?
  8. Normally I'd post this in the funny thread, but this one's a bit too dark, and relevant.
  9. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-04-29-next-assassins-creed-location-revealed-today I'm not sure about the choice of setting though, not much of verticality in the viking age scandinavian countries. That said I wouldn't mind a viking game, Rune 2 was dissapointing.
  10. The study was talking about all forms of immigration, workforce immigrants and refugees(IIRC), the "Swedish official" was mainly talking about refugees. Edit; The way he phrased it in the interview it could also include things like berrypickers, I'd have to read the study proper to find out, but it's kind of late for me and I've had fubar workhours this week so I'll have to check later if I remember it.
  11. Nine days! Nein!
  12. Maybe, maybe. I don't know that it'd necessarily be making the cultural isolation problem worse if they would be better able to become more fluent in Swedish and being easier for native Swedes to communicate with and thus according to the study being able to get a better paid job so that they can support themselves. Yes? We're talking about possibly making it easier for them to adapt, not adapting to their ways.
  13. I would say so, the evidence they have supports it. And yeah, I do think it'd be a good idea to use their native language to help them get a proper career and learn Swedish. Overall though, I think that we'd have an overall better successrate if we were to actually distribute people throughout the country and not dump them all in the same areas in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm. Humans are tribal and like hanging out with "out own people", so if you put them all in the same general areas they have no reason to take any steps towards integration and instead become more insular. Municipalities should be penalized for in any way refusing to accept immigrants.
  14. I like how they misconstrued what he said in the end, trusting noone to listen to the 12minute interview.
  15. Bought a new keyboard and retrieved my Steam VR basestation. Going to train truck drivers at reversing trailers tomorrow xD
  16. Jävlar anamma is better though.
  17. Not to mention that they have a badass colour scheme. And all the coolest toys. Edit; Thought with the current fluff being where it is, I suspect that DW is pretty much effed, as in truly ass-invaded.
  18. Oh, and not to mention that if something were to happen and I'd have to remove the adrenals, I'd have to eat fistfulls of medicines to compensate for the loss of hormone production for the rest of my life. I don't think normal blood pressure medicines are going to be a problem, since they're ubiquitous and should be quite cheap, but the rest I'm not so sure about.
  19. Genious! Why haven't anyone thought of that?!
  20. I doubt I would get insurance/afford the rates considering there is a possibility they need to remove my adrenals if **** goes south
  21. Hehe, if it wasn't for the fact that I have pre-existing health problems and need bimonthly blood samples and yearly checks on my kidneys which would probably ruin me financially, I might've done that
  22. Literally drew a short straw today, I'm not going to get a CDL(I think it was called, or am I wrong @Keyrock?) until earliest come autumn. Thanks Corona! So I'm going to finish taking the licence to drive a lorry, but I'm not going to be allowed to "work" with it, which makes that licence completely useless.
  23. While I haven't watched it, with a starting point like that it is massively likely that it's been cut and recut to produce the interviews that he wants.
  24. "...many questions remain about the origin of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus..." Sounds legit, much scientific.
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