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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. So I'm curious, do you have that lovely Polish accent or is that gone?
  2. Are you going to be good if it hits you?
  3. Wagakki band are great, I love 'em - Japanese Folk rock
  4. I'm so very torn on where to put this
  5. As with all things gun-related; Gun Jesus will inform you.
  6. Trying to help my father fix a kernelbase.dll error on his computer via phone. It's not fun, I'm starting to think he is having some memory issues since he can't remember what I said after the first letter when trying to get him to type "sfc"
  7. I think they might've left it out in a warm place for some extra "fun", but man, just the look on those melted pieces of fish... I was actually going to provide a translation, but forgot about it, but I do remember you having an understanding of it, yeah
  8. That can looks like it's gone real bad, like it's been stored wrong. I hate surströmming but it should look like any fish fillet Edit; You can actually see on the thumbnail "Kylkonserv; Skall förvarast kallt (+4c till +6c)"
  9. Wow, you'd never think that Orks would have their **** together
  10. Thanks, I hope so too, my feet are back to their normal veiny and tendony selves, though I still have some spots on the lower legs and feet. You have my sympathies, it definetly felt weird and stiff
  11. They couldn't do that, then they'd loose subscription fees for their heated seats.
  12. It's a heavy bolter, they don't do single
  13. It bothers me that the fire selector on that heavy bolter is on Safe.
  14. She five, I'm quite impressed. I myself would probably have just ate my own boogers by that age xD
  15. Swelling in my feet is basically gone today, so that's good. Instead of heading to the doc for a drop-in time, I decided to book a time in advance instead. On another note, I'm a mean bastard. My niece wanted to play a new game today, Simon says. The first thing I hit her with? Simon says, don't blink! She tries desperately to hold her eyes open for a few seconds before I see a lightbulb turn on in her eyes... she closed them! I see a bright future ahead of her!
  16. Well, the RT and texture units share resources, so the effective capacity is going to be much lower. So... :<
  17. Purportedly much less powerful than the green monsters offerings though.
  18. Yeah, one of the problems with nVidias offerings is the RTX bit, it's kind of hard to factor that in when comparing to someone that doesn't have it. I wonder how much extra power it draws. nVidia doesn't only have better texture compression than AMD, but DLSS 2.0 is bound to help alot aswell. I don't doubt that there was no Big Navi1 because of capacity, especially when you factor in yield. Going from 251 to 380ish mm2 would affect it quite a bit.
  19. My feet and calves has swollen over night, going to have to go to the doctors tomorrow. -.-
  20. @Orogun01 I work for PostNord on the parcel side, I can say that this is very true, something as simple as a printer having some dirt in it can lead to corrupted barcodes. Power outages, equipment breaking down, corrupted files, traffic issues and more can lead to a daisy chain of delays. Also, speaking of Prime; USPS handles prime deliveries aswell https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-usps-rural-packages-deliveries-2020-5?r=US&IR=T
  21. This is brilliant, and needs a movie.
  22. You're going to put pink bows on yours to instill a false sense of security... aren't you?
  23. The fact that they are in bed with Msony is way worries me, consoles has entirely different goals for their gpus than what we have for desktops. I don't have a power/heat constraint like consoles do. I don't want a nVidia gpu, because I really dislike the company and their policies, but I'll gladly hold Jensens hands so he can drop a big fat turd on consoles The biggest problem isn't the 3090, I'd like a card to smash it and I'd pay for it aswell, but if AMD doesn't try to compete at all, well, the 3080 will be ludicrously expensive. Again. A heaping handful of lube will be needed...
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