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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Or you could just do them a favor and shoot the car, put it out of it's misery!
  2. Oof, that sucks =/
  3. I've been more or less done with work for 2 hours now. Now it's just waiting and doing a job that a pen and paper could've managed just aswell. *Sigh*
  4. Damn, that's a huge explosion. Look at those houses near the epicentre :S
  5. Mmm... maybe some horsemeat spiced with ketamine?
  6. I wonder what they put in truckstop foods...
  7. I love Fantasy Flights games, especially Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy. I miss my Rogue Trader/augmenticist with his Loki class Q-ship with torpedoes and plasma cannons. *_* My character has more augmentations than the Enginseer Prime and they're ALL Best craftmanship or in some cases archeotech. And with his best craftmanship Lathe-pattern(Halves all incoming PEN from attacks) enforcer carapace armor he had something like 11 or 12 armor all over his body, limbs having an extra 2 Toughness bonus aswell! We had such high profit rating that we went bananas on purchases though, we never bought anything that was less than Best craftmanship or Best craftmanship Archeotech, or you'd be considered a pauper
  8. And now they're going to be gone F
  9. Also thicc-thots.
  10. I'm feeling you, though I battle it in different ways. Music and ginger beer for me. I've taken a liking to it, and I don't know why. :S
  11. Good stuff!
  12. Wait, there's beer?! Where's the beer!?
  13. I'd have skipped the dr pepper altogether
  14. Drinking a Dark and Stormy, I'm quite enjoying it, though the ice is melting quite fast, the dilution on the end made it quite alot less tasty. I really enjoy the spicy kick that ginger beer brings!
  15. Naw, I'm pretty sure the horse was an authentic North Swede
  16. Mmm... Fermented fish with fermented cream on hard bread, yum, delish
  17. Don't you ever dare put those two together again, I will make you eat surströmming on knäckebröd with sourcream for four weeks straight.
  18. Pfft! You leave Napalm Records alone!! ;_;
  19. It was great fun watching Linus TT do a blind test on SSDs and have almost everyone come up short on it if they weren't allowed to count in their head. XD
  20. You kow, if you were living in Sweden I'd say listen to your doctor, but I kind of have a hard time saying that knowing that she might be "sponsored" by the company that makes the medicine...
  21. Volourns theme song? @Volourn
  22. Cultural as ****!
  23. Pfft, Ultrasmurfs. White Scars is where it's at.
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