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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. I should point out aswell, that I have no grades whatsoever that are worth anything. I've got A in Maths, English, some low level Electrical engineering courses and F in Swedish, nothing in any of the other courses including Sports. So the wage is fairly good for what grades I have.
  2. Heh, that's quite the resumé! Here in Sweden your wife would earn about 8000-11000€ depending on what part of the government she would be employed at, but Foreign Affairs would be state employed, so 10200€ According to https://www.ekonomifokus.se/lon-efter-skatt-kalkylator (If you want to play around yourself, "Vilken kommun bor du i?" is basically what town you live in, Stockholm is the one I used) she would get ~6200€ into her bank account and you'd get 3375€ Edit; Also, uncheck "Medlem i Svenska Kyrkan" unless you want to know what the church tax is aswell.
  3. Haha! Yeah, when I first met him in 2000, he was by his computer writing a kernel for some OS of his own, and I told him that I just got a C++ book from my father that I was studying. So he started talking programming to me, and that is when I decided that the C++ book would become my new monitor stand. I felt like a complete idiot when he was around. It's a fairly decent wage for what is required from you, the requirements is working arms, legs and a passing grade in Swedish (Which they honestly disregard, we've had a lady from Wyoming, iirc, working for us and she could say hi and goodbye).
  4. Nothing No data on that, but; About 4420€ Edit; I've got a friend that is a software developer, a really, really good one, obsessive about programming, he does it on his spare time for fun kind of guy, and on his first job they offered him 3600€ which he accepted, because he doesn't give a flying **** about how much money it is, because it's stupid amounts in his mind. One year later he asked for a raise or he'd quit, and they offered him 1000€ and paid travel time to and from work (About two hours each day) which would count as part of his workday.
  5. I'm not very well versed in the cost of living in Germany, but yeah, it's pretty expensive here, but we also do get many, many things for free or cheap, or with the help of state student loans. But generally speaking I'm lower class so, it is to be expected. An engineer here has an average wage of 41000 SEK (~4100€). If you don't mind sharing what your job "title" is I can look up the expected average wage? It's only from 1855, so it'd be newer than mine ;D
  6. It's before taxes, no extras like overtime, inconvenient working hours, teaching bonuses or such. I get about 18500 SEK (2200 ish dollars) into my bank account each month on that. Since I work evenings though I get about 1500-2000SEK more. When I worked daytime at the gatehouse, managing traffic and such I got 2000 SEK extra for the specialized tasks I had. The best money I made was last December two years ago, working 10-23, 7 days a week, I got about 37000 SEK into my bank account. Go up a wee bit here and you'd get https://www.hemnet.se/bostad/gard-7rum-edsas-alingsas-kommun-edsasvagen-170-16941895 (An 27 hectares next to a nice lake, including two islands)
  7. They have ideas. Not necessarilly good ideas, but they are ideas. Postal workers rarely stay long nowadays, so they make sure that anyone can get a liveable wage. I mean, I did benefit from it alot when I first started, but I think my total raise over the past 6 years has been something like 60€, so my wage is 15€ more than some yours if you were to come here tomorrow and start working. And I'm a yard jockey that also knows how to plan traffic and train people, stuff like that. If I could get my foot in at the docks... they have an average wage of 30500 SEK, compared to 24000SEK that I earn now.
  8. Thanks! I look forward to see how much the union cuts off
  9. Got called to my boss' office today out of the blue, turns out I was due for a salary discussion. It was nice to hear that I was performing well above expectations, but it feels pretty pointless since I'm unionized, and they don't dole out increases by performance, they just give everyone a flat equal part, no matter what you do. Which really irks me. Sure, the idea behind it is good since people don't stay for any length in the company, but it also means that the company and the union bleed any talent away. Oh well, atleast the complaints about the longhaired hardass has mostly died down alot. My boss doesn't recieve weekly calls of complaint about me yelling at drivers.
  10. Same over here, the cold itself didn't shut down anything Edit; It would lower production in windfarms though due to icing Swedish article; https://www.smhi.se/nyhetsarkiv/isbelaggning-bromsar-vindkraft-1.168598?l=null
  11. Rehydrating with Moscow Mules? Here's your gold man-card. 🎟
  12. *Raises hand* I'm hearing impaired, so I was taught this in school. Video over here; https://www.teckensprak.com/siffror1.html Okay, three for you, and eight for me, looks about right
  13. I honestly don't mind spending 40 minutes driving to work, what I really mind is that it costs me 300€ in just petrol.
  14. So, today was Fettisdagen here, so I had myself a semla. And like a gift from heaven, Max Miller who hosts the channel Tasting History made this;
  15. I need to keep warm! A 300W card plus 200-ish W cpu going full tilt can raise the temperature a fair bit around my computer Folding at Home FTW
  16. Damn, we had a storm a bunch of years ago that left me without power for 3 days, 1 hour short of having free electricity for a month, but there was still mobile phone service. I imagine that if something like that was to happen around here today, the only people left alive around here would be me and my mother. Take care!
  17. I wasn't joking when I said that my choice of GPU was affected by heating
  18. Ouch, yeah, there are many things I envy americans, but your infrastructure generally ain't one of them. I can usually rely on my internet connection, but power does come and go through windstorms. I usually leave a little bit of a flow of warm and cold water somewhere in the house to prevent things like this. Temperatures has risen about 15 degrees over here, we're around 0 degrees during the day and maybe 2 degrees cold during the nights. We've got some snowfall that's supposed to come in, between 5 and 15 cms, followed by rainfall and +7C. It's been lovely having a bright white world, but it's going to be grey and boring again soon.
  19. I doubt it'll make you feel better, but I'm jealous
  20. Well, the lake is surrounded by sand till with some dirt ontop, and it's in a "water protection area", so you're not allowed to pollute anything around here. My grandparents were advocates for things like that, and heavilly involved in politics, they were very protective of the lakes waters. The municipality tests the waters biannually, and they haven't "limed" the lake in decades. I believe I have to move the ejector(I don't know if this is really the right reminology. I've got a pump in my house that pumps water through a long hose down to the lake where an "ejector" creates the suction and brings fresh water up through a different hose.) actually, me and my father relocated it to a deeper point in the lake a few years ago, and shortly after that the water got bad. It might be that the ice grabbed the buoy and tipped the stand that it was attached to. Or, as you say, a more dense filter. We actually looked into a RO filter a long time ago, but the company refused to sell it to us unless they made the installation themselves, and we didn't want to cough up the ludicrous amounts of money they asked.
  21. Probably, I've got a filter similar to this, but the funny thing is that the water is always clear, even if I let it sit for a good day or so there won't be any sediments at the bottom.
  22. I've got problems drinking normal tap water, it just tastes "wrong" to me. Ok, during the summer months the water tends to taste.. mucky? I guess I'd call it.
  23. I can't believe they didn't add some Ennio Morricone to that
  24. You do realize that your stomach acids will re-acidify that water immediately? You should save that money for beer instead =D Probably better than your tapwater though. I'm spoiled in that I can just get pretty much perfect water from the lake here, just filter away the bigger things like dirt and I'm good to go.
  25. I'd sort of like that MSI X570 Tomahawk, if it didn't have that wifi there, they're one of the few manufacturers that place the chip-fan away from the GPU, which I like, but as Bart says, MSI are kinda dickish
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