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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. Quite, they've completely drowned out how they're all being monitored. I live in a bit of a bubble when it comes to my friends that are very informed about things going on, so when I saw John Olivers show where he talked about the Snowden leaks and interviewed people on the streets it was depressing to see how little people knew about it. Ofcourse, they all did want the NSA ****-pic program shut down.
  2. It still is today with the NSA, Edward Snowden leaks. Also, @BruceVC https://gawker.com/5637234/gcreep-google-engineer-stalked-teens-spied-on-chats
  3. It's not a question if it's simple or complicated, it's people who have no right reading through and viewing peoples private ****ing communications! No courts, no judges, no juries, no lawyer - nothing. Just an AI/algorithm that picks out "suspicious" messages with a huge margin of error. It is an invasion of privacy, massively so, and it will do nothing to stop pedos. It's not "easy" to have an algorithm scan all digital communications, they can't reliably find zebra crossings in an image! Recaptchas confuse algorithms! And you expect them to be able to tell the difference between your legal DDLG sexting with your girlfriend and pedofiles?
  4. Especially since it's going to be an absolutely insanely huge amount of traffic going on. We're talking about surveillance of billions of messages per day, the algorithms are going to pull thousands upon thousands of messages and images out of the cloud and dump in the lap of law enforcement. A huge number of which will be completely legal horny teenagers chatting with eachother.
  5. The second you build a system like this you have to have a backdoor, and it's not a question of if, but how soon, the backdoor will leak and be exploited. Ah, "some "false positives"; You can falsely be reported and investigated for allegedly disseminating child sexual exploitation material. Messaging and chat control algorithms are known to flag completely legal vacation photos of children on a beach, for example. According to Swiss federal police authorities, 90% of all machine-generated reports turn out to be without merit. 40% of all criminal investigation procedures initiated in Germany for “child pornography” target minors. You're still talking about having complete strangers reading through your private messages and images. Just click the NSA link in my OP. It's horrific. Here it is again https://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/21/us/politics/edward-snowden-at-nsa-sexually-explicit-photos-often-shared.html?_r=0 Nothing of it will help find pedofiles, it will just make it even harder to stop and drive it more underground. I'm sure he would flip his **** if cannabis was about to become illegal in SA and something like this would be extended to "fight drug abuse". Or if "private dancers" would turn illegal. Not to mention corporate espionage becoming even easier.
  6. Ah, yes, more ********ery from the EU, why not; https://www.patrick-breyer.de/?page_id=594160&lang=en The EU wants to scan all text messages, emails and chats, because we might all be spreading pedofilic porn. Well, when I say "might" they obviously assume we all do it, why would they otherwise want everyones conversations scanned? Guilty until proven innocent. But it's ok, it's going to be done in real-time by algorithms/AI so absolutely nothing can go wrong. But don't worry, incase you get false flags when your sexting with your partner a human contractor will manually review it, that's fine right? Noone would mind someone reading through your private chat or viewing personal photos! It's not like the NSA staff has ever shared such things amongst eachother. Who's going to pay? Why we're privatizing! The service providers are going to screen your messages. Not like it's going to hurt anyone, by say, nuking the safe spaces for abuse victims talking to each other.
  7. I don't know if it's because it's popular as hell, or unpopular as hell, don't really matter, the result is the same, but Irish whiskey is really limited in availability here. I could get Jameson (triple distilled, single malt) instead, I could put in an order for a delivery of Teeling, but I don't know much about whiskey. Heh, I once walked 20km while drunk because my friend said she happened to have Baileys and 2 bottles of Licor 43 at home. I brought 2 litres of milk. The next day she had no Baileys or Licor 43, one empty packet of milk, and one nasty headache. I'm afraid a lock wouldn't do me much good. Maybe a time-locked safe
  8. I haven't tried that variant yet, I'm still at brown sugar, irish whiskey (Sucks that I'm stuck with Tullamore DEW atm) with a whipped cream float. I can see some baileys working nice though Only problem is that I'd proabably only get one drink out of a bottle of baileys. I know myself. I know what will happen to that poor baileys bottle.
  9. I can't decide if I like my irish coffee best with the cream on top, and taking a bit of cold fresh cream float together with the coffee, or if I like it best with the cream mixed in.
  10. Feeling a bit physically ill, watched a youtubers sideproject where he's building a car, a Plymouth Barracuda with a Satans piss engine in it. Managed about 5 minutes. HEATHEN!
  11. It inevitably does because those labor laws and regulations are the very antithesis of free market and privatization. The Liberals want to dismantle the Employment Protection act for one. We have massive economic inequality here in Sweden, and it's growing each year, faster and faster due to the right wing politicians and the Social Democrats taking away several different taxes that only benefit the wealthy, the gift tax, the estate tax, the property tax has been set to a maximum of 0.75% of the property value. Capital gains tax and corporate taxes are below the OECD average. The only high taxes you pay in Sweden are income taxes, something which hits the poor way harder than the rich. So yeah. We need a new Stockholm bloodbath. Just with less Danes.
  12. Yeah, the literal Liberal party here in Sweden want to work with the Swedish Democrats to bring about free-market economy, privatize everything and basically **** the poor.
  13. I expect to be offered a vaccine in May, maybe, all thiings considered it'll probably end up being in June. And I doubt I'll get a smorgasbord of choices like that.
  14. That's a shame really, she was cool as ****. But GOOD NEWS, I've found something better!
  15. I like that idea GD. I'd say Maria Sklodowska Curie, no introduction needed. Hedy Lamarr, she's mostly known as an actress, but she was also an inventor that laid the groundwork for wifi and bluetooth with her idea of frequency-hopping signals.
  16. You have my permission. But if you bring mountain climbing equipment and a sherpa, I will call foul
  17. They were a feast for the eyes, and I'm grateful! I'm drinking "gaelic" coffee, and chatting with a coworker. Iz nice. Also, went to the clinic again to change bandage, met one of the new nurses, and was shocked, absolutely SHOCKED, when she looked me straight in the eyes when she opened the door. I've NEVER met a woman that equals me in height. Ever. Chickened out of asking for a phonenumber tho. ._.
  18. He looks like he could use a wash
  19. Yeah... hard pass on that, I'm pretty certain that I'd put my arm to the chimney on purpose after that. It's odd though, I didn't even feel anything when they wiped down the wound with water and soap.
  20. It's a severly dumbed down version of a **** version, 4th edition is rated exactly where it belongs, in the trash
  21. Apparently we've done so well last year that we've been given two extra vacation days, which is real nice, so since I've got a free day of (To keep my hours within an average of 39h/week) on friday, I decided to take my two extra vacation days and one regular vacation day this week. I went to the clinic today to get the burn on my arm looked after, it's hard to properly put a bandaid on your own arm. Aparently looks good, no signs of infection, though I'm still a bit worried since it doesn't hurt or itch or anything.
  22. No, not 2e, hard pass on that.
  23. The Demon campaign went MDK-lulz since we had a few younger "kids" that we introduced to our group through that game, they mostly did their best in killing each other and thing often went haywire from there. The vast, vast majority of the sessions we had was in Vampire, and while I forgot to mention it in my previous post we also played some Mummy, which definetly was my favourite of the ones we played.
  24. Haha! I never really got into HIM myself, but my friends were, I got some real flashbacks to the last years of school That's more like it
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