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Everything posted by Azdeus

  1. You're aware that there are people like that in the United States aswell, right? He's on the same level as creationists.
  2. Too bad, I'd have been glad to see them win actually. I'm going to try and watch the Sweden - Czech game tonight, but I reckon the commercials will drive me insane before the end of the first period.
  3. It's mopping as an olympic sport, what's not to like? :D
  4. To roughly translate the text from the top picture; "Jag er ikke noe skjønnhetsideal, det prøver jeg heller ikke å bli" "I'm not a beauty ideal, and I'm not trying to be one"
  5. ****, I hope you get well soon, that sounds awful! Take care of yourself. I did see some of the lingerie images of those russian players, and I sort of wonder how the hell they are able to play hockey because they had very little visible muscle to talk of. But then, what you say rings true with what I saw. If there's very little body contact you don't really need the mass and muscles in the same way. I actually prefer watching clean games, not that I mind checking if it's done properly, but players seem to have some sort of retardation wich prevents them from keeping the stick on the ice and hands away from faces...
  6. Pfft, it's not the size that matters, but the motion of the ocean!
  7. Are you absolutely certain about this? I've seen pics of your arms. ;D
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. When I was twelve the school had a mandatory camp we had to go to (SANT - "Sniffing", Alcohol, Narcotics and Tobacco) where we got to learn about the effects of drugs and alcohol, but also sex, sexuality and openmindedness was part of it. I did not like the hugging. We got to try smoking a bit through an extra filter to the same effect as the cloth in the video. Did'nt stop me from starting smoking myself though, when I was eighteen. Not because it was cool or anything like that, but because if you have the right tobacco, paper and filters they can be really tasty. Quit smoking a year and a half ago, and if I could start again without the nicotine or health effect, just the taste, I'd start again in a heartbeat.
  10. Started feeling a cold coming on yesternight, woke up this morning with a blocked nose and sore throat. Coughed up a little bit of bloody phlegm and realized that it was the start of a annoying day. I hate colds. I'm going to go look for whiskey now.
  11. Happy birthday then, Nep!
  12. How can you fail to core lettuce by thumping it though?! o.o
  13. Yeah, it's really aggravating for me since they absolutely love it now! [hipster] They could've just read the damn book I had bought, it was just as cool back then, before all the mainstreamers came along. :< [/hipster] I could've been playing Shadowrun for years instead of actually reading through it now, ten years later. I must admit that I find the rulebook somewhat ardous to read through. Really nice descriptive texts about the world, but the rulebooks I'm used to have everything laid out in a more clear manner. Vampire was the girls fault though, all dark and emo 'n stuff... We were teens then. It was fun for a bit, but quickly got stale in my opinion. Atleast we did'nt go for secret uber werewolf-vampire hybrids. All the LARP drove me crazy, I hated it and thought it was boring as hell, but damn... the girls... I still spent those LARP nights walking around town and beating up neo-Nazis and keeping their attention on me and some others instead of them fighting the LARP people. My idea of fun back then, believe it or not.
  14. I always heard the missing part as "where women grown and men plunder", but I don't really trust my own ears. --- Roughly ten years ago, possibly more, I got hold of the Shadowrun PnP book and wanted the other players and GM's to have a look at it and read it through, since I thought it was wicked cool and held lots of promise. The replies I got was "Lol, sucks, magic, cybertech and elves - really? We'll stick to vampire." Fast forward to modern times; "Hey, have you heard of Shadowrun Returns? Awesome game, I really liked the world and concept of it. I actually bought the new rulebook and I'm reading it through now!"
  15. Now, you were talking taxes and snowdays...
  16. I use a female toon all the time, for various reasons, but I did get invited into an all girl guild once, they did'nt even ask my gender. I did'nt know about it until I was actually invited and we were supposed to log onto Ventrilo... I say I'm an awesome Roleplayer, my friends call me a sissy. >-< Awesome movie btw!
  17. I'm not one into training, but if I were, that is what I'd want to do. That's awesome.
  18. I remember fondly when my class managed to vex our PE teacher to the point where she flipped and started tossing metal ring binders at us. Best game of dodgeball ever! <3 She had earned our respect! :D I'd leave that to a group of nutritionists and pediatricians to decide, because I'm woefully underqualified to even guess that.
  19. Treat it as childabuse, allow more stemcell research to provide medical intervention alternatives, allow healthier GM foodcrops, regulated nutritional values in fastfood. If you want to go the regulation way of things that is. Though the only way really to get childhood obesity in check is to get kids moving, wich is'nt really feasible when instant access to interesting entertainment is in your hand, available wherever you go. It's easier and more fun apparently to play on your touchpad/phone than play football, floorball or any sport that could help. That parents don't take responsibility for their kids health and no matter what people tell them, they don't take action is cause for governments to take action. I'm not happy about the WHO wanting to take action, but I'm not naive enough to think it'd go well to regulate the worlds most popular drug even more than it is. Prohibition did'nt work.
  20. I feel nothing but sympathy for the person that has to endure looking into my thoughts for but a moment. "And when you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you". I'm so, so depressed. /emo This is a better situation than the opposite though. Without a government to limit people and corporations, it'd just be worse though. Imagine megacorps having free hands instead of being bound by law. Not that they're really bound by law anymore, since they can essentially pay to get around it, but still.
  21. So how would they have dealt with the massive amounts of depressions that crop up after they take away peoples fun, I wonder? Ban being sad? As soon as I quit smoking, my mood went straight to hell, because literally my one vice was gone.
  22. Would'nt C++ be a better choice in that? That's a monster if I'd ever seen one, perfectly capable of killing people dead!
  23. Yes, it's the G2 R.I.P, as Mor posted, forgot to mention that myself. I'd take a normal bullet for warfare and such, but for what that round is designed for, home defence, where armour is unlikely - I'd consider it. Well, if it was'nt utterly illegal to do so with firearms here in Sweden.
  24. That's a nice pistol you got yourself Woldan, I'm quite envious of that one. First time in my life that I look at a cartridge and feel a pang of fear. I can very well imagine what that would do to soft tissue.
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