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Everything posted by Thorton_AP

  1. You think BioWare strong armed Atari into making the decision?
  2. It does tell you to do that!
  3. Been cool and rainy here for a while now
  4. Like Stone Prisoner and Warden's Keep?
  5. I've been a touch typer for a long time too. Someone could completely rearrange the keys on my keyboard and I'd not blink an eye. However, put me on a keyboard with a different layout and I'd be screwwwwed haha.
  6. I don't know how big their DLC team is or who it entails, so it's hard to say. DLC for the first game was made after content for the base game was locked down and completed, so it's entirely possible that the "DLC team" for Day One stuff simply be made up of designers and writers that have finished up with the main game as is.
  7. I remember Witch's Wake. Which other modules did BioWare make and release for free?
  8. What is this qwrty keyboard?
  9. Nope, just find it funny how they made these big talks how they got 2 years worth of expansions and dlcs planned out and then they release 1 expansion and 5? really short dlcs for the game before announcing that the sequel is coming out in like 6-8 months. They even had that release date printed and shipped out with Awakenings, which makes it sound like they scrapped their plans really early on. Unless for some bizarre reason they will still continue making expansions and dlc for DAO even after DA2 comes out. NWN was also going to have tons of free modules and work associated with it. That didn't end up happening either. There are still more DLC in the pipe for DAO though aren't there? I don't play DLC so I don't really know. Just what I heard. When is DA2 coming out?
  10. Just imagine it was made by Obsidian. You'll probably like it more
  11. That's not surprising. Especially with preproduction level stages. You can't have people talking about all the gloriously wonderful and ambitious things you thought about doing from pre-production times and making people make judgments about the publisher for being stupid (or whatever other insults the internet will toss at them) because ideas are just ideas. Until they're implemented in the game you don't know what's going to happen.
  12. Would that make you an alt?
  13. So you're... upset at no more expansions?
  14. The art style is very different from a graphics engine though. I know one of the big complaints about DAO was that its graphics were bland, boring, and generic. I have to admit I'm not too surprised by some of the BioBoarders that made such complaints are complaining about how the original game looked fine
  15. Wait, don't people hate DLC and would rather just have a full game instead?
  16. What was the 2 year plan for DAO?
  17. I like how that article says the Yankees one six titles at one point, and then seven at another point haha. Unless George wasn't involved in the most recent one I guess. I don't follow baseball too closely, but it looks funny to a schlub like me.
  18. Hey you guys all complained that the last art style was too generic and a weak spot of the game.
  19. Cool, this discussion is over then.
  20. Some laughs from Something Awful: http://www.somethingawful.com/d/video-game...ge-reaction.php (note, this article makes fun of people like us, so be prepared to rationalize and justify your positions to make yourselves feel better I just found it funny)
  21. Meh, I don't expect a whole lot from the ground texture haha. Of course, I don't know if these are the most flattering shots we could get of the ground
  22. Because it does. Hello, Counter-Strike? I don't believe anyone here said that the contributions simply don't exist. If you're mandate is to point out unique success stories, then I think your point loses merit. Some games are easy to mod. Others are not nearly as mod friendly. They're still successful. Typical "your mileage may vary" when dealing with amateur content. Especially in the wake of success stories like Counterstrike. The bad thing about modding is that if you don't own the game, they likelihood of you ever learning about a mod that appeals to your interests is even less likely. Unless the mod is Counterstrike, at which point you're no longer dealing from a niche perspective anymore. No, no. What I'm saying is that there is certainly a way to get your fix other than playing the same old BG2 over and over. Granted, the piece referred to E3 so that's neither here nor there, but then why discuss indie projects? How big is their presence at E3 anyway? It's likely because he misses the days when he could walk into a retail store, and find 3-4 "niche" games right there on the shelf. Or the idea that a game franchise he once loved has become bastardized and irrelevant now. I'm not sure how much time you spend tracking (or even searching for) mods that might interest you. That you haven't heard about it doesn't mean much -- most mod projects don't have a dedicated PR department and rely on word of mouth. Exactly. If the game doesn't initially appeal to you, then no mod that appeals to those niche interests are going to become easily aware of you. Never mind that, as you yourself allude to, the game is not actually online. Should LadyCrimson go out and buy a game for $50-$60 with a hope that a mod comes out that actually satisfies her gaming interests? I don't think so.
  23. Then why comment on the "immense weight" that modding contributes. If it works for you then fantastic. But that's neither here nor there when discussing the industry as a whole. I assumed you had something of substance rather than "Hey, I like them." Unless you're concluding that because you like them, they therefore have a significant influence on the industry which the person writing the article overlooked. I have never heard of it. I suspect most total conversions suffer a similar fate from the majority of people. Odo, the weight on the market is probably less immense than you originally indicated in your earlier post.
  24. I don't understand the issues with the Euro, but I do know in North America large scale retailers use their purchasing power to ensure that DD games are not sold at a cheaper cost at release.
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