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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. "All NWN1 portraits were crappy."


    Nintewndo should pay for the tv. They seem to have done a very poor job with their controller straps which directly led to the tv being broken.


    No they shouldn't. Either way, one would have a hard time proving that the guy wasn't swinging the Wiimote around like a madman. If this was an epidemic like Xboxs overheating, catching on fire, or whatever, maybe.

  2. http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/200611...ntsitupstraight


    The longstanding advice to "sit up straight" has been turned on its head by a new study that suggests leaning back is a much better posture.


    Researchers analyzed different postures and concluded that the strain of sitting upright for long hours is a perpetrator of chronic back problems.


    Using a new form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), researchers studied 22 volunteers with no back pain history. The subjects assumed three different positions: slouching; sitting up straight at 90 degrees; and sitting back with a 135-degree posture

  3. :mellow:

    Anyone else post on the BG msg. boards that were threaded and oldschool in format? I'm not sure there were even post count counting abilities, but I don't recall. It was so many years ago...I don't even remember what nick I used. heh I remember when they made/moved to "new" boards that was closer to current forum formats, but I never really went there much - I'm kinda assuming the stats are from that "new" forum? :o

  4. Odd, how after having once spent two years of your life completely wasting your time spamming some gaming forum, four years later this is the only thing google finds when you type in your name.


    I'd be surprised if one of you even remembered me. Anyway, if someone does, how've you been? As for me, after I got banned from the interplay forums for some reason I don't remember, I actually got a life. Maybe it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Afterwards, I finished my bachelor wih credit, and now I'm doing my master in Bologna (italy), having loads of fun with other international students. But, as you see, I'm still nerdy enough to want to recall memories of internet forum days. So how've you guys been?



    Hey, snookums.

  5. A quick google search brought this up from the FAQ.


    Shapeshifter abilities now create "symbolic paws". When you wield one you

    turn into a Werewolf, when you remove it you're human again. No possible

    exploits, and you may choose whether to put the paw in your on-hand or

    off-hand. Since your off-hand THAC0 as a pure druid is, shall we say,

    sub-optimal, I recommend the on-hand.


    When you try to shapeshift, do you have an item appear in your inventory?


    You know, you'd think I was an intelligent guy, but I never thought to look in my inventory, even after I had read that (from the readme). That seems to do it. Still weird, though. Thanks! :thumbsup:

  6. So, to hold myself over till I can get NWN2 (around Thanksgiving, maybe), I decided to do a solo run through BG2. Decided to use a Shapeshifter, sinch I've never done that before. I heard they were pretty weak, so got the Weidu Shapeshifter rebalancing mod, but I think it's bugged. When I create a new character, I only have 1 shapeshift available, and it doesn't seem to do anything when I activate the ability. Was this a known bug, or is something els happening.


    Yeah, I know, I probably won't get an answer, BG2 being "dead" and all.

  7. we needed to be a HUGE presence early on to discourage the so-called "insurgency" from neighboring countries and from within the various opposing clans in iraq itself.  lessons learned that i hope we don't forget.


    Why? We apparently didn't learn similar lessons from Nam?


    Nam started off small, too, then it became a situation of escalating commitment. The same thing would happen now (probably) if we sent more troops to Iraq.

  8. "I like how the npcs will bicker with each other, it gives the group realism in not being a bunch of yes men."


    the problem is that they bicker all the time over the most mundane stuff. They're pretty much all chidlren; not a partu. Neeshka is the worst offender, and is why she deserves nothing but poo.


    Both music tracks are awesome. NWN1 music is stilkl awesome, and most NWN2 tunes are awesome. Sadly,t ehy also snuck in some of the lame NWN1 tunes as well.



    Wait, you edited your post and it STILL looks like this?

  9. Just a quick question;


    does anybody actually use pause liberally? In IE games the way I played was, I would pause every 6 seconds (or more often, really), order each of my party mbmers actions, then pause whenever I need someone to make a move. In difficult battles I would be pausing literally every couple of seconds.


    So I'd like to know if anyone plays with that much pausing and the lack of complete control still bothers them, or if party members running off and all matters if you don't pause as frequently.



    I was like you. I had to pause ever other second in any significant combat situation. I never trusted the scripts from the IE games and didn't trust the AI to have my best interest in mind.


    The complete opposite, NWN, disappointed me. How much better is NWN2 in this regard?

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