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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. There are some things that need to be socialized in my opinion.  Things like what the population needs as a whole on a constant basis.  Utilities, medical care, and the like.  Basic needs being fulfilled so of thing.  Extra stuff like entertainment, toys, luxuries, and the like should be held privately in a competitive market for they aren't needed for basic human living.


    Also murder is defined as a killing of an individual unsanctioned by a government.  If the government sanctioned the death of those individuals, right or wrong, it wouldn't be murder.


    Government definitions are used simply for legal purposes.

  2. Upgrades are cheaper, too, though you are probably looking at the Windows XP Upgrade (not for Original Equipment Manufacturers, obviously, as they are installing the OS on a new machine).


    It's an identical product.


    Microsoft is quite sensitive about re-installing Windows on another PC; this also has repercussions if you change your motherboard (for example), as Windows XP thinks you have installed it on a new PC and will have issues when you try to activate it online.



    There are ways around this, though I'm not advocating such actions :)" :)


    Shouldn't XP see a great reduction in price after Vista is officially dropped?

  3. But the act of throwing an unwilling person onto the grenade is simply an act of murder.


    That seems rather simple to me.


    And if it is for the greater good, would it still be called murder?


    And if it is called murder, then would the word "murder" really be such a bad thing?

    Depends, can you convince 12 people that it was justified?


    Well, it depends on your definition of murder, really. If you throw an innocent granny walking across the street onto a grenade (we'll assume for argument's sake that she is unwilling to lob herself onto the explosive), that's pretty much murder, and I don't see how you could rationalize it any other way. However, if you find yourself in hand to hand combat with an enemy in a time of war, and a grenade lands near the two of you, throwing him on the grenade doesn't seem so murderous.

  4. What is the CE after windows?


    Anyway, I purchased the Axim X51v and am anxiously awaiting its arrival. I'll play around with it when I get it and let you all know how much I like/hate it.


    Can you install (some) regular PC software on PDAs? I ask because my college requires a VPN client to connect wirelessly to the network. I'm also researching turning the PDA into a cheap alternative to a cell phone via VOIP (using Skype, perhaps), though I'll have to wait till I really get used to the functionality of the device before I undertake that. If I can do that, I'll be a super happy camper. That means the only thing it wouldn't do is take pictures and record video.

  5. Yeah, but it wouldn't be Fallout.
    It will be Fallout. They own the license, you don't.


    End of thread.

    Yes, they may own the license but they also want to make money off of that license which makes them dependent on the gamers they seek to sell this game to. If it isn't Fallout enough then I will not buy it.


    For good or ill, I'm afraid your type are the minority...a very small, vocal minority.

  6. I have the Palm LifeDrive fwiiw.


    Re: Dell. They are no longer going to carry a PDA loine iirc after the current gen. Do with that as you will as you discern :p



    Meh, by the time I'm ready to get a new one another comparable, if not substantially better, model will be available, I'm sure. Such is technology.

  7. I checked some reviews. Everything seems pretty positive, with very few (if any) major flaws or drawbacks.


    I'd like if it had video capture ability, but with all this for 281...


    Oh yeah, what kind of software can be installed on Windows Mobile?

  8. I'm looking to get into the market for a good solid PDA with good functionality and a good price. I've come across this one from Dell:


    Dell AximTM X51v






  9. "*Edited by Walsingham for gratuitous callousness*"


    She can't move, she is severely retarded and is forced to live out her life as some kind of freakish ornament on her parents bed with no real experience of what it means to be human, but human life is ' sacred', so sacred that we would rather have a lifetime of non-life or a lifetime of suffering than end it.


    A normal three month old is not a freakish ornament, wouldn't you agree?



    This is not a normal three month old. She's not even a three month old.

  10. Ashley Treatment' Questioned By Parents

    NEW YORK, Jan. 6, 2006(CBS) Her name is Ashley and she's 9 years old.


    But she has the mental and physical abilities of a 3-month-old, and will for the rest of her life.


    Two years ago, her parents made a decision to essentially freeze her in time with a treatment called growth attenuation therapy. CBS News correspondent Michelle Miller reports.


    "What they were asking to do was something that many of us hadn't thought about doing before," says Dr. Dough Diekema of Seattle Children

  11. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070111/ap_on_hi_te/spy_coins_10


    WASHINGTON - Money talks, but can it also follow your movements?


    In a U.S. government warning high on the creepiness scale, the Defense Department cautioned its American contractors over what it described as a new espionage threat: Canadian coins with tiny radio frequency transmitters hidden inside.


    The government said the mysterious coins were found planted on U.S. contractors with classified security clearances on at least three separate occasions between October 2005 and January 2006 as the contractors traveled through Canada.


    Intelligence and technology experts said such transmitters, if they exist, could be used to surreptitiously track the movements of people carrying the spy coins.


    The U.S. report doesn't suggest who might be tracking American defense contractors or why. It also doesn't describe how the        Pentagon discovered the ruse, how the transmitters might function or even which Canadian currency contained them.


    Further details were secret, according to the U.S. Defense Security Service, which issued the warning to the Pentagon's classified contractors. The government insists the incidents happened, and the risk was genuine.


    "What's in the report is true," said Martha Deutscher, a spokeswoman for the security service. "This is indeed a sanitized version, which leaves a lot of questions."


    Top suspects, according to outside experts: China, Russia or even France

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