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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. thats a really interesting way to view it.... but if your saying thats how things came it does contradict the bible but if you think it was created and then continue to evolve then that i might believe in



    It does not matter if it contradicts the bible. I take the bible for what it is. A book written by men.

  2. Of course it has. The real issue is standards, regulation and enforcement in China aren't up to scratch yet though so these things are likelier to happen. I bet it was the same way in the West too before standards got raised. Maybe even ethics.


    What the media spotlight does is raise awareness and even gets the govt to raise its game, which is exactly what the Chinese govt is doing. They're revising laws and cracking down. I think they executed a former minister because he accepted bribes and let substandard drugs be sold in China.


    It'll happen if they want to continue doing business with the west (foodwise)


    America went through it, too, back in the early 1900s...just read "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. :sorcerer:

  3. . The only two US Presidents who were impeached (Johnson and Clinton) it was done for such a minor and insignificant violation that their prosecution could only be called political.


    Not to be as stickler, but wasn't it Andrew Jackson that was impeached? Of course, I could be wrong, and it's really not significant to the discussion. :sorcerer:


    Anyway, as for the rest. Say Bush has done nothing illegal. Few in this thread are arguing whether or not his actions have been ethical. And how much of the nation has to disapprove of its leader's running of the country does it take to have us throw him out of office? Of course, this is a democracy, where all change requires substantial time to take place.

  4. There has been a story in the news lately about a Georgian man who was convicted of killing a police officer, and he has been ordered to be executed sometime next week. However, new evidence suggests that this man may be innocent, with several key witnesses retracting their statements, as well as naming another man. Still, the judge denies this new evidence or a retrial, and the man is still to be executed, barring a successful appeal of the state supreme court. Here is an article about it:




    What do you think about this situation?

  5. Check out this MSN article about an all-electric bike for city goers and whatnot: Enertia


    I prefer a car too, since I live in an area where it rains most of the year. Plus it's nice being able to haul three or four friends around with room to spare.


    Holy crap...just because it's electric doesn't mean it has to look mega lame. :cat:


    I'm really wanting a bike right now...mainly because my girl's getting one and I'm going to be jealous. I want to get a Ninja 500 something or other...a nice beginner bike.

  6. I saw it yesterday. This is what i remember:


    - Chevys

    - Camaros

    - Nokia

    - Apple

    - Mountain dew

    - Xbox360

    - PS2 and a dancemat

    - Samsung

    - Burger King

    - F-22

    - Predator

    - Other military blablabla-equipment

    - Silly hacker from highschool knowing the chinese "style" of hacking

    - Hotwiring a 1930's radio with a computer to send morse-code

    - Airforce 1 is wirelessly connected to every computer in the Pentagon, CIA, NSA and so on

    - No Soundwave

    - No Grimlock



    Damn you Michael Bay, damn you to HELL.


    Someting tells me you weren't going to like the movie regardless of what was done.


    Easy, ditch the productplacement, the AWESUM references military equipment, stupid technology-errors + 50% human screentime and i would've liked it. And Paul Verhoeven should've directed it.


    Come, now. You were looking for things to complain about. Product placement in a huge summer blockbuster movie? Big effing deal. Did it make you feel you had to go out and buy any of those things? Doubtful.


    And complaining about technology "errors" in a movie about giant transforming robots from space seems a bit nitpicky.


    You wanted these things to distract you from liking the movie. Admit it.

  7. I saw it yesterday. This is what i remember:


    - Chevys

    - Camaros

    - Nokia

    - Apple

    - Mountain dew

    - Xbox360

    - PS2 and a dancemat

    - Samsung

    - Burger King

    - F-22

    - Predator

    - Other military blablabla-equipment

    - Silly hacker from highschool knowing the chinese "style" of hacking

    - Hotwiring a 1930's radio with a computer to send morse-code

    - Airforce 1 is wirelessly connected to every computer in the Pentagon, CIA, NSA and so on

    - No Soundwave

    - No Grimlock



    Damn you Michael Bay, damn you to HELL.


    Someting tells me you weren't going to like the movie regardless of what was done.

  8. I haven't read through the whole thread, but I noticed the part about the partial level scaling, where the game bases the difficulty of an area based on what level the players is initially, then locks it there. So, if one were to rush to the last area of the game (as close as possible) he could have a bunch of low level critters in what should be the hardest part? Something doesn't seem right about this.

  9. Of course, there's no guarantee either way, so the point is moot.

    I think that looking at the best examples of any implementation gives you an idea of the upper potential of a concept. We all know that any idea in the history of the world is going to be terrible if it isn't executed well. But that doesn't give us an idea of how good it could be. Looking at the best examples of any concept tells us more about its potential and/or its limitations. Take first-person melee. I think it's fundamentally problematic because even the best examples of it (Oblivion, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic) still have a lot of control issues. Some people accept the control trade-off because they enjoy the more immersive experience. But I don't think anyone is going to use Trespasser or DTUM as a starting point for talking about first-person anything because it isn't really indicative of the potential of the concept; they're just fundamentally flawed.


    I'll concede that point. I just hope it isn't as annoying as Oblivion.

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