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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. In my country, homosexuality is a not a crime when it occurs in private and between consenting adults. In 2003 legislation was proposed by the Justice Ministry to amend the criminal code so was to criminalize heterosexual and homosexual sodomy with up to twelve years in prison. The proposed legislation would also criminalize cohabitation, adultery and the practice of witchcraft. The government has allowed local governments to adopt Islamic law and thus certain local ordinances have been adopted that prohibit homosexuality and cross-dressing. The law also does not recognize gay marriage, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.



    Sounds pretty horrible.

  2. I don't know if someone has brought this up in this thread before because it is far too long to completely go through, but what is it with all the creating and beginning in this thread?


    Why does everything have to have a beginning? Why can't something just be there? Be eternal? Or is that too big a concept for way too many human minds to wrap themselves about?



    It is not that it is too big a concept for humanity to wrap its head around. Moreso that man has the insatiable need or urge to "know" things. And simply accepting that something has always "just been there" is...well...not acceptable.

  3. That's terrible to hear. Are you white? I've heard interracial couples face a ton of discimination on both sides. Do you suspect any ex-boyfriends? I'd definitely file a police report. If it escalates, you want documentation.

    Yeah, I'm white. I don't suspect any ex boyfriends, though all we can suspect is that someone where she moved is either racist, or one of her ex inmates (used to work at a prison) saw us getting out of the car.

  4. That's right.


    I was staying at my girl's place last night, only to wake up and find "nigger your ass is mine'' written in magic marker on the driver side door.


    Son of a bitch... I had to get some paint thinner/lighter fluid and wash that crap off, then re-wax it.



    But they didn't break any windows, steal your hubcaps or slash your tires? You guys really need to learn alot about vandalism...

    Is this a joke? Not only is it technically vandalism, but it could also be considered a threat of a hate crime.

  5. You didn't call the police then?


    No, I didn't. In hind sight, I should have (duh). But we were both really late for work and afterward I was more worried about cleaning it off my car. Not too awesome to drive around a city where there are plentiful black folk with nigger written on your door.

  6. As far as I know you can always format and install another operative system on a laptop as well. You just need to get an install disc separately. My laptop came with XP, but it's a crappy version (with a lot of junk pre-installed) so I've stopped using the rescue disc and just do clean installs with a better version when I feel the need. Don't see why newer laptops should be any different.


    I've heard that vista machines are different in this respect...not sure how...just what I heard.

  7. This brings me toa further point - can we be sure that all suicide bombers are actually knowingly suicide bombers?


    Terror is not a spontaneous human action without credence. People just dont hijack planes and commit harakiri (suicide) without any weight of thought to the action. No one here (heck no one in the media) seems to ask WHY DID THESE PEOPLE DO THIS HORRIFIC ACT OF VIOLENCE AND DESTRUCTION?



    They are brainwashed to believe that sacrificing themselves to kill a few enemy soldiers (and dozens of innocent civilians in the process) will send them to the promise land. That's why.

  8. I agree that all of those men did their share of atrocities(and I hate Guevara), but is it really ok to just call them alike?

    Is a man who commits atrocities in the name of religion really so different from one who does it in the name of political ideology?

    Jus to satiate my curiosity, what were these atrocities that Guevara committed? Don't really have time to read the whole wiki entry...

  9. @Arkan: Damn, you have a lot of RAM.


    Are your sure that you are looking at the right number...



    Upper left hand corner, just below time, date, cpu, shows a memory of 440.4M. So, thats 4G of RAM. Wait, that would be 44G of RAM, right?


    I believe tha'ts 440 Megs of ram in use.


    I wish I had 4 gigs of ram!

  10. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/space...ed_N.htm?csp=34


    Two galaxy clusters have been spotted colliding at what was previously thought to be impossibly high speeds.

    Astronomers estimate that the galaxy cluster collision known as Abell 576 involves two clusters-each containing hundreds of galaxies-crashing into one another at over 7 million miles per hour (3,300 km/s).


    The finding, to be detailed in an upcoming issue of Astrophysical Journal, supports previous studies which suggest galaxy clusters can collide faster than previously thought.


    "There is now a growing body of evidence that these high collision velocities are possible," said study leader Renato Dupke of the University of Michigan.


    Such collisions have been observed before, but the latest one is unusual in that the vantage point is from behind one of the clusters. Another well-known collision involving the Bullet Cluster takes place in the plane of the sky, so it appears to us as if the two clusters are crashing head-on.



    The difference between these two vantage points is comparable to watching two cars ramming together on a movie screen versus being inside one of the cars.


    Using the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton and NASA's Chandra orbiting X-ray observatories, researchers have spotted blobs of gas ejected from the cores of the clusters, but which will eventually fall back and merge together.


    While individual galaxies crash into one another fairly frequently, astronomers estimate that only one in a thousand to one in a hundred galaxy clusters are involved in a collision. The amount of energy generated by a single, major cluster collision is thought to be second only to the Big Bang event that scientists think gave rise to the universe.


    Identifying colliding systems is crucial for understanding the makeup and workings of the universe. Scientists have cited evidence from cluster collisions as some of the best available yet that dark matter and dark energy really do exist. Also, if unrecognized, collisions can lead to an underestimation of galaxy clusters by as much as 20% because of the large amounts of gas ejected during a crash.


    Scientists rely on the mass of various galaxy clusters to estimate the cosmological parameters describing the expansion of the universe.


    Astronomers expect that the two goliaths in Abell 576 will eventually settle into a single, gargantuan galaxy cluster.


    Stars colliding, great. Galaxies colliding, holy geez. But clusters of hundreds of galaxies colliding? It's nigh incomprehensible. Truly awesome.

  11. Now you're just being silly.

    no, not at all. go look up the definition of the scientific method and you'll not see the word "proof" anywhere. you will see the word "disproof," however, as it is much easier to disprove than it is to prove just about anything.


    science is about finding evidence to support hypothesis, at which point, assuming there is enough evidence, hypothesis can be treated as theory. disproof is as simple as finding a counter example most times.





    Gah, I know very well what you're talking about...I was referring to your being pedantic.

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