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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. To the ruleset, or to the FR?


    The FR's oft-neglected areas (Mulhorand, Unther, Halruaa, the Shaar) are being thrown out in favor of wild magic-ravaged badlands. The popular areas are more or less exactly the same as they were before.


    Looks like the Red Wizards are being replaced by the Shadovar as the magic using ubervillains of the setting.


    So overall, not much has changed at all.



    I was asking about both, I guess. Thanks for the FR info. I'll go ask in the other 4E thread.

  2. Theres nothing bright and colorful about a post apocalyptic world

    But I disagree that post-apoc world has to be grey and colorless. Humans like color - I suspect they'd find a way to inject into the environment in some way or another. Movies/media have used the same post-apoc like setting for years - it wouldn't hurt to stretch the imagination and think of something different.


    But then it "wouldn't be fallout."


    I'm not saying there should be crtoony rainbows, white unicorns and purple cotton trees everywhere ... but a red sweater worn in a rocky desert under even the darkest, stormiest skies will still be red. There could at least be some overgrowing green foliage all about these ruined towns to break up the monotony...


    In fact, it should mostly be overgrown green foliage, if anything. (Except in the dessert, I suppose)

  3. Yeah, one day he will be stabbed by rabid fans for cutting the glorious Scouring. But you know, if he put it in, there will be people saying "what was with that lame ending", so...


    I saw King Kong, but I no longer remember the original, so I guess it's sort of pointless. I thought it was a good movie as it is, considering I wasn't interested in King Kong anyway to begin with. Now it's going to be interesting what del Toro does with Hobbit.


    But we all know we can't rest easy until we find out if MacKellen's back.



    No McKellan = me no watchie

  4. The uncanny valley is a bunch of crap anyway. There's no valley, it's just stuff looking fake.


    And that looks as CGI anything in Beowulf (which, actually, i thought was pretty good but still CGI).


    Right. I was expecting to see something amazing. >_<


    I agree about Beowulf. Any game that pulls off those "graphics" would be the best to date.

  5. See, driving is a big chore for me and I have no interest in cars at all; and there are a huge amount of auto cars around here. I would have thought it'd be better for me to learn auto, get familiar with cars and drive around for a while then do manual.


    Too late now though, the lessons I understand are already scheduled for manual. Whoever's the instructor's going to have a hell of time with the most clueless guy ever.


    Well, first lesson in a couple of hours, but thanks for all the info guys, I'll tell you how it goes. :)



    I'm sure if you can handle mouse + WASD, you can handle manual transmission o:)

  6. So I just finished the game. I liked it overall. Worth what I paid for it.


    Just one question: Is the ending different if you

    choose to harvest all the little sisters throughout the game, instead of saving them?


  7. Question...is there a good way to defeat the Big Daddies? It seemed like the only way to do it was to just shoot whatever ammo I had at them, and let them 'kill' me, rinse and repeat.



    I used the electric plasmid and whatever ammo I had for the grenade launcher most of the time. Zap them, hit them with a rocket, zap them etc...



    I don't have a grenade launcher! Where do I get one?

  8. Well the game gets a hell of a lot more weird. Wait till you get to Fort Frolic, you'll be ready to poop your pants.


    Had quite an interesting experience with my first run in with a rocket launcher turret. I turn and saw it, thought it was a machine gun, looked right at it, and it launched a god damned rocket at me!


    It actually made me yell "what the frak! (not frak)!" and scared the shiznit out of me... :lol:

  9. Welcome! We do hope you enjoy your stay here in 3 Months Ago. Have you heard about this coming December's crop of movies? Sounds great!



    Sorry I can't purchase games as soon as they're released. :)

  10. it doesn't even show up in your installed programs list (add/remove programs option in control panel)? i've found drivers installed in there sometimes, but not always.





    Gah! It was way down the list under WIDCOMM. I should have known better... Now to uninstall and reboot. Thanks, taks.

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