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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. I just saw Razor. Pretty good. I didn't know Cain had a romantically involved with a woman. Know I understand her hatred towards that Six, Gina now. Betrayal on so many levels.


    The story of looking back in the past on events was pretty good.


    Now on to the episode on Friday night. Someone needs to off Baltar, I'm sick of him. Now he wants to play the part of a psuedo jesus. I don't know if Kara can be trusted after seeing the end of Razor and what she is doing now, looking for Earth.



    Whoa now, where did it say Cain was involved with a woman?


    About Baltar. I think he's still Baltar, which means when push comes to shove he's ultimately going to be about self preservation.


    Oh, and did I catch Kara saying "Oh my god" and not "godS?"

  2. It's not too bad when I ride my motorcycles. My Triumph takes 89 octane and gets 30 mpg at worst. My Honda can take 87 octane and does a lot better. Of course, the Honda is 35 years old and doesn't exactly have great emissions. I feel it most when I drive my car: 91 octane, 20 mpg during my 11 mile commute.


    Crikey. That's going to hurt.


    How do you feel about safety on a motorcycle? I have a couple of friends who own them, but they're Army majors, with all that entails.

    You can be very safe on a motorcycle, as long as you don't act foolish on one. Of course, it's the other drivers you have to worry about, and there's only so much you can do about them.

  3. You're still stealing then, you should have bought two copies.


    Nonsense. Buying and paying for games and music gives you the right to consume it privately. If I knew how, I could crack the heck out of every movie, game or cd I ever bought without breaking any rules as long as I don't give copies to other people or share it over the internet.


    And buying two copies to avoid tear and wear is ludicrous. While I'm sure the companies (and gaming companies are scarcely the worst there) would love that, they would do so only by letting their own money-loving tendency rear its ugly head. For example, if I buy a cd, I can rip the music down to my harddrive because that's how I prefer to listen to it. How are games any different? The customer is ALWAYS right! (Note: A pirate didn't pay and so is not a customer)


    Me'thinks he was joking :lol:

  4. From Rob McGinnis on Bioware's forum.


    Hello everyone,


    These are the updated instructions for installing MoTB. Hopefully this will clear up any confusion you might have.


    Fresh Install

    (no previous installation of NWN2)

    1. Install NWN2 (do not patch yet)

    2. Install MoTB

    3. Run the Autoupdater to patch


    Installing MoTB with a previous install of NWN2

    (regardless of NWN2 version)

    1. Install MoTB

    2. Run the Autoupdater to patch


    If you are having problems using the autoupdater, such as receiving corrupt file messages, you may need to turn off your Antivrus programs and/or firewall temporarily.


    Antivirus and software-based firewalls are known to cause some problems with the autoupdater and with game saves from time to time, as they interfere with writing to the hard drive once in a while.


    Further, if you already have NWN2 installed and patched up to the latest version, simply install


    Please feel free to post any questions you have here.


    Yeah, I saw that thread and posted a response. It's just that I've never had luck with autopatchers...especially with NWN. I guess I'll try my luck again.

  5. I am curious about one thing....



    Was the heavy raider damaged or sabatoged? If it was sabatoged did Leoben know it?



    Everything happens for a reason...



    This episode was ok, but something REALLY needs to happen soon or people, including myself, are going to start losing interest. There are 5 more episodes for the first half of the season it seems like the only thing that's happened is the Cylons are in a civil war now. Everything else has just been searching and waiting.

  6. You still need to install the patches. MotB doesn't have the NWN2 fixes.


    What I did was install NWN2. Install of NWN2 patches, installed MotB and than installed all of the MotB patches.


    NWVault is your patching friend.


    Geeze. This is the first time I've heard of it being done like this. The expansion usually contains all the patching necessary for the core game. Ok, of to IGN to get the patches...

  7. :brows:




    If it's like it's always been, I don't need to patch NWN2 since MotB will have the latest patch, right? And the MotB patch? Call me old fashioned, but I prefer to download my patches and install them manually. So, best place to pick it up? I guess google will help with that. Is there even a patch for MtoB yet?


    Yeah, I could ask this on Bio's NWN2 forums, but I'd rather avoid those boards (haven't been there in at least a year, I think).

  8. I had a friend who was a climber. He had these dinky hand strengtheners. the important difference between these and those 'squeaky hinge' types was that this one had a separate spring for each finger. Might be too hard though.


    I do sympathise, because although my pain is very very minor I have problems with the knuckles in my right hand from muay thai. *tries to look tough and fails*

    You're a hero in my book walsh. Muay thai is second best martial arts out there, jiu jitsu being first because I mean most real fights kind of go to the ground and you'll get your arm ripped off. Plus muay thai doesn't discriminate against height. :)


    But yeah, sorry to hear lady. You should try lifting cats in your spare time to get a good foundation. :thumbsup:


    What about krav maga?

  9. You should be able to do it with Near Infinity. All that would involve is editing the 2da file that assigns abilities to the kit. If you are using Tactics' Anti-paladin, the file is WWANTI.2DA, and the string you'd need to remove is "AP_WWANTI", in row 1.


    I think. I haven't done it myself since I don't have that kit installed, but that's the melee effect that applies a dispel on every hit. Try it and see how it goes. :)


    Of course, you could just create a character with that class, and remove the flag from under the "affects" tab with Shadowkeeper, but that may or may not work, if those are updated at level up.



    Thanks, n00b. If I can just edit it in Shadowkeeper, which would be much easier since I don't have NI right now, I'll go that route and just remember to do it with every level up. Is it the same string under effefcts in SK?


    And yeah, it was probably done to offset the effects of no Carsomyr, but that's just unnecessary. MAYBE if it were dispel on hit at level 20 or something...or yeah, just fix the unholy reaver.

  10. The government is paying back the US citizens, those who turned in a tax form this year, called a Stimulus Package. Those who are single get $600, married $1200 and for each kid they a get $300 for that. Gee that pittance might pay for fuel for two months, maybe. :shifty:



    Two months? Good luck with that.

  11. As tech improves, it's just going to get easier to get those games for free, too. The next gaming system, at least from MS, will probably near identical to a PC in many aspects. You'll just fetch a torrent, make a disk, pop it in, and play. Hell, it'll be easier due to no installation!


    Do you really think that Sony/MS/Nintendo are really going to make future consoles that are easier to pirate games for? That makes no sense. MS made piracy less desirable on the 360 what with the banning from Xbox live.


    I didn't say it would be intentional.

  12. It's around ****ing $1.50 a litre in Aus.


    I wouldn't care if it were a product of diminishing reserves, but petrol prices are almost independent of crude oil reserves around the world. Prices increases are usually products mainly of artificial inflation, monopolies and inter-business dialogue between oil conglomerates so as to fight off the market force of supply/demand (similar to one giant monopoly).


    Also, why do Americans say 'gas'? Natural gas is a different fuel (and cleaner) and sees far less use in cars. I imagine it will see more use in Australia soon as our gas reserves become cheaper to tap than our oil (which will likely be left to industry) for consumer use, but I don't think America has significant gas reserves or gas use in cars, does it?


  13. When some of the Europeans around here post the prices they see, do the currency & unit conversions. Heck, do the conversions on the Canadian prices that astr0 posted (doing it quickly in my head, it's over $5 US/gal.). Americans are pretty much the last people on the planet who should be complaining about fuel prices.



    P.S. -- Hooray for public transportation!


    P.P.S -- Arkan, if you want to express inflation as a %, it's usually done on an annual basis. Figure out the annual % increase that would get you from 15 to 50 over 5 years. (I won't guess on that one-- it's not exactly the kind of math that I can do quickly in my head.)

    I'm aware of that. I just did that in my head real quick.

  14. I can put tea in my gastank???







    Seriously though, here in Montreal it's now 1.35 per litre on average and the lowest in the province is about 1.24 per litre.


    Petro Canada just anounced an 82% increase in PROFITS.


    The price jump used to be on fridays and through the weekends but when people complained enough they stop raising on weekend and instead switched it to wednesday until friday.

    The jumps are usually from 10 to 15 cents per litre and they only drop about half that when the 3 day period is over so it's always climbing.


    Even if the jumps were explained what difference would it make? I'm starving here and those oil companies are making billions a year in profits.


    It's disgusting.

    We need a new form of energy.


    Update: Sorry. Petro Canada made 1.1 billions in PROFITS for the first trimestre of 2008, double what it was last year...

    So that's 100% increase. It would be one thing if demand were really that high, but demand isn't 100% higher since 5 years ago.


    5 years ago I could fill up my care for $15. A mere 5 years later and it's about $50. That's what, a 233% inflation?

  15. It won't matter in the future. Piracy is possible on consoles, too, but for the moment, it's a bit more difficult than on a PC. As tech improves, it's just going to get easier to get those games for free, too. The next gaming system, at least from MS, will probably near identical to a PC in many aspects. You'll just fetch a torrent, make a disk, pop it in, and play. Hell, it'll be easier due to no installation!

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