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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. The cookies in ff 3 are stored in two files according to some internet searching: cookies.sqlite and permissions.sqlite (cookies.txt and something else for ff2), instead of one file per cookie like IE.

    I did a search and no such files were found on my computer...perhaps I'll just reinstall firefox and hope it keeps all my other settings/extensions/etc.

  2. I'm using FF v3.03 The only add-on I have is download helper. I'm running XP (SP2, of course). It's not set to clear any active data on close, let alone passwords. Passwords aren't the problem, though, as they pop up when I begin to type in the username as usual. I just get logged out everytime I close FF.


    I looked through the firefox directory on the hd and there is no folder for cookies, or cookies themselves, to be found. There's a temp folder that's empty. This is annoying because I hate using IE compared to firefox.

  3. This just started happening, and I've had to resort to using IE! YUCK!


    Yahoo, forums, etc, all won't keep me logged in, even though I have cookies enabled, and the 'keep me signed in' box is checked where applicable. Is anyone else experiencing this after the most recent update? How do I fix this? I did a google search, and I couldn't find anything :(


    Edit: Ok, IE seems to doing it, too.

    you should also check to see if your IP address is changing. that's the most common reason i have to login on my standard websites since they use your IP address for identification.




    It's not the IP Address. It happens if I close firefox and immediately reopen it.

  4. This just started happening, and I've had to resort to using IE! YUCK!


    Yahoo, forums, etc, all won't keep me logged in, even though I have cookies enabled, and the 'keep me signed in' box is checked where applicable. Is anyone else experiencing this after the most recent update? How do I fix this? I did a google search, and I couldn't find anything :x


    Edit: Ok, IE seems to doing it, too.

  5. Somehow I don't think either would make especially good presidents. Anyway when are the last bunch coming



    February 2009.



    So that's it, then? It's confirmed for that time? ;)


    What about the Caprica tv movie? I'm so out of the (non existent?) loop right now...

  6. if you want all of your folders the same: open up some folder (any will do), then set up the folder as you wish (toolbars, list/details/icons, etc.), then tools->folder options (gets you to sort of the same place as control panel->folder options), then set up each of the tabs as you wish. under the view tab, hit the "apply to all folders" button to make all folders the same (going through control panel won't allow this button press).





    Thanks, takkie baby!

  7. Ok, so since I purchased my new phone, I've been taking many many pictures. I store them on my computer and crop/edit them as needed. That's all well and good. But for some reason, windows keeps resetting the folder view options and I can't figure out how to make them stick. For ease of use, I like to sort by date modified so I can easily find the newest pics first. I also use thumbnails (of course), but every time I open the folder again, it reverts back to sorting by name and no thumbnails. Why would it do this? How do I fix it/make the settings stick? Thanks.

  8. Catwoman. :ermm:


    But she's not really a villian. She's like Batman.


    I'm annoyed what they did with Two-Face he should have made it into the next film. If someone can out do Devito as the Penguin that would be good.


    Dick Cheney?

  9. I usually do the print, sign, and scan (as a .pdf). That way, others can't easily alter the file so that it looks like I've signed off on their edits.

    This is probably the best way, as you now have a hard copy, too.

  10. It's a teapot that looks like a human heart, almost, but not quite, as good as her salt and pepper shakers and wine glasses.


    Some larger pictures of her work:




    I thought it was a bong at first....would be cooler that way :yes:

  11. You contradict yourself with these two statements. The first one says your sexuality is a choice, the second one says it isn't. Well, which is it? Is (homo)sexuality a choice or not?


    No I didn't. I said you can choose to live your life openly as gay/bi or attempt to hide it, living in denial. How does that mean I think sexuality is a choice?



    You said homosexuality is a choice BECAUSE you can be open or not. Then you said your sexuality is not a choice. Being open about it has nothing to do with whether or not your a homosexual. Hiding it is a lifestyle choice, yes, but that's it.

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