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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. I can get into safe mode, but I can't do anything to fix my problem. I tried running scandisk, but it tells me that it needs exclusive access to some files. I guess this means that windows can't be running or something. So then it asks me if I want to have the disk check the next time the computer is restarted. I check yes and press ok, but when I restart it, it goes directly to XP (which freezes at the loading screen) with no scan!


    So, I can't scan (and fix) in safemode. I can't get into XP due to freezing, and I can't boot to dos prompt because I have no boot cd. I've looked around on google but I can't find anywhere to tell me how to create a simple boot cd. I can find all kinds of info on boot disks, but I don't have a floppy drive, of course. I read that it may be a bad sector in the hard drive, but when I was able to simply run the scan disk without any fixing or recovery in safe mode, it didn't give me any errors. Nor did it do so in DOS Prompt in safe mode.


    What's my next step?

  2. What happened for 45 minutes that couldn't have been summed up in 5-10 minutes? Basically,

    Sam gets plugged in, Sam gets turned off. Starbuck gives her dogtags from Earth to Baltar. There's a funeral which I felt was a waste of time and space. We see Boomer for about 5 seconds giving Hera to Cavill. Adama decides to abandon Galactica

    . I know there was some other things, but I felt it just dragged on and nothing really important happened.


    All that plus "other things" seems like a good deal to me.

  3. So my desktop is acting up.


    Sometimes it won't even boot up, but now, when it does, it takes a LONG time. And task manager says the CPU usage is at about 85-95% when it's just sitting there, and 100% when I have anything running. This just happened today. What could be causing this? Spyware? Virus? I'm about to run a boot scan to see if I can catch anything. We'll see.

  4. I live close to DC, yet only the Tsar Bomb would obliterate out to where I live. Hell, it would almost reach Baltimore, and that's just the thermal damage!


    And yeah...damned asteroids.

  5. And now it seems clear adama is the 'dying leader' the scrolls talked about not laura.


    How so.


    On a final note, while I buy the deck chief job as also in charge of damage control as well I find it hard to swallow its his job to repair the ship on this level as they showed this past ep. Wouldn't that go to the chief engineer?


    There is nobody qualified left.


    Adama has been popping pills a lot this half of the season, and how other crew are mentioning how poorly he looks as of late. (Great acting by eddie as always)


    I don't buy that, they have the merged Pegasus and Galactica crews running the ship. Which should, more or less even with losses since new caprica, have a mostly full compliment crew total. You can't tell me theres no one qualified in the combined engineering teams for someone to be a chief engineer. In fact SOMEONE has to be running the engineering dept...


    On the topic of new cap, while story wise I understand overruled military logic, I am sure if written properly adama would have taken pegasus to rescue them on new cap, not galactica. As from a pure military standpoint he would have wanted the most firepower to take on the 3 or 4 basestars. If so he wouldn't have this current issue of infrastructure starting to fail as galactica would have been sacrificed not pegasus. However, then it would be odd calling the show battlestar galactica if she ship no longer existed. lol

    Who was the head engineer supposed to be, there was the guy brought over from Pegasus who was killed in the mutiny, other than that it was always Tyrol who handled anything repair related. The episode where they were trapped in the airlock, investigating the explosives damage caused by Boomer, even the scene where the damage control team had to kill the workers trapped in the compromised bulkheads in the first episodes.


    I guess it's a question of practicality, a tv show can't have a character for every imagined major function on a Battlestar, it would grow the supporting cast too large.


    I don't think we ever seen the galactica chief engineer... EVER in 4 years so I am assuming the reason was logic was tossed out in favor of practicality as you said. But I do need to say I never understood why moore never introduced such a vital character of a ship. Think trek without scotty for example. Even if it was just a supporting role pulled out only when needed like capt kelly or racetrack.


    Hell, Pegasus had a chief engineer.

  6. The symbols are pretty clear, that's quite true, but I can't fully grasp their meaning (as in what the writers are trying to say with the references).


    It can't be as simple as saying that Ellen is the Cylon Messiah and The Great Tempter togehter in one neat package. Although it fits well with Calvin playing the role as the established clergy who denies her role as Messiah (he started out as a priest on the Galactica no less).


    12 Cylon models.. and a possible 13th.. that matches the number of Disciples .. and the text "one was sacrificed" fits well into that theory as well..




    Calvin? What about Hobbs? Or do you mean Cavil? >_<

  7. Snip


    So Cavil murdered his brother, who his creator favoured - and out of jealosy none the less.. That's pretty much the biblical story of Kain.



    Holy crap! I just watched the episode again, and I noticed something else along those lines. Ellen offers Boomer the apple. Ellen is the serpent in the Garden of Eden offering the apple of knowledge to Boomer! :ermm:>_<

  8. Editing oversight or A Clue!


    Or simply a crew member walking down the hall...

    Well, what kind of crew member? A TV show crew member that editing missed (Editing oversight), or a Galactica crew member (a clue)? He's wearing what appear to be scrubs, so I'm leaning toward the latter.

  9. I don't think Cavil is insane at all. The fact that other Cyclons are now his enemies when they were once his allies isn't really an issue either. They were made to be like humans, and humans change their minds. I mean is it a plot hole that Boomer released Ellen, going against Cavil? As for limits on raiders and centurions, that's because the humanoid Cylons are as bad as the humans that created them. Is it really so surprising that Cavil wants to control "his people"?


    Exactly. Lest the centurions rise up against the skinjobs.....again.

  10. The 6 that was involved with Baltar is the same 6 that is pregnant with Tigh's child. What I want to know is what happened to Baltar's "Mind 6." She hasn't been in the entire 4th season I believe, right? She just kind of disappeared.



    The writers said they won't continue that plotline because they cannot conceive an adequate way to explain Virtual Six. Virtual Baltar in the Six was obviously Cylon projection, while Virtual Baltar in Baltar will probably also not be explained (they probably planned for Baltar to be a Cylon but then decided against it later.


    Virtual Elosha and Leoben may still be explained, though Elosha is probably put down to Roslin's meds.



    Re Kara: interesting speculation.



    Aw...that sucks :p



    Just found this:


    http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/youwillkno...ex.php?pageid=6 0


    some kind of preview for the 4th season involving Virtual 6 and Baltar?




    Also, after a second watch, in the scene where Anders sees everyone glowing, there is a character just in the background (in a doorway?) that ISN'T glowing.

  11. The 6 that was involved with Baltar is the same 6 that is pregnant with Tigh's child. What I want to know is what happened to Baltar's "Mind 6." She hasn't been in the entire 4th season I believe, right? She just kind of disappeared.



    The writers said they won't continue that plotline because they cannot conceive an adequate way to explain Virtual Six. Virtual Baltar in the Six was obviously Cylon projection, while Virtual Baltar in Baltar will probably also not be explained (they probably planned for Baltar to be a Cylon but then decided against it later.


    Virtual Elosha and Leoben may still be explained, though Elosha is probably put down to Roslin's meds.



    Re Kara: interesting speculation.



    Aw...that sucks :p

  12. Lots of info dropped in this episode :blink:


    Yeah, it really surprised me. I guess it's good they dealt with the mysterious origins of the fantastic five so we can move on to other things.



    So is Kara a "corrupted" version of Daniel? Was Daniel perhaps her father?




    That seems to be the speculation



    When she and Helo were back on Caprica, and the piano was playing on the radio, she said it was her father. Then there is the painting/drawings of the starburst or whatever. Could be her or her father


  13. Actually, I feel that BSG improved over the seasons, and that improvement has been directly related to a decrease in the importance of space towards the happenings on the fleet. The appeal of BSG is that, while it is set in space, it isn't really about the space faring and fighting.



    While I can't say the same about the quality (I feel it's been pretty steady throughout), I agree that space is better served as an excellent backdrop to put emphasis on the fact that they (the fleet) are truly alone in the vast emptiness of space.


    Not to say that I'm not a fan of the space battles :D But it's good that that isn't the sole focus, otherwise it would lose it's appeal.

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