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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. Odd question.


    For curiosity's sake, I wanted to see if I could make a viable monk build that was like an armored tank. So I create a STR based half-orc, and take a level of fighter. So far, as far as I can tell, Flurry of Blows still works in heavy armor, but of course I lose the monk/WIS ac and speed bonuses. I'm fine with that, as it makes sense from an RP standpoint, too, but what totally kills it for me is the retarded monk kick animation. It's the only one that the monk does. There are no punching animations, which there are, because as an unarmed fighter there are punches, even other kicks.


    So, is there any way to make it so my character punches and kicks like an unarmed fighter instead of a monk (who, again, uses only one kicking animation)? Maybe change the appearance using the console to 'trick' the game? I found this code:


    Set Appearance # Makes your character have the appearance of the # in the res ref table of the 2da appearance file...*Note this is just appearance*


    Could this possible work? I'm willing to give in a shot. What would the code be? Anyone?

  2. Er... what do you mean?


    As I said, it's a hotfix for a bug caused by a typo that prevented Dark Planetars from using their improved scripting, as per the SCSII subcomponent. This bug apparently caused some odd behavior in those creatures, such as picking the wrong targets for their Heal spells, for instance.



    Ah, ok. Didn't really know what you referring to as celestials...planetars or devas, etc.

  3. Is there any way to unlock a door using the clua console? I'm in the saradush prison and have no lockpick ability. My strength is 25, but I can't bash through the "locked" wall.


    Edit: Nevermind....after several dozen tries (lost count) I seem to have gotten it.

  4. Nice, I could never beat the Tactics Irenicus, but it's because I don't actually build characters meticulously and they always seem to have gaping holes. How did you summon 5 pit fiends without resting, though? Scrolls?



    38 level cleric with 22 wisdom :)


    That left enough room for 2 firestorms and a summon deva, which I didn't have to use.

  5. An interesting thing happened, though, before the battle.


    I KNOW I did all the good paths. I was going to do a few evil and a few good (to maximize effects), as I'm chaotic neutral, and just cheat back my alignment later. Well, after looking up what tear gives what bonus I think "Boy, evil dudes sure get the shaft in this part." Anyway, the last tear gives me +2 INT where it should be +1 to WIS and CHA, and My alignment shifts first from chaotic good to chaotic evil...twice. An odd occurrence.

  6. SUCCESS! Sometimes you have to fight cheese with cheese.


    I dropped my equipment that was stolen, started the fight, grabbed my phat lewt, and darted for the eastern staircase. From there, I buffed up with all the protections I had, which basically made me impervious to anything except direct melee attacks (death ward, remove fear, chaotic commands, et al, in addition to all my equipped gear). I used smite evil thrice to kill that sword and injure the beholder. I then summoned two fiends as a buffer for when the dam (read: the dragon) breaks. I HEART FIRESTORM. Nothing escapes it unless you're protected from fire, which the dragon was not. Two did the trick. As my fiery rain destroyed the dragon, I summoned two greater werebears to my side to help with Sarevok when the time came. Dragon dies, and I grab the flail of many heads to slow him down. Two greater whirlwinds chunked him handily. I look up and what do I see? A poor beholder lying face down in a pool of it's own eye goo. Must have been the work of the two pit fiends. So now it's just Irenicus and me...and the two pit fiends. After chasing him all over the screen multiple times as I laugh at his spells that just bounce off me, I get fed up with his constant protection from magic weapons. FORTUNATELY I still had a mundane flail I grabbed in Watcher's Keep (Aha!!!). He was mince meat after that.


    Round two: A slayer Jonny and a few shadows? Hahah! Don't make me laugh. Wait...he force drops all my inventory and tosses me to the back of the screen? Fine. I still have all my protections and haste, so I go pick it up and turn my anger towards the Slayer. Me 2, Irenicus 0


    Round three: Again!? Just die already! At least I have all my stuff. He Dimension doors somewhere, so I decide I've had enough. I gate in 3 more pit fiends, and by this time, I have an army of shadows at my disposal (worthless fodder). Well, Jon ignores the pit fiends, and two of them seem to go at each other, for whatever reason. So I'm just chasing Jonny Boy around the level, pounding him senseless, but he keeps jumping away and healing. Finally, I catch him with a critical from the Flail of Ages and slow his "progress." Still, his protection from magic weapons fires...no biggie, I still got some regular cold steal. I fire up a whirlwind and wail on him hardcore, just as his dimension door sparks up, I get in my final blow and he's down for the count!



  7. I'm in the "most likely Tigh, but could have been the 5th" camp. If she saw Anders, then there'd be some nice drama when they finally unboxed her.


    So, they'll avoid that.


    Who knows...it could be the blow up many fans are waiting for.


    I'm calling it here:


    At the very end of this Friday's episode, Deanna will be brought back, see Anders, there will be a dramatic anime-esque staring thing, roll credits.



    Place your bets!

  8. Anyway, I'm soloing a fighter/cleric through hell right now, with tactics installed. I don't have a choice but to cheat here, as half of my items were taken in the process, including my only weapon (crom faeyr), cloak of mirroring, and amulet of power. That's just retarded. What, they didn't make the battle hard enough by including a facking dragon, beholder, super sarevok, and that sword on top of Jonny himself?


    The Tactics mod is outdated and its difficulty enhancing capabilities have since been surpassed by other mods which play fair and rely on highly advanced AI instead of using cheep methods such as taking the party's items and/or giving opponents absurd abilities/resistances. See SCSII for an example of a modern AI enhancing mod.


    BTW, Arkan, this might also interest you: Flaming Swords in BG2.



    OH yes, I picked up the flaming swords. :ermm:


    Tactics outdated, huh? I"ll have to give the other thing a try.

  9. It depends on their level as well. I doubt you'll be able any time soon - they are meant to be very powerful foes.


    Hm...I was level 34 and still couldn't chunk Bodhi. I guess that'd be too easy though.


    Anyway, I'm soloing a fighter/cleric through hell right now, with tactics installed. I don't have a choice but to cheat here, as half of my items were taken in the process, including my only weapon (crom faeyr), cloak of mirroring, and amulet of power. That's just retarded. What, they didn't make the battle hard enough by including a facking dragon, beholder, super sarevok, and that sword on top of Jonny himself?

  10. I wonder who Deanna will see?


    When she had her vision or whatever, she said something like "You? I'm sorry, forgive me.", so I'm assuming she saw Anders, and was sorry for nearly killing him back on Caprica.


    That's what I thought when I saw that episode the second time.


    I wanted to shout out, holy ****, it's Anders! but my mother was sitting right there and I didn't want to ruin it for her.

  11. Playing Fallout 2 ;)


    My Doctor/Science/Energy weapon geek has made his way to Redding. Got Vic, Sulik and Cassidy in tow.


    I keep wondering if there was an intended purpose for the generator/water pump in the Great Wanamingo Mine shack behind the ruin with all the rats. I Tried everything including an attempt at blowing it up with Plastic Explosives, but no disabling the pump. It would be nice if I could just have drowned all the nasty critters in the mines.


    Similar thing keeps puzzling me in Klamath, where there is a section of the great rats tunnels that hints at being "fragile". I tried to pull it down with ropes, bashing it with hammers, dynamite, crow bars etc. It is rock solid despite it's description, so no bringing down the tunnel on Keeng Rat, you have to fight it out with him :ermm:

    It may have been content that was cut out.




    I never realized a high dex fighter would be so easy (core difficulty). Of course, it could be that I'm wearing arcane archer armor and dual wielding short swords, one with added acid damage, and added electric damage, plus all the other high powered goodies you find along the way.


    Seriously, I might as well be playing the game with normal armor and only magic weapons (so you can actually damage enemies) just to make it challenging...or increase the difficulty, but I'd rather just play on core rules.


    I'm hopping back and forth between NWN2 and BG2 as well.

  12. Also, I thought there were some major changes in some of the key characters on the show. Anders, the President, and even a hint at Adama at the very end.


    What I want to see next episode, after the crew picks up Deanna, is for everyone to get back with Galactica. There's something I miss about the hum of the Dradis systm, everyone at their posts, and Adama giving orders.

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