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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. Krezack is right you know, that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, since you can either choose to live openly as gay/bi, or hide it, living in denial, hence it's a lifestyle choice. I don't believe you can choose your sexuality, however,

    You contradict yourself with these two statements. The first one says your sexuality is a choice, the second one says it isn't. Well, which is it? Is (homo)sexuality a choice or not?

  2. And homosexuality is generally agreed to be an equal measure of lifestyle choice and genetics, so you can all stop your knee-jerk reactions now.


    Edit: And heck, the fact that anybody would be arrogant enough to deny that homosexuality is half life-style choice has obviously never spent any time around bisexual or homosexual acquaintances/friends but is rather trying to parade about on some sort of moral high-horse. Here's a clue: many find it offensive or at least ignorant to go around defending them with "it's not your fault; it's your genetics".


    Come on, now, Krezack. I thought you to be an overall intelligent person. This 'general agreement' you speak of is something you've made up in your own mind. And I can damn well deny that it's half and half, as I lived with a gay guy for about 6 months, and we've been friends for years. It's not about some moral high horse. You're again making up a load of nonsense. Seriously, where are you getting your information?


    I'm seriously ****ing confused as to why it's so wrong for homosexuality to be a life-style choice? Is it because if you claim it's due to genetics that somehow makes it less 'evil' for you?


    Well, for many it would be a lifestyle choice that completely alienates them from their (other) friends and family completely if they came out to them. It would be lifestyle choice that could get your ass kicked or get you killed just as easily. They are tormented constantly for WHO THEY ARE. Every gay person I know says they always knew they were different, even when they were children. It's a life of persecution for BEING WHO THEY ARE. Go ask those politicians that have a wife and kids, married for decades, then come out and say they've been living a lie their entire lives. if it's a lifestyle choice. Keep in mind these politicians were outspokenly anti gay to begin with.


    People who are genuinely homosexual are born that way. Yes, it is a genetic roll of the dice. Some people simply come out of the oven gay. Some are going to go bald. Some are going to be left handed. Please, don't even try to make it sound like I'm saying it makes it less "evil." Don't even go there. It's not evil at all.


    All that being said the outrageous flamers that take part in the parade. THAT is a lifestyle choice, just as a bunch of Trekkies going to a convention is a lifestyle choice.

  3. And homosexuality is generally agreed to be an equal measure of lifestyle choice and genetics, so you can all stop your knee-jerk reactions now.


    Edit: And heck, the fact that anybody would be arrogant enough to deny that homosexuality is half life-style choice has obviously never spent any time around bisexual or homosexual acquaintances/friends but is rather trying to parade about on some sort of moral high-horse. Here's a clue: many find it offensive or at least ignorant to go around defending them with "it's not your fault; it's your genetics".


    Come on, now, Krezack. I thought you to be an overall intelligent person. This 'general agreement' you speak of is something you've made up in your own mind. And I can damn well deny that it's half and half, as I lived with a gay guy for about 6 months, and we've been friends for years. It's not about some moral high horse. You're again making up a load of nonsense. Seriously, where are you getting your information?

  4. Have we seen Baltar's Mind Six this whole season? Apart from that one moment/confrontation with the one soldier? That was one of the more interesting character aspects of Baltar, in my opinion. The connection between him and Hera is still there, but Mind Six seems to have gone away. There were several times in recent episodes where it would have been appropriate for her to pop in and influence his actions.

  5. Why is there no talk about the full Cylon child? That's going to be interesting.


    Edit: If they have time for it.


    which full Cylon child?


    You have Hera (I never quite understood if it's Caprica 6 + Baltar's or Athena + Halo's?) which is Human/Cylon and Tyrol + Cally's kid, which is also Human/Cylon.


    Yes, I noted that too. I guess that will later point to other differences between the seven known cylons and the final five. Haven't gotten there yet. I'm pretty sure Tyrol's son will also be significant, but except for Hera, the others have been left in the background so far.


    And about the final cylon, D'Anna says four are in the fleet. However, then only humans she has seen at the time she says so are Helo - whom we know is not a cylon - and Roslin. And she did ask Roslin if she knew she was a cylon, didn't she? And come to think of it, didn't Roslin act confused as if she blacked out for a second when the fleet jumped to the nebula at the end of season three, when Tigh, Tyrol, Tory and Anders found out they were cylons. Then again, there is evidence to contradict that as well, assuming Moore has been consistent and known who the final cylon was.

    How can we know Helo is not a Cylon?


    Well, it would make the entire story arc about Hera pointless.

  6. Exploring mortality is one of the more interesting turns the show has taken for a while. When thinking back on how Cylons were in the first 3 season, now they have really become deeper and more interesting characters as a whole. I look forward to seeing what mortality will bring them. Though I fear it won't be that pleasent.


    How many cylon "characters" are left? Deanna, Boomer, Cavil, Leoban (where did he disappear to?), and Athena if you're counting those playing for the other team. Sans the final 5, of course. Oh yeah, Caprica is still in her cell on Galactica.

  7. I still don't understand what people saw in BG1 npcs over BG2 ones. Yeah yeah, no Anomen and certainly no Aerie, but at least they were actually characters and not a few lines with a wacky voice-over. Most characters in BG1 had the depth of IWD homebrew party members.


    Though I've never played past Cloakwood, but there wasn't much more than killing bandits and xvarts with an endless tirade of "I am become death, destroyer of worlds, etc" before that. Just gaaah...



    Very few xvarts and vanilla bandits after cloakwood.

  8. Baldur's Gate needs more crazy or even pseudo-neutral/evil responses. I just did the quest that Garrick joins with. Silphe wanted me to kill some guys, lied about why. I was given the option to go ahead and kill them or complain "We're not going to kill these men who are obviously innocent!" I just kind of wish there was a third option exactly like that second one, only with the additional "... for a measly 300 gold." 'cause, damnit, she's not paying me enough.


    I've got people offering me 5,000 gold for the head of a single bad guy. 300 for 3 not-bad guys just isn't going to cut it.


    Actual roleplaying was not Bio's strong point.

  9. wikipedia is not always accurate. So If I were you, take everything in wikipedia with a grain of salt.

    Feel free to ignore the 157 references, though.


    You could also check out his website where he has all of his stances on issues readily available.

  10. As Gravel said: "A politician who rides on the promise of hope by the youth and ultimetely fails, will commit the worst sin a politician can do. He or she will create a generation of cynics"


    Wise words.



    We're living in an era of cynicism right now, it oft seems.

  11. Yes, Tale, the leveling system in Oblivion is horrible. When I played my half-orc tank hth brawler, I pretty much held my own against anything. Even sent a few of those croc things flying after I got good enough with my unarmed skill. The PROBLEM, then, was that after about halfway through, all the abilities I regularly used were maxed out, and I couldn't level anymore. So I never got a chance to encounter the most dreaded enemies in the game.


    There are mods out there that easily fix both sides of that coin now, though.


    What got me about Oblivion is that despite its great graphics. It was very drab. EVERY area looked like EVERY OTHER area. Morrowind shined here, with a great variety of areas to explore.

  12. I'm pretty sure they implemented some different animations for h2h combat in MotB, high level stuff. I might be thinking of some other game, though.

    That may be, but my half orc fully armored monk was kicking things like a sissy.





    So I finished my second run through of the OC, this time with a straight warlock, using medium armor and no weapons (he looks badass, btw). While warlocks seem weaker than other classes on paper, and they may be in some, but in no way are they underpowered. Once they reach higher levels, they really come into their own (as long as you download warlock buddy). It's a really fun class to play once you get the hang of it, regardless of the NUMEROUS bugs associated with the class.


    But I digress....


    I just got to act II in MotB, and I found the first glaring error. A FRACKING TIMER THAT IS HUNG AROUND YOUR NECK LIKE AN ANVIL. So far, I've spent the better part of the past hour just trying to get my spirit energy to an acceptable level. Yeah, I get the story aspect of it, it's just a horrible way they did things. I'm glad there's a console command to get rid of it. I'm chucking in next chance I get. If I had to deal with that the whole game, it would be unplayable. Anybody else think this feature is the gaybo? They should have made it less of a chore, and this is coming from a character that has a very low craving or whatever. Like maybe every enemy you kill has a % chance to "drop" soul food (yeah, i went there), or you could target their body with the two possible actions. At the same time, you have to use it in combat against ghosts, shades, wraiths, etc. I could never get it to work against vampires (vampire monks? You gotta be pooping me) or death lords, either because it has no effect or it kept getting interrupted, which is also bogus. Finally, you can only use one of the power once...ONCE every 24 hours, and if you use it, you can't use your only other ideal option.


    Other than that, I'm liking MotB, but I just have to get rid of the damned timer. Not fun, not funny.



    Just one more quick thought. In the OC, There was a console code that effectively allowed you to have every NPC in your party at the same time. I did this, not to cheat and make the game easier, but to get everything out of it I could this run through so I could finally start MotB. So I usually have everyone stay at the beginning of the map, and I'd take a few people with me, whoever I thought would handle my current situation the best, and they were all capped at level 10 until the final battle, where you have everyone anyway. I used the hardest difficult setting as well. The point is, this doesn't seem possible in MotB that I can see. I used the same console command, but their's no place (like in the OC) to "pick" your party that I've come across, and you're really capped at 3 NPCs. Anyway to bypass this, or will I just have to settle with doing away with the timer?

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