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Posts posted by Arkan

  1. Yeah I'm a little puzzled by the turn of events thus far. I mean I can understand the need to kill gaeta off but this whole cylon thing has me really confuzzled. I mean at first I was like "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh f u cylons." and various other hating of the cylons but seriously after all thats been said and done like for seriously? How can there still be such widespread h8in going on. I mean it'd be like the black movement right and like its hard to tell the difference between one brother and another and like serious stuff is going down and theres ak's and people getting beaten to death and then like martin luther king blows one of his own peoples heads off to save you, multiple times and you still don't trust him. Like seriously? Martin luther king going to double cross you in some kind of ridiculously dumb masterplan instead of just nuking everyone to hell and ending it within like 2 seconds. Yeah ok.


    And yes I just said mlk was a f'n cylon. What are you going to do about it?



    like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like

  2. Gaeta made his choice, and he knew the consequences of his actions. I guess at the end he at least felt some relief from his chronic leg pain. Good ending to a decent mini story arc. Now we can get down to the nitty gritty!



    And yes, Starbuck has been totally gangsta these past couple of episodes.

  3. As I said in the other thread. I was lucky enough to be in attendance at the inauguration. It was once in a lifetime experience.

    It looked like great fun on TV (apart from the cold - I hope you wrapped up warm). How far away were you from the event itself?



    We positioned ourselves at the base of the Washington Monument, facing the Capitol. Facing two big screens and awesome views of the almost 2 million people squeezed onto The Mall. It was, cold, and we got there at 9am so we waited 3 hours in the cold, but we all wrapped up warmly. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and a positive vibe.

  4. That sucks she offed herself. She started to break down on the planet then later on she was alright, even happy. That was a surprise.



    Terrific writing and acting.




    Edit: Oh, Di is a cylon. When she knelt down and dug up the jax, she had a flashback (not shown), and realized she was a cylon. You can see her snap in the Raptor. She finally decides to off herself. Also notice the focus on the rings. Tigh is shown wearing one. Starbuck with hers, and Di takes hers off before she offs herself. Ellen, Tigh's wife is a cylon. Anders is a cylon. Di is a cylon. It all fits.


  5. So I've been burning and copying lots of videos, mostly from wedding events, to dvd. When the movie finishes burning, I test it out, but the play back is jumpy and glitchy. I tested another DVD and the playback was the same, but when using another DVD player, the playback was fine on both the regular dvd and the burned DVD.


    IN SHORT, my DVD drive can burn disks without problem, but reading them and playing videos seems to have problems. A sign it is dying?

  6. Jesus, Bethesda. All this time for a patch and they did not fix the major stability issues. On top of it all, they added a glitch where mouse acceleration is out of control in menu/pipboy screens.


    Of all the things listed in the patch notes, NONE of them affected me. NONE.

  7. Is there a mod out there that lets you skip the Vault yet, though? It's pretty boring if you have to go through the baby steps again.


    Why not just load the autosave from right before you exit the vault?


    And there are way more than just item and cosmetic mods.

  8. Didn't he name himself after some famous Satanist. The name rings a bell.



    Mister Crowley,

    What went on in your head?

    Oh, Mister Crowley,

    Did you talk to the dead?

    Your life style to me seemed so tragic

    With the thrill of it all

    You fooled all the people with magic

    Yeah, you waited on satan's door

    Mr. Charming,

    Did you think you were pure?

    Mr. Alarming, in nocturnal rapport

    Uncovering things that were sacred

    Manifest on this Earth

    Conceived in the eye of a secret

    And they scattered the afterbirth

    Mr. Crowley,

    Won't you ride my white horse?

    Mr. Crowley,

    It's symbolic, of course

    Approaching a time that is classic

    I hear that maiden's call

    Approaching a time that is drastic

    Standing with their backs to the wall

    Was it polemically sent

    l want to know what you meant

    I want to know,

    I want to know what you meant.


  9. The Flaming Lips ~ A Spoonful Weights a Ton





    Still trying to figure out what "Race for the Prize" is supposed to be about.



    for me currently listening to: The Sounds - "Painted by Numbers"

  10. I saw an great joke cartoon once - about a guy who went in there to learn about batman and ended up reading about some obscure revolution in the 4th century Cambodia.


    There's few things I really cherish more than getting lost in encyclopideas, wikis etc. :(


    One can of course question the validity of the information on those sites, but I don't see how it's a bad thing to be drawned in to those kind of things. As long as you keep a healthy degree of skeptiscism.



    True, but more often than not, the information in wikis are cited for sources. There is usually a large banner at the top if the information is properly cited.

  11. I don't think this is really necessary. All you would do is confuse the masses. They are two separate actions, and telling someone to simply "move" something would lead to lots of blank looks. Otherwise you'd thing with copy and paste...granted, it would be easier to cup up with a word like "copaste."


    Cut n' paste is probably the best you could hope for.

  12. Day man is the fighter of the nightman, protector of the sun, master of karate and friendship for everyone.





    Champion of the Sun.




    Master of karate and friendship for everyone!




    Best and funniest show on TV. Charlie being the best character.

  13. So


    Do any of you make your Christmas gifts for others, or do you all primarily buy everything?


    I ask because I just got done making 12 pounds of fudge, including peanut butter, chocolate, and white chocolate.

  14. James Wannerton (right), an IT contractor from Blackpool, has synaesthesia, a condition which means two senses are stimulated at once. For James, 49, hearing or seeing words stimulates his sense of taste.


    He says: 'When I hear a word, I actually taste it. Some words taste really nice and some really unpleasant. It's something I can't switch it off. I even dream with the sense of taste strong in my mouth.


    'It can be quite distracting, like having ringing in your ears. I've always had it - one of my earliest memories is saying The Lord's Prayer during assemblies when I was four or five and getting loads of different tastes, such as bacon, entering my mouth.


    'When I was younger, I would pick my friends on the basis of the way their names tasted.


    'For example. I would like people called Robert because the name tasted like strawberry jam sandwiches, whereas the name Gordon made me taste dirt.

    'Until my teens, I presumed everyone was the same as me. It was only when I started opening up to girlfriends that I realised I was a bit different.


    'In my late teens, my mum admitted she had a far less invasive version than mine. However, she seemed to be really embarrassed talking about it, so I just dropped the subject and I presumed it was just a family trait.


    'It wasn't until the mid-Nineties while holidaying in America, that I saw a TV documentary about people like me realised I had a medical condition.


    'I then found out about some into synaesthesia at the Maudsley Hospital in London and contacted them ten years ago.


    'A brain scan showed that the area processing taste lit up not only when I ate something, as it does for everyone, but also unusually, when I heard words and word sounds.


    'When I was at university I found it quite hard to concentrate as the words of lecturers would flood my mouth with flavours.


    'That's why I choose to work in information technology, a quiet profession which does not require me to talk or interact much with other people.


    'This condition has also affected the types of women I go out with.


    'Whereas Barbara or Helen are nice juicy flavours to me, a friend married a women whose name, Colleen, makes me nauseous. I find it hard to say or hear her name as a result.


    'Food names don't necessarily bring the taste of the food. For example, the word oyster triggers the taste of chocolate.


    'I have actually stopped eating out with other people because their conversation creates so many different tastes in my mouth that it ruins my enjoyment of the food.


    'Sometimes my synaesthesia has proved useful - at school it helped me memorise things because I could remember flavours.


    'A good example would be the kings and queens of England which were a list of tastes.


    'I wouldn't want to be without synaesthesia, but I would like to be without it briefly, so I could understand what other people's lives are like. I imagine it wouldn't be as interesting.'




    Link with other stories of rewired brains





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